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Thank you letter

Unit 7 – Lesson 11.5 – P124-125

Lesson Objectives
LO1. Learners can pronounce familiar words and phrases
clearly while reciting the poem.
Learners speak clearly so that all students can hear
Learners recite at least 1 verse without any
word/phrase Criteria
• Statement 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
• Statement 2
• Sub statement
Activity 1. Let’s chant with teacher!

The whole class

5 mins

Teacher is in red.
The whole class is in blue.
Verse 1:

Dear Sun,
Just a line to say:
Thanks for this - and every day
Your dawns and sunsets - are just great.
Bang on time – never late.
Verse 2:

On dismal days - as grey as slate

Behind the cloud - You calmly wait
Till out you sail - with cheerful grace
To put a smile - on the whole world’s face
Verse 3:

Thanks for those - blazing days on beaches

For ripening apples - pears and peaches
For sharing out - Your noble glow
For sunsets - the loveliest things I know
Please carry on: We know your worth
Activity 2. Chant, memorize and recite!
Groups of 5

10 mins

Group 1 & 2: Vers

Complete the checklist form after you have finished.

Activity 2. Chant, memorize and recite!
Groups of 5

10 mins

All groups take turns to recite the poem (as the

whole group) in front of the class.
The other groups complete feedback form.
Lesson Objective
LO2. Identify what the writer wants to thank the
Sun by using information in the poem 'Thank you

Memorize Criteria
6 new words in Activity 1
• Statement 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Identify at
• Statement 2 least 3 things that the writer wants to thank
• Sub statement the Sun.
Activity 1. Let’s learn some new words

Groups of 5

5 mins

Board race
- Listen to the question and write down your
- Raise your answer if you’re called.
1. What is bang on time and never late?

Your dawns and sunsets - are just great.

Bang on time – never late.

Dawn Sunset
2. When does the Sun calmly wait behind the
On dismal days - as grey as slate

dismal slate
4. In the poem, what are the days on beaches

Thanks for those - blazing days on


3. In the poem, what does the Sun share out?

For sharing out - your noble glow

Activity 2. How can we thank the Sun?

5 mins
- Booster: Complete the table of things that the
writer wants to thank the Sun.
- Elite: Find three most impressive things that
the writer thanks the sun for; explain your
The things that the writer want to thank the Sun
1. He thanks …………..….………… and
………………….………sunset because they always arrive on
2. He thanks the Sun for ..………………………………….
……… waiting
calmly on dismal days. the cloud
3. He thanks the Sun for
blazing days on beaches.
4. He thanks the Sun for ………………………..
ripening apples, pears that
andwe can eat and give us
a lot of fibre.
5. He thanks the Sun for ……………………..……..
…………… that lightens
noble glowour world.
Elite: Three most impressive things that the writer
thanks the sun for; explain your answer.

- Challenge for all: Can you guess where the

writer lives? Why?

Clues: On dismal days - as grey as slate

Behind the cloud - You calmly wait
For ripening apples - Pears and
So far, we have done this:
LO2. Identify what the writer wants to thank the
Sun by using information in the poem 'Thank you

What and Success

why you want Criteria
to thank the Sun?
• (use at1 least
Statement Lorem 2 newdolor
ipsum words we consectetur
sit amet, have learned in your
adipiscing elit.
• Statement 2 answer)
• Sub statement
Brainstorm: what do you want to thank
the Sun and why?

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