Could Do and Could Have (Done)

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A We use CAN to say that AND (BE) COULD and WAS ABLE TO
something is posible or allowed, We use COULD for general
or that somebody has the
ability to do something. We use
ABLE TO ability. But if you want to say
that somebody did something
can + infinitive (can do/can see in a specific situation, use
etc..) was/were able to or managed
B You can say that somebody
to (not could)
~We can see the lake from our is able to do something but
hotel can is more usual:
~’I don´t have a pen.’ ‘You can ~We are able to see the
use mine lake from our hotel
~The fire spread through the
building very quickly, but
fortunately everybody was able
C COULD to escape/managed to escape
Sometimes could is the past of CAN. (not could escape)
The negative is CAN´T We use COULD especially with: ~We didn´t know where David
was, but we managed to find
(=cannot): See—hear—smell—taste—feel— /were able to find hime in the
~I´m afraid I can´t come remember—understand end (not could find)
to the party on Friday ~We had a lovely room in the hotel. We
could see the lake
~As soon as I walked into the room, I
could smell gas
E We use couldn´t to say that A COULD is not only used to talk in
D We use COULD
something would not be
HAVE (DONE) to past we can also used COULD to
possible :
talk about the past talk about possibles actions now or
-I couldn´t live in a big city, I´d
hate it (=I wouldn´t be posible in the future (specially to make
EX: I´m so tired I for me suggestions
could sleep for a week For the past we use couldn´t
have (done)
-I was so tired I could -We had a really Good holiday. It
A: What shall we do tonight
have slept for a week couldn´t have been better B: We could go to the cinema
A: When you go to Paris next month,
COULD you could stay with Sarah
CWE can also COULD (NOT
can) to say that something (DO) AND B:Yes, I suppose, I could
( a situation is happening is COULD
posible now or in the CAN is also possible in these
future. The meaning is HAVE sentences (¨we can go to the
similar to MAY or MIGHT cinema etc….) COULD is less sure
(DONE) than CAN
B We use COULD not CAN
EX: the story could be for actions that are not
true, but I don´t think realistics EX: I´m so tired I could sleep for a
it is (NOT can be true) week (NOT I can sleep for a week)
You can use MUST to
say that you believe
´T You can use CAN´T to say
someting is certain:
A that you believe something is
not possible
• You´ve been travelling
• You´ve just had lunch. You
all day. You must be
can´t be hungry already.
tired (Travelling is
(people are not normally
tiring and you´ve
hungry just after eating
travelling all day, so
meal. You´ve just eaten, so
you must be tired)
you can´t be hungry)

B • “We used to live near the

motorway, Did you? It must
have been noisy
• I´ve lost one of my gloves.
You must have dropped it
Modal verbs of possibilities-hacer apuntes
A A We use may or might to say that
something is possible. Usually you can
use MAY or MIGHT, so you can say:

• It may be true or It might be true

(=perhaps It is true)
• She might know or she may know

B For the past we use may have (done) or

might have (done)
A:I wonder why Kate didn´t answer her The negative forms are may not and
phone might not (or mightn´t)
B: She may have been asleep (=perhaps
she was asleep) • It may not be true. (=perhaps it
A:I can´t find my phone anywhere isn´t true)
B:You might have left it at work (perhaps
you left it at work
/meɪ/ /maɪt/

A We use MAY and MIGHT to

MIGHT 2 B Usually you can use MAY or
talk about possible actions or CWe also use may/might be –ING MIGHT. So you can say:
happenings in the future for posible plans. Compare ~I may go to Irland.
~I haven´t decided yet where ~I´m going to Ireland in July. OR
to go on holiday. I may go to (for sure) I might go to Irland
Ireland (=perhaps I Will go ~I might be going (or I may be ~Jane might be able to help you
there) going) to Irland soon (possible) OR
~Take an umbrela with you. It *But you can also say “I might Jane may be able to help you
might rain later (=perhaps It go/I may go…”with Little
Will rain) difference in meaning
But we use only MIGHT (not
MAY) when the situation is not
C There is a continous form: may/might be –ing. real:
Compare this with Will be –ING ~If they paid me better, I might
~Don´t phone at 8:30. I´ll be watching the work harder. (NOT I may work)
football on television *The situation here is not real
~Don´t phone at 8:30. I might be watching (or because they do not pay me well,
I may be watching) the football on TV (=perhaps so I´m not going to work harder
I´ll be watching it)
WELL I had 12 donuts, I ate 8
of them, I´ll sabe the
We use MIGHT AS WELL/MAY AS WELL rest for tomorrow I
It´s raining outside, I might as well finish them
might as well stay home whe we´re saying there´s notihng better
to do, this is a Good idea because they´ll be old

Imagine you´re at a party, the music

isn´t really Good, your friend aren´t
there =I might as well go home there
´s nothing better to do

A:What time are you going out?

