21st Century Skills

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Century Skills: 4Cs

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The Delors Report (1996)
International Commission on
Education for the Twenty-first Century

Learning to Live
01 03
Learning to Know

02 04
Learning to Do Learning to Be
Wagner (2010) and the Change
Leadership Group

01 Critical thinking
and problem solving 04 Initiative and
Collaboration and
02 leadership
Effective oral and written
Accessing and analysing
Agility and adaptability
06 information

07 Curiosity and imagination

Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)
coalition of business leaders
and educators

01 Learning
and Innovation Skills

02 Information, Media and Technological


03 Life and Career Skills


Learning Literacy
Skills Life Skills

NEP 2020
The aim of education will not only be cognitive
development, but also building character and creating
holistic and well-rounded individuals equipped with the
key 21st century skills.
21st Century Skills
Refers to the skills that are required to enable an individual to
face the challenges of the 21st century world that is

01 globally-active 03 digitally transforming

02 moving forward 04 creatively progressing

seeking competent human-

05 resource 06 quick in adopting changes
“Today, because of rapid economic and
social change, schools have to prepare
students for jobs that have not yet been
created, technologies that have not yet
been invented and problems that we don't
yet know will arise.”
Andreas Schleicher,
OECD Education Directorate,
Global Competence

Multi-dimensional construct
 requires a combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
 successfully applied to global issues or intercultural
Global Competence
Global issues refer to those that
 affect all people, and have deep implications for current and future
 successfully applied to global issues or intercultural

Intercultural situations refer to

 face-to-face, virtual or mediated encounters with people who are
perceived to be from a different cultural background.
Communication Skill
Communication refers to the ability to
express one’s opinions, desires, needs,
apprehensions etc. oneself appropriately,
verbally and non-verbally.
Collaboration Skill
Collaboration is the ability to effectively work
together with others. This skill involves
 Working together while taking actions respecting others’
needs and perspectives and contributing to and
accepting the finale.
 helps to develop interest and fun in the teaching
learning process.
Collaboration Skill
 It effectively broadens the cultural, social, and
environmental boundaries
 It helps a child to understand social and environmental
concerns better.
Creativity & Innovation
Creativity refers to new way of seeing or doing
things and includes four components
 generating new ideas
 shifting perspective easily
 conceiving of something new
 building on others' ideas
Innovative Skills mean skills for thinking creatively
to develop something new/ unique / improved /
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Critical Thinking is the capability of objective analysis of
information and includes the following qualities:
 fairness and open-mindedness
 activeness and being informed
 willingness to question or to entertain doubts
 being independent
 recognizing and assessing values, peer pressure
and the media influences
Problem Solving
Problem Solving is the skill of:
 identifying the relevant piece of information when faced
with a mass of data
 discarding information that may not be useful to give
new information
 relating one set of information to another in a different
form by using experience
 relating new problems to ones we have previously
Presentation By
Ranajit Kondhare, TA
(Primary), ZIET,
Thank You

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