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Who are your Target Market?
(age, gender, What is your Product ? Suitable Name for the Product
income) (description)

Suitable Color Suitable shape Suitable Material for the Packaging

for the Packaging for the Packaging

Justify your Brand Name using the

Sketch the Product, sketch the logo Create a Brand Name
Branding Strategies
Task 1. Invent a new product and give it a name.
sketch it.

Task 2. Once you have chosen the name for your

product write a short explanation. in your
explanations you should describe your product and
explain how and why you chose its name.
Your Sketch
Here are some useful phrases that may help you with your tasks and

My Target Market is/are___________________________________________

I would like to introduce my new product ___________________________
I chose the name _______________________ because_________________
You can use it to __________________________________________________ I
chose the Brand Name ___________________ because _______________

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