B:Well, I ready, so I might as well go now
~Buses are so expensive these days, you
might as well get a taxi (=Taxis are as
Good, no more expensives)
=It´s necessary to do it. I am We use HAVE TO (not usually
A B must) to say what someone is
obligeted to do it
~You can´t turn right here. You obliged to do. The speaker is not
have to turn left giving his/her opinion
~I have to wear glasses for ~I have to work from 8:30 to 5:30
Reading every day. ( a fact, not a opinion)
~Robert can´t come out with us ~Jane has to travel a lot for her
this evening, He has to work work
latein questions and ~But Must is used in written rules and
We use do/does/did B instructions:
negatives sentences (for the present and past
~Applications for the job must be
~What do I have to do to get a new driving received by 18 may
license?(not What have I to do?) ~(exam instructions) Answer all the
~Karen doesn´t have to work Saturdays. (not questions. You must write your answer
Karen hasn´t to) in ink
BYou cannot use MUST to talk about the
~We didn´t have much time. We had
to hurry. (not we must hurry)

Mustn´t and don´t have to are

completely different

C You MUSTN´T do something =It is C You DON´T HAVE to do something = you

necessary that you do not do it (so don´t don´t need to do it (but you can If you
do it) want):
~You must keep this secret. You mustn´t ~You don´t have to tell Tom what
tell anyone (=don´t tell anyone) happened. I can tell him myself
~I promised I would be on time. I musn´t ~ I don´t have to be at the meeting. But
be late (=I must be on time) I think I´ll go anyway
A You MUSN´T do something =It is
necessary that you do not do it (so don´t
You MUST do something = It is
do it)
necessary that you do it
~You must keep it a secret. You musn´t
-Don´t tell anybody what I said. You
tell anyone (=don´t tell anyone)
must keep it a secret
~We must be very quiet. We musn´t make
-We haven´t got much time. We must
any noise)

B You can also use don´t/doesn´t need to

-You NEEDN´T do something =It´s not ~we don´t need to hury
necessary to do it (but you can if you like)
~We´ve got plenty of time. We needn´t REMEMBER that we say: DON´T NEED
hurry (=it is not necessary to hurry) TO DO/DOESN´T NEED TO DO, BUT
~Joe can stay here. He needn´t come with NEEDN´T DO (without to)
us (=It is not necessary for him to come)


Compare NEEDN´T (DO) and NEEDN´T HAVE TO (do)
did it but know we know that It wasn´t
~Everything Will be Ok. You needn´t worry. (It
is not necessary)
~Why did he get up at 5 o´clock? He needn´t
~Everything was Ok. You needn´t have worried
have got up so early. He could have stayed in
(you worried, but It was not necessary )
bed longer

D He DIDN´T NEED TO do something =it was not necessary to do it. It

doesn´t matter whether he did it or not
~He didn´t need to get up early, so he didn´t
~He didn´t need to get up, but it was a beautiful morning, he he did
*He didn´t have to…. Is also posible in these examples
You SHOULDN´T HAVE DONE You SHOULD DO something= It is a
something = You did it, but it was the Good thing to do or the right thing to
wrong thing to do: do. You can use should to give advice ot
~I´m feeling sick. I shouldn´t have to give an opinion
eaten so much (=I ate too much) ~You look tired you should go to bed

You SHOULD HAVE DONE something

=You didn´t do it, but It would have
been the right thing to do:
~You missed a great party last SHOU You SHOULDN´T do something = it isn´t
night. You should have come. Why a Good thing to do
didn´t you? (=you didn´t come, but
I would have been Good to come)
LD ~You shouldn´t believe everything you
read in the newspaper

B We also use SHOULD to say that we expect

something to happen: BYou can use SHOULD when something is
~Helen has been studying hard fo the exam, so she not right or what you expect:
should pass (=I expect her to pass) ~Where´s Tina? She should be here by
~There are plenty of hotels in the town. It shouldn´t now (=she isn´t here yet, and this is no
be hard to find a place to stay (=I don´t expect it to normal)
be hard
A ~You can use SHOULD after: This form (be/do/apologise etc..) is
Insist-recommend-suggest-demand- called the subjuctive. It is the same as
propose the infinitive (without to). You can also
- I insisted that he should apologise use normal present and past tenses
- Doctors recommend that everyone should ~It´s essential that everyone is here
eat plenty of fruit on time
~I insisted that he apologised

