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Population Distribution and the

distribution process
By Team
Population Distribution and the
distribution process
By Team
What is population Distribution with
an example !
Population distribution is a measure of how
spread out a population is in any given area. The
simplest way to measure population distribution
is to calculate the percentage of population over
a specific geographic area. For example, forty
percent of the United States population resides
along the coastline.
Main Factors
The main factors determining population
distribution are: climate, landforms, topography,
soil, energy and mineral resources, accessibility
like distance from sea coast, natural harbours,
navigable rivers or canals, cultural factors,
political boundaries, controls on migration and
Why is it important?
Population distribution is perhaps the most
essential of all geographic expressions, because
the ways in which people have organized
themselves in space at any give time to
represent the sum of all of the advances they
have made to their overall geographical area
How does it affect the environment

Population density can have a negative impact

on our environment and natural resources. These
pressures can lead to deforestation, result in
overcrowding and could lead to the destruction
of our planets delicate ecosystem. Growing
populations use a large amounts of
nonrenewable resources like timber, coal and
Effects of population growth on natural
Erosion of farmland, overuse of both
surface and groundwater, dwindling
supplies of finite fossil fuels, and
escalating extinction of plant and animal
species imperil the ability of the earth's
resources to meet the needs of such
enormous numbers of humans.
This is a population pyramid
Distribution resources?

Resource distribution refers to the geographic

occurrence or spatial arrangement of resources
on earth. In other words, where resources are
located. Any particular place may be rich in the
resources people desire and poor in others.
Why is it so Important?
Equitable distribution of resources provides
equal rights to all sections of society (rich and
poor) to access these resources. It prevents the
division of society and accumulation of
resources in the hands of a few persons. It helps
to maintain the continuous flow of resources so
that everyone can get their share.
Unequal Distribution?
• Natural resources are not evenly distributed
on Earth
• Some countries are more abundant when it
comes to natural resources
• While one country may be rich in oil but it
may have little water reserves
• Another country might be rich in water
reserves, but poor in oil
What effects have unequal distribution of
resources on Earth
• Energy: Energy producers are wealthy
(developed) oil nati ons; energy consumers
are countries lacking energy resources and
must trade and are oft en poor countries
• Confl ict over Resources: Countries lacking
natural resources will oft en fi ght for land
to obtain the natural resources(i.e Middle
east – Water resources and oil reserves
Ways to equalize distribution
• 1) Focus your information and data gathering
on specific resource inequities.
• 2) Construct spaces where stakeholders who
are representative of the community can
meaningfully engage in the process.
• 3) Ask equity-centered questions about
policy or program decisions and impacts
Presentation : Shawaiz
Billawal : data and data compiler
Ayan : presenter
Shayan : presenter
Ahmad mustafa : presenter
Shahmeer : data collector and presenter
Zain.j : presenter
Yahya : presenter
Rafay : data collector
Ahmad Anwar : data collector

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