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First Aid

Basics of Immediate Care

Presented by [Your Name]
Date: [Today's Date]
What is First Aid?
• First aid is help given to someone who is hurt
or sick.
• It's important because it can save lives and
help people feel better.
Principles of First Aid
• Assess the situation: Make sure it's safe for
you and the person who is hurt.
• Call for help: Ask an adult or call emergency
• Provide care: Do what you can to help until
professionals arrive.
What is in a First Aid Kit?
• Bandages
• Antiseptic wipes
• Adhesive tape
• Scissors
• Gloves
• It’s good to have a first aid kit at home and in
the car.
How to Treat Bleeding

• Small cuts: Wash with water, put on a

• Bigger cuts: Press firmly with a clean cloth,
keep pressing until it stops bleeding.
How to Treat Burns
How to Help Someone Choking
• Ask them if they can talk or cough.
• If not, give back blows (pat on the back) and
get help fast.
• Remember, first aid can help people feel
better and save lives.
• Always ask for help from an adult.
• Be safe and stay calm.

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