Chapter 10 A - Internet Basics

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Computer Skills for Mass

Communication (CS)

• Internet
• Services of Internet
• Web Browser
• Web Server
• Types of Web Pages
• Search Engine
• Internet is the largest computer network that
connects millions of computers all over the world.
• Computers connected to the internet can exchange
information with each other.
• These computers are connected through different
telecommunication links like
– Phone Lines
– Fiber Optics Lines
– Satellites and Wireless Connections
Benefits of Internet for Students
• Online Education
• Downloading Software
• Online Results
• Online Tutorials and Lectures
• Research
• Online Encyclopedia
• Discussion Groups
Services of Internet
• www
• Email
• Mailing List
• Newsgroups
• Message Board
World wide Web (www)
• www stands for World Wide Web.
• It is also called web.
• It is a collection of documents or web pages
stored on web servers connected to the
internet around the world.
• It provides the facility to publish information
on the internet.
World wide Web (www)
• A webpage is a document on the world wide
• It may contain text, graphics, audio and video.
• A collection of related webpages is called a
• Anyone can view the webpages through a web
Uses of www
• Advertisement
• Shopping
• Flight information
• Government authorities
• News
• Search engines
• Email stands for electronic mail.
• It is the exchange of text, messages and files
through internet.
• Messages can be in the form of graphics,
sounds, video clips or simple text.
• It is a fast way if delivering messages
anywhere in the world in a very short time.
• Every email account has a unique email
• An email address usually has two parts
– User ID
– Identity of email service
• These two parts are separated by the symbol
Advantages of Email
• It is very fast and cheap.
• The users can send and receive messages
anywhere in the world.
• The user can share any information with
different people.
• It is possible to send and receive email
through mobile phones.
Disadvantages of Email

• Lack of privacy
• Junk email
• Possible delay
• Communication problems
• Spreading of viruses
Mailing List
• A mailing list is a group of email addresses.
• An email sent to a mailing list is received by
everyone in the mailing list.
• The users can subscribe to a mailing list to receive
• The users can unsubscribe from the mailing list at
any time to stop receiving mails.
• Thousands of mailing lists exist on a variety of topics
in the areas of business, computers, society, culture,
health, recreation and education.
• A newsgroup is an online area where the users
conduct written discussions about a particular
• A user sends a message to newsgroup to
participate in a discussion.
• Other users in the newsgroup read and reply
to the message.
• The entire collection of internet newsgroups is
called Usenet.
• It contains thousands of newsgroups on
different topics.
• Some major topic areas include education,
news, recreation, business and computers.
• The user must use a program called a
newsreader to participate in a newsgroup.
• It is included in most of the browsers and is
used to access a newsgroup to read an article.
• Users can also add any article related to the
type of newsgroup and this procedure is called
Message boards
• Message board is a web based discussion
• Message boards are also called discussion
boards and are easier to use than news
• They do not require a news reader.
• Many websites provide message boards for
their users.

• DNS stands for domain name system.

• It is a system for naming computers and
network services that is organized into a
hierarchy of domains.
• DNS naming is used to locate computers and
services through user friendly names.
• An often-used analogy to explain the Domain Name System is
that it serves as the phone book for the Internet by translating
human-friendly computer hostnames into IP addresses.
• For example, the domain name translates
to the addresses
• Unlike a phone book, DNS can be quickly updated, allowing a
service's location on the network to change without affecting
the end users, who continue to use the same host name.
• Users take advantage of this when they use meaningful
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), and e-mail addresses
without having to know how the computer actually locates
the services.
Web Browser
• It is a software used to view web pages.
• It acts as an interface between the user and
the internet and can display text and graphics.
• A browser is often included in the operating
system of a computer or a mobile device.
• Some popular web browsers are Mozilla
Firefox, internet explorer, safari, Google
chrome and opera.
Web server
• A web server is an information technology
that processes requests via HTTP, the basic
network protocol used to distribute
information on the World Wide Web.
• The term can refer either to the entire
computer system, an appliance, or specifically
to the software that accepts and supervises
the HTTP requests.
Web server
• Web servers are computers that deliver
(serves up) Web pages. Every Web server has
an IP address and possibly a domain name.
• For example, if you enter the URL in
your browser, this sends a request to the Web
server whose domain name is
Types of websites
• A website is a collection of related web pages,
including multimedia content, typically
identified with a common domain name.
• There are many different types of websites
e.g. portal, news, social news sites, social
networking sites, social media sharing sites,
informational sites, educational sites and
entertainment sites.
Types of websites
• Portal is a website that provides different
types of internet services such as search
engine, news, sports and weather, auctions,
emails etc.
• Some popular portals are yahoo, AltaVista and
Types of websites
• News website provides different types of news
related to current affairs, politics, sports,
weather etc.
• They provide stories, articles and other related
• Popular magazines and newspapers provide the
news on websites.
• Some examples are and
Types of websites
• Social news sites are interactive and allow the
users to share their findings.
• They are different form traditional media news
sites as some of the content is submitted by
the users.
• The content gets the most votes is promoted
to the front page.
• Some common examples are reddit and Digg.
Types of websites
• Social networking sites such as facebook and
Linkedin are online communities that combine
many features.
• Social networks are used to chat in real time,
post messages for all and send a personal
• Social networking allows the users to keep in
touch with friends and make new one.
Types of websites
• Social media sharing sites such as youtube
and flickr are used to share media.
• Youtube is the largest online video hosting
website in the world.
• It allows the users to subscribe to other user’s
channels, send messages and recommend
Types of websites
• Informational website provides information
with facts and figures.
• Governments provide information about
different departments and policies for general
• Some examples are and
Types of websites
• Educational websites provide educational
material related to teaching and learning.
• Many website provide online training classes
where people can learn different skills.
• Educational institutes also display results and
course material on websites.
• Some examples are and
Types of websites
• Entertainment website provide material for
recreation and enjoyment.
• These websites provide music, videos, sports,
games and chats.
• Many websites also provide online shows and
live sports.
Search Engines
• Search engine is a website that provides the facility
to find the required websites on a particular topic.
• A user can search any topic on internet using search
• Search engines contains the record of many
websites, it searches the required websites and
display them to the users.
• They are very powerful tools for finding information.
Some popular search engines are google, yahoo and

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