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MGMT 192

with Duane Weaver


• Introductions
• Overview of Course Outline
• Overview of Course Text
• Overview of Cases and Teams
• Introduction to Management and
Organizations Chp. 1

Introductions - Instructor
Duane Weaver
– B.Comm., M.D.Ed.. (honours ),IESNA
– CEO 2Birds1Stone
– Professor of Marketing & Business, as well as a
Computer Applications Instructor
– 20+ years management experience (marketing)
– Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail experience
– Positions: Board of Directors, CEO, General Manager,
International Sales Manager, Business Development Manager,
Regional Sales Manager, Product Manager, Market Manager,
Service Manager, Parts Manager, Account Manager,
Marketing/Business Consultant, Instructor
– Enjoy sailing, soccer, badminton, golf and camping

Introductions - Students

• Your name?
• Something of interest about yourself?
• Describe two qualities you have seen in a
manager that you think make a good manager?
Explain why you chose those qualities.

Course Text

• Management - 8th edition, Robbins, Coulter, Langton,

2006. Pearson Prentice Hall, a division of Pearson
Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
• Case Studies: Case 1 & 2 will be available online at:

Course Outline

• Format: Lecture/Seminar
– Includes in class exercises
• See Handout

How to Succeed in this class
Expectations for yourself
• Many of the in-class activities are based on the expectation
that you are prepared for class. I.E.: You have read the
chapter, prepared your class assignments for submission,
are ready to discuss your ideas, and have questions relating
to the reading and assignments.

• There is a lot of terminology in this course. You are

expected to learn most of that on your own and bring
questions to class of what you do not understand. Pop
quizzes will be provided almost weekly to ensure you are
keeping up with the depth of reading needed.

How to Succeed in this class
Expectations for yourself
• Albeit there is a lecture, I will not be covering everything in
the text, rather we will hit some highlights, discuss questions
you may have and conduct exercises related to the key themes.
Thus, please prepare accordingly.

• Another function of this course is that you are expected to

develop strong academic skills. Therefore, you are expected to
follow proper referencing and use of quotations (to avoid
plageurism) and give credit where credit is due. This not only
builds good scholarly skills, it will serve you well when you
are in business and tasked with conducting a major report,
research, or business analysis. Properly quoting your sources
adds credibility to your work.
Teams/Study Group

• Please take 10 minutes to form a study team of

5 to 6 people.
• Determine a “name” for your team
• One member from the team should record a list
of all of the team members names (last name,
first name) and submit the list along with the
“Team Name” to the instructor by end of class
(Obtain Team Form Handout from instructor).
Take a short Break!
• Coming up briefly - Chapter 1

• Next week you will break into your teams during the
seminar moments and during in-class exercises. Thus, it is
best that you sit with your team mates.

• All students are expected to hand in the first assignment.

Thereafter, students will be randomly selected to hand in
their exercises. You must be present during class to
submit your exercise (unless you have given advance
notice (agreed to by instructor for a pre-planned family
event) or have provided doctor’s note for a documented
illness) . Please come prepared to each class with proper

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