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In Hinduism and in some related Asian cultures, chakra is

thought to be an nexus of metaphysical and/or biophysical
energy residing in the human body.

The chakras are thought to vitalise the physical body and to be

associated with interactions of a physical, emotional and
mental nature. They are considered loci of life energy, or
prana, (also called shakti), which is thought to flow among
them along pathways called nadis. The function of the chakras
is to spin and draw in this Universal Life Force Energy to keep
the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body
in balance.

The word "chakra" is Sanskrit and it signifies a wheel, A chakra

is an energy point in the human body and its energy system
through which power and life-force flow.

“ The chakras are conceived of as focal points

where psychic forces and bodily functions merge with and
interact with each other”
- The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol 3,
1993, page 58
According to Shiva samhita there are six Chakras in the
human body, each a different colour and are located in
various Portions of Sushumna

Muladhara Chakra

Swadhishthana Chakra

Manipura Chakra

Anahata Chakra

Vishuddha Chakra

Ajna Chakra

Appearance: Like a lotus of four petals

Place :aÉÑSɲrÉÇaÉÑsÉiÉ¶É FkuÉïÇ qÉãRíãûMüÉÇaÉÑsÉxiuÉkÉÈ

(shiva samhita 5/56)
Two fingers above the Gudha and
one finger below the Medra.
Four fingers in width
Colour : All the four petals are
blood red.
Letters On the four petals:
uÉ , vÉ , wÉ , xÉ
Mahabhuta: At the center of this
lotus is present Square region of
Prithvi Beeja: cryptic letter Lam.
Beeja bearer: Airavata (King of elephants)
God: Brahma

Godess: Dakini

Quality: Gandha

Sense organ: Nose

Motor organ: Anus

In the pericap of it is Triangular yoni . There dwells the godess Kundalini

It has three and half coils like serpent. the coils represent the three
gunas satwa,rajas and tamas and half coil represent the evolutes of
Prakriti. She is the goddess of speech & is the power of Vishnu.
A great energy rests in the Perineum and is called the
Swayambhu linga
.Rest all the chakras dependes on
this i.e. why it is called as
Mooladhara chakra.

AmÉÉlÉÉ uÉÉrÉÑ is related to this


1. Conquering the prithvi tatva
2. Restrains his semen
3. Result of concentration-
Health and Vidya
Appearance : Lotus with six petals.

Place : ̲iÉÏrÉliÉÑ xÉUÉãeÉlcÉ

ÍsÉÇaÉqÉÔsÉã urÉuÉÎxjÉiÉqÉç
samhita 5/75)
It is situated at the base of Medra.
Color : Blood red
Letters On petals:
oÉ , pÉ , qÉ , rÉ , U , sÉ .
Mahabhuta: At the center
of this Chakra is present Varuna
Chakra in the form of the lunar ring.
Varuna Beeja: cryptic letter Vam.
Beeja bearer : Makara (Crocodile)
God : Vishnu

Godess : Rakini

Quality :Rasa

Sense organ: Tongue

Motor organ: Pennis

It is the seat of AmÉÉlÉÉ uÉÉrÉÑ|

1.Control over Aap tatva .
2. Attainment of poetic powers and Yoga.and control over
negative emotions like kama and krodha.
3. Becomes an object of love

Appearance : Lotus with ten petals

Place : iÉÑïiÉÏrÉÇ mÉÇMüeÉÇ lÉÉpÉÉå

(Shiva samhita 5/79)
Located in nabhi sthana

Color of petals: Blue

Letters on petals : Qû , Rû , hÉ , iÉ ,
jÉ , S , kÉ , lÉ , mÉ , Tü .
Mahabhuta : At the center of this
Chakra is the triangular region of Agni
Agni Beeja :Cryptic letter Ram.
Beeja bearer : Ram
God: Rudra
Godess: Lakini
Quality: Rupa
Sense organ: Eye
Motor organ: Feet
Saman vata is related to this

1. Conquering the agni.
2. Result of concentration-Vidya and capacity.
Appearance : Like a lotus with twelve petals

Place : ¾ÒûSrÉã AlÉÉWûiÉÇ lÉÉqÉ cÉiÉÑjÉïÇ mÉÇMüeÉÇ

(Shiva samhita 5/83) It is
present near heart and also know as
Hridaya Kamala.
Colour : Deep blood red
Letters on petals : Mü ,ZÉ , aÉ , bÉ , Qû ,
cÉ , Nû , eÉ , fÉ , lcÉ , Oû , Pû .
Mahabhuta: Region of Vayu beautiful
with Six corners of interlacing triangles which
is like unto the smoke in colour is here.
Beeja of Vayu: cryptic Mantra "Yam".
Beeja bearer: Deer

God: Isana , Rudra

Godess: Kakini
The Shakti is in the pericap of this
lotus in the form of a triangle
Quality: Sparsha
Sense organ: Tvak
Motor organs :Hands
It is the seat of Pranavayu.

