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syllabus : [sources are
removed]Causes for Raise of
Jainism and Buddhism in 6th
Century B.C., Doctrines
Real life Super
Causes for raise of Buddhism
& Jainism:
Reaction Expensive and beyond the reach of the
against ritualism: ordinary people.

Kshatriyas were against it as corrupt

Corruption in practices of the priests compelled the
Religion: ordinary people

Varna system stopped social

Rigid caste mobility, inter caste marriages
system: were prohibited so inter change of
caste was not possible.
Causes: contd…
All rituals - in Sanskrit, As they didn’t
Difficult understand the language, they could not
Language: understand the religion too.
Bimbisara and Ajatashatru – free from
Political Brahmanic influence, liberal & tolerant.
situation: Patronized Buddhism & jainism.
Farmers needed animals for agricultural
activities. sought a religion,that do not
Agricultural ask for animal sacrifice. So Buddhism &
Economy: Jainism that spread non-violence and
against animal sacrifice was accepted.
- Non - v
io l e nc e

–non s

Satya –not telling a lie

g p r o p e r ty
a – n o t p oss es s i n
Aparigra h
h a s t it y

c t i s i n gc
a r y a – pr a
mac h Teachings of Jainism –The five vows
Nine Truths –
central philosophy of Jainism
Ajiva Jiva
Non – Living
Pap 2014
Living things things
Result of
Sin good deed
Good deeds
sanvar 2018
Hindrance in the
way of karma Bondage Destruction of
karma Salvation
Doctrines of Jainism
Karma- responsible for one’s own action.
Equality: all are equal. Men, women, insect,
plant and all living things. All irrespective of
caste, creed and varied forms of life should be
shown compassion.
Eternal soul: Atma – immortality of the soul.
Salvation: moksha – free from births.
Belief in penance: santhara – to die out of
starvation was considered a virtue.
The Four Great Sight
Great Sight

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for your
Under Deep Renounced his Family
Thoughts as he and Place in search of
returned to Place answer…

Had so many After deep medita-

questions in Him tion & fasting, he
found the answer
Sufferings has Desire is the cause
a cause for all sufferings
01 02

The world If desire is

is full of stopped,
Four 04 sufferings
Nobel can also be
Infographic Style
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Eight fold path – a way to Nirvana – ‘salvation ’
Right action To remain away from theft, violence, luxury.

Right thought To remain away from empty rituals and worldly evils

Right believe To give desire

Right living Not to have dishonest dealings with others.
Right speech Speak truth and do not think ill of others.
Right effort work for deliverance and sins and for the welfare of
Right recollection Think about pious things.
Right meditation Concentrate on only what is right.
Attitude Whole universe is held by Dharma – universal
towards god law.
Code of conduct Not to tell a lie, not to own a property, not to
consume alcohol, not to commit violence, not to
indulge in corrupt practices.
Karma – wheel of Man is the maker of his destiny, evil deeds will be
existence punished, believed in rebirth.
Stress on morality Practice nonviolence and l2ead an upright life.
Nirvana -salvation A peaceful state of mind , free from birth & Death.
Universal Live in peace devoid of differences.
No faith in ritual Yajnas can’t change man’s destiny.
Ahimsa Nonviolence, importance to conduct, values.
The Sangha Organisation with monastic order to teach
Buddhism. Helped the spread of Buddhism
beyond Indian boundaries.
Membership Bhikshus – monks , Bhikshunis – nuns. Minimum age –
15yrs. Renounce the world before joining Sangha.
Paramita - Ten • To speak the truth, to abide by Brahmacharya.
commandments • Not to harm creatures, not to won property, not to use
intoxicants. To shun music &dance.
• To take meals only at fixed times.
• Not to scented goods, not sleep in a cushion, not to
keep money.

Viharas Monks are supposed to go around the country for 8

months a year. They stayed in Virahas, special rules were
followed to maintain discipline.
Similarities between Jainism & Buddhism:
Founders of both of the religions, Buddha and
Mahavira belonged to the Kshatriya clan.
Both sought attainment of salvation- free from cycle
of birth & Death. Thus believed in the concept of
Both did not accept Vedas. Non – Violence was their
Monks and nuns of Buddhism and Jainism had to
renounce their family life and he world.
They had to lead a life of Chastity.
Dissimilarities between Jainism & Buddhism:
Buddhism Jainism

Completely a new Founded long before

religion in 6th century B.C. Mahavira. He was the last
Followed middle path Followed hard penance

Spread far & wide and Did not spread beyond

developed a cultural Indian shores.
evolution in India.

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