Conflict Theory and Social Institution

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(1). Explain conflict thoery along with its assumptions and criticism?

Ans:- Conflict theory is also called as marxism.Conflict theory is a sociological perspective

that views society as characterized by various inequalities and conflicts that arises from
the competition for resources. Conflict theory is a theoretical framework used to
understand and explain in social conflicts within a broader society context. Conflict
theory is introduced by Karl Marx, in 19th century German Philosopher,econologist and
Conflict theory suggests that society is shaped by ongoing conflicts and struggles
between different groups.conflict occurs over many aspects of society such as status,
power.According to weber society not only has two class but also middle class.Uneven
Marx emphasized the role of economic factors in these conflicts, highlighting how social
structures and institutions maintain and perpetuate inequality.The theory focuses on how
these conflicts contribute to social change and the evolution of societies over time.
Now Here are some assumptions of conflict theory is built on several key assumptions that
shape its perspective on society. They are:-
1) In-equality
2) Power struggles
3) economic determination
4) social change
5) Critique of status
6) Power imbalance
7) Class struggle

 In-eqaulity:- Conflict theorists assumes that social structures inherently

produced and maintain inequality.They argue thatpower and resources are
unevenly distributed among different group in society.
Power struggles:- The theory assumes that there atre constant power struggles
between different social groups. Theses struggles can be economic,political or
related to other resources and they are influences the way society is
 Economic determination:- Conflicts theory , often emphasizeseconomic factor
as central to social conflictsas central to social conflicts.This control and
ownership of the means of production are seen as essential in shaping
societal social dyanamics.
 Social change:- Conflicts teorists believed that social change occurs through
conflicts and revolutions. They argue that societal social structures
As a result of ongoing struggles and tension between dominant and subordinate groups:
Class struggle:- Karl Marx a key figure in conflict theory,emphasized class struggle as a
driving force in history,where the working class challenges the dominent of rulling class.
Now here are some criticism of conflict theory
i) criticized for oversimplifying social phenomena by focusing to much on conflict.
ii) Accused of presentating a deterministic view without sufficient consideration for
stability or change.
iii) May neglect instances of cooperation and shared interest between different social
iv) Provides a macro-level analysis,potentially overlooking micro-level social dynamic.
v) Criticized for neglecting for stabilizing functions of social institutions and downplaying
2). What is social institution? Describe the functions of institution.
Ans:- Social institutions are permanent social entities governed through norms and
values helps to control the human actions and interactions along with other social
activities. It encompasses marriage, family, kinship, political institution cultural institution
and formal-informal institution as well. “Social institution is a structure of society that
is organized to meet the need of people chiefly through well established procedures”.
It controls human behaviour, way of thinking and doing in maintaining peace,harmony,
social order, social solidarity and integrity in society.
The functions of institution are described below:-
1. Socialization:- Social institution, like family and education,play a crucial role in shapping
individual and transmitting cultural values,norms and behaviors.
2. Order and Stability:- Institutions,particularly legal and political ones, contribute to
maintaining order and stability within society by establishing rules,laws
and governance structures.
3. Economic Support:- Institution such as the economic and labor market provide the
framework for individuals to participate in economic activities,earn a
living and contribute to the overall prosperity of society.
4. Health and Well-being:- Healthcare institutions address the health needs of the population
offeriong medical services,promoting wellness,and responding to
health crises.
5. Reproduction and Family:- Family as an institution serves the function of reproduction
and child rearing,contributing to the continuity of society by
raising and socializing the next generation.
6. Education and knowledge transfer:- Educational institutions facilitate the transfer of
knowledge,skills and values,preparing individuals for
active participation in society and contributing to
personal development.
7. Social Control:- Institutions establish norms and rules and through various mechanisms,
they exert social control to discourage deviant behavior and maintain
cohension within the community.

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