1.Achievement of Rationality, Godliness.
2.It regulates the functions of Heart and Lungs.
3.Gets immeasurable knowledge
Appearance:like a lotus of sixteen petals

Place : MühOûxjÉÉlÉÎxjÉiÉÇ mÉ©Ç ÌuÉvÉÑkSÇ

lÉÉqÉ mÉÇcÉqÉqÉç
(Shiva samhita 5/90)
It is situated in the Kanta Pradesha
Colour of Petals :Dark smoke
Mahabhuta: At the centre of this
Letters on petals : A to A:
chakra there is Akasha region circular
in shape and white like full moon.
Beeja of Akasha: Cryptic word Ham
Beeja bearer :Elephant.
God: Five faced sadaasiva

Godess - Shaakini

Quality :Shabda

Sense organ: Ear

Motor organ: Vak

It is the seat of ESÉlÉuÉÉrÉÑ,

1.Attains highest success becomes wise.
2. Gets full knowledge of four vedas.
3. Becomes trikala jnani(knows past,present and future)
4. Result of concentration Speech & Knowledge.
Appearance : Like a lotus of two petals.

Location : AÉelÉÉmÉ©Ç pÉëÑuÉÉåqÉïkrÉã

Wû¤ÉÉåmÉãiÉÇ Ì²mÉiÉMüqÉç
(Shiva samhita 5/96 )
Between the two eyebrows
at the forehead.
Colour of petals :
Fair like the moon white
Letter on petals: Wû , ¤É .
At the center of this lotus is
the abode of the mind.
Beeja: cryptic letter OM.
This is the inner spiritual form of Omkara,
God: Lingam

Godess: Hakini

1. Destruction of all
karmas of past life.
3. Increase of mental capacities
Chakras and the Nervous System

Important plexus lying at this site is Sacro-coccygeal plexus.

It’s four petals are related to four sympathetic nerve plexus. They

uÉ – Inferior Haemorrhoidal Plexus- supplies to Rectum.

vÉ – Vesical Plexus- it supplies to Bladder.

wÉ – Prostatic Plexus- In males it supplies to prostate.

In females it supplies to Yoni.

xÉ – Uterine Plexus- In females it supplies to Garbhashaya. In

males it supplies to spermatic cord.
Lumbar plexus is in this region . It has six petals are
related to six plexuses. They are:-

oÉ - Spermatic plexus – supplies to scrotum and testis.

pÉ – Left colic plexus- supplies to dissending colon.

qÉ - Sigmoid plexus- supplies to sigmoid colon.

rÉ - Superior Haemorrhoidal Plexus- supplies to superior

rectal part.

U – Inferior mesentric plexus.

sÉ – Hypogastric plexus- supplies to the pelvic organs.


Coeliac plexus is present at this site. It has ten petals with the following
plexus related to them.

Qû – Phrenic Plexus- supplies to diaphragm and Kidneys.

Rû – Hepatic Plexus- it is large one & supplies to liver & Amashaya.
hÉ – Spleenic Plexus- supplies to spleen.
rÉ – Superior Gastric Plexus- supplies to Amashaya.
jÉ – Supra renal Plexus- supplies to supra renal glands.
S – Renal Plexus- supplies to Kidneys and Ureters.
kÉ – Spermatic Plexus- supplies to spermatic cord
lÉ – Superior Mesentric Plexus- supplies to small intestines.
mÉ- Pancreatic Plexus- supplies to Agneashaya.
Tü- ColicPlexus- supplies to part of small intestine, cecaum and iliocecal
Cardiac plexus is present at this site.The twelve petals are related to
the following plexuses.

Mü – Right deep cardiac plexus.

ZÉ – Left deep cardiac plexus.
aÉ – Anterior Pulmonary plexus.
bÉ – Posterior Pulmonary plexus.
Qèû. – Superficial cardiac plexus.
cÉ – Cardiac ganglion of Wrisberg plexus.
Nû – Right coronary plexus.
eÉ – Ventricular plexus.
fÉ - Left coronary plexus.
gÉ – Endocardiac plexus.
Oû-Myocardiac plexus
Pû – Bibders ganglion plexus.
Pharyngeal plexus is mainly present at this site .The 16 bheja aksharas
have been explained with the following plexus.

1. A- Superior cervical plexus.

2. AÉ- Carotid plexus.
3. C- Cavernous plexus.
4. D- Internal & External cerebral plexus.
5. E- Pharyngeal plexus.
6. F- Laryngeal plexus.
7. G-Superficial cardiac plexus.
8. H- External carotid plexus.
9. sÉÑ- Superior, Inferior & Middle cervical plexus
10. I- External middle cervical plexus.
11. L- Thyroid plexus.
12. Lã- Middle cardiac plexus.
13. AÉå- Superior & Inferior cervical plexus.
14. AÉæ- Subclavian plexus.
15. AÇ- Inferior cardiac plexus.
16. AÈ- Vertebral plexus.

Important nervous structures lying at this site are

Cavernous plexus
Olfactory bulb

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