BYou can also leave out SHOULD in EYou can say “If something should happen…” for example
the sentence in section A. so you
can say ~We have no Jobs at present, but if the situation should
~It´s essential that everyone be change, we Will contact you
here on time (=that everyone You can also begin with should (SHOULD something
should be here) happen…)
~I insisted that he apologise ~Should the situation change, we Will contact you
(=that he should apologise) *This means the same as “IF the situation changes… with
SHOULD, the speaker feels that the possibility is smaller
Had better / It´s
The negative is I´d better not (=I had better
I´d better do something =It is advisable to do it. If
I don´t do it, there Will be a problem or a danger
~”The jacket looks Good on you. Are you going
~I have to meet Amy in ten minutes. I´d better go
to buy it? I´d better not It´s too expensive
now or I´ll be late
~You don´t look very well. You´d better not go
~”Shall I take an umbrela?, Yes, you´d better. It
out tonight
might rain”


Also, with HAD BETTER, there is always a
Had better is similiar to should, but not exactly the
danger or a problema if you don´t follow the
same. We use had better only for specific situation,
advice SHOULD means only “it is a Good thing
not for things in general. You can use should in all types
to do”.Compare:
of situations to give an opinión or give advice
~It´s a great film. You should go and see it
~It´s late. You´d better /you should go (a specific
(but no problema if you don´t)
~Thel film starts at 8:30. You´d better go now
~You´re always at home. You should go out more often.
or you´ll be late
(In general- not “had better go”)
But you can also say:
It´s late. It´s time we went home
You can say it´s time (for When we use it´s time + past (we went/ I
somebody) to… did/they were etc..), the meaning is
~It´s time to go home / it´s present , not past:
time for us to go home ~It´s time they were here. Why are they
so late? (not It´s time they are here)

You can also say It´s about It´s time somebody did something =they should
time….This makes the criticism have already done it or started it. We often use
stronger this structure to criticise or to complain:
~Jack is a great talker. But it´s about ~This situation can´t continue. It´s time you did
time he did something instead of just something about it
talking ~He´s verey selfish. It´s time he realised that
he isn´t the most important person in the world
A We use WOULD (´d) / wouldn´t when We use WOULD have (done) when we
we imagine a situation or action (=we imagine situations or actions in the
think of something that is not real): past (=things that didn´t happen):
~It would be nice to buy a new car, but ~They helped us a lot. I don´t know
we can´t afford it what we´d have done (=we would have
done) without their help

Would You can also use WOULD to talk

B Sometimes WOULD/WOULDN´T is
the past of Will / Won´t. compare about things that happened
PRESENT-tom: I´ll call you on regularly in the past:
C With this meaning
Sunday ~When we were children, we lived
WOULD is similar to by the sea. In summer, if the
PAST:Tom said he´d call me on USED TO
Sunday weather was fine, we would all get
~Whenever Ricaherd up early and go for a swim (=we did
PRESENT: Amy:I promise I won´t was angry, he used to
be late this regularly)
walk out of his room ~Whenever Richard was angry, he
PAST:Amy promised that she
wouldn´t be late would walk out of the room
THINGS (requests)
To ask to do something, we use
We use CAN or COULD to
ask people to do things:
~Can you wait a moment,
~(on the phone) Hello, can I
speak to Steve, please?
~”Could I use your phone? ‘sure’
To ask for something, we use ~Do you think I Could borrow
Or ~Could you wait a
Can I have..? /Could I have..? your bike?
moment, please?
Or Can I get..? ~May I came in? ‘Yes, please do’
~(In a shop) Can I have these
Note that we say Do you think postcards, please?
you Could…? (not can): Or Can I get these postcards, MAY is more formal than
~Do you think you could take please? CAN or COULD
me to the station? ~(During a meal) Could I have
salt, please?
To ask to do something, you can
We also use WILL and Would to also say Do you mind If I..? Or Is
ask people to do things (but May I have …? Is also it all right /Is it OK if I..?
can/could are more usual) posible ~Do you mind If I use your
~Helen, Will you do me a favor? ~May I have these phone? ‘sure. Go ahead’
~Would you please be quiet? I postcards. Please? ~’Is it all right if I come in? ‘yes,
´m trying to concetrate of course’
• OFFERING TO DO THINGS To offer or to invite, we use
To offer to do something, we use Would you like..? (NOT Do you
Can I…? like):
~Can I get you a cup of coffe? ~Would you like a cup od coffe?’
‘That would be nice’ ~Would you like to eat with us
~Can I help you? ‘ No, It´s all tonight? I´d love to
right, I can manage’

I´d like… is a polite way of saying

what you want:
~(at a tourist information office) I
´d like some information about
hotels, please
~(In a shop) I´d like to try on this
jacket, please

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