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Wound and its types

• Wound: It is discontinuity or break in the surface epithelium or break in the integrity of
the skin or tissue. A wound is simple when only skin is involved. It is complex when it
involves underlying nerves, vessels, tendons etc.

• Types of wound
1. Closed wound
2. Open wound

1. Closed wound: Closed wound is a wound in which there is no break in the

continuity of the skin, but, the underlying tissues are damaged to a varying
Types of closed wound

i. Bruises/contusions: A bruise is hemorrhage into the skin, subcutaneous tissues, or

deeper tissues. It is due to extravasation of blood into the tissues, following rupture of
small blood vessels, as a result of blunt force.
ii. Hematoma: Hematoma is defined as collection of blood outside of blood vessel that is
generally form by a rupture in blood vessel wall or occurs spontaneously as in patient
who have bleeding tendencies such as hemophilia.
2. Open wounds: Open wounds or external wound is a wound in which there is
discontinuity in the skin or other covering tissues to a varying depth. They are
further sub-divided into different categories as following

i. Abrasions: Abrasion is destruction of superficial layer of skin( epidermis). It occurs

when your skin rubs or scrapes against a rub or hard surface. Road rash is an example
of abrasion.
ii. Avulsion: It is a wound characterized by tearing of the tissue from its attachments.
iii. Incised wound: It is wound caused by sharp objects like knife, blade, and glass. The
edges of the wound are smooth, with minimal trauma to the surrounding tissues.
iv. Laceration: A laceration is a wound that is produced by the tearing off soft body
tissue. This type of wound is often irregular and rough and cause by blunt force.
v. Punctured Wound: A puncture wound formed when a sharp object enter the skin
and creates a small hole without entering a body cavity, such as a nail.

vi. Penetrating Wound: when a sharp object penetrate the skin, creating a single open
wound, and enters a tissue or body cavity, such as a knife stab
vii. Crush injury: A crush injury occurs when force or pressure is put on a body part. This
type of injury most often happens when part of the body is squeezed between two
heavy objects. Compression of the body parts causing localized muscles and nerve
damage. Frequently injury seen in both natural( earthquakes) and man-
made( bombings, industrial accidents) disasters.

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