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Meenakshy Rajeev Dr. Rajesh S
MSc Applied Geology Emp : Guest Faculty
KUFOS Department of Oceanography
What is Lead ?

 Lead is a chemical element with the symbol Pb and atomic number 82.
 It is a heavy metal used for thousands of years in building construction, ammunition, radiation
protection, and many other applications.
 Its main advantage is its low melting point, making it easy to cast into desired shapes.
 Additionally, lead’s density allows it to be an effective shield against X-rays, gamma rays and other
forms of radiation.
 As such, lead is still being used today in batteries, ammunition, and pipes to protect water supplies
from contaminants.
What is Zinc?
 Zinc is an essential mineral found in various food sources and is available as a dietary
 It has numerous health benefits, including enhancing immune system function, wound
healing, fighting disease, and improving mental disorders.
 Zinc has also been shown to help protect against age-related chronic diseases like
Alzheimer’s and heart disease.
 Finally, zinc plays an important role in skin health - it helps keep skin cells healthy by
supporting collagen production and helping prevent acne breakouts.
Properties of Lead and Zinc
 Chemical Formula: PbS
 Hardness: 2.5-2.75
 Density: 7.2-7.6 g/cm³
 Color: Typically gray to silver-gray, may have a metallic luster
 Crystal System: Cubic
 Cleavage: Perfect cubic cleavage in three directions
 Fracture: Subconchoidal to uneven
 Streak: Lead-gray
 Luster: Metallic
 Transparency: Opaque
 Specific Gravity: 7.4-7.6
 Magnetic Properties: Non-magnetic
 Other Properties: Lead ore is soft, heavy, and has a relatively low melting point of around 327°C.
 Composition: Zinc ore is primarily composed of zinc sulfide (ZnS), but it may also contain varying
amounts of other elements, such as iron, cadmium, indium and gallium, as impurities.
 Color: Zinc ore is typically brown, yellow, or black in color, although it can also be red, green, or
 Luster: It has a resinous to adamantine luster when freshly broken, but may become dull upon exposure
to air.
 Hardness: Zinc ore has a hardness of 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale, which means it is relatively soft and can
be scratched with a knife or a fingernail.
 Density: The density of zinc ore varies depending on its composition and impurities, but typically ranges
from 3.9 to 4.2 g/cm³.
 Transparency: Zinc ore is typically opaque, meaning that it does not transmit light.
Types of Pb-Zn Ore Deposits
 Lead (Pb) ore deposits are typically formed through various geological
processes involving the interaction of mineral-rich fluids with host rocks.
The geology and formation of lead ore deposits can vary depending on
the type of deposit and its specific geological setting. However, some
general processes and geological features associated with the formation
of lead ore deposits include:

1. Hydrothermal processes
2. Sedimentary processes
3. Replacement processes
4. Weathering and oxidation processes
5. Tectonic and structural controls
Hydrothermal processes

 Many lead ore deposits are formed through hydrothermal processes, where hot, mineral-
rich fluids are circulated through fractures and faults in the Earth’s crust.
 These fluids can dissolve lead and other minerals from surrounding rocks and deposit them
in open spaces, such as veins or pockets, as they cool and precipitate.
 Hydrothermal lead ore deposits can occur in a variety of rock types, including sedimentary,
igneous, and metamorphic rocks.
Sedimentary processes

 Lead ore deposits can also form through sedimentary processes, where lead minerals are
deposited as sediments in ancient marine or lacustrine environments.
 Over time, these sediments can undergo compaction, cementation, and diagenesis, leading
to the formation of lead ore deposits.
 Sedimentary lead ore deposits can be found in sedimentary rocks, such as limestone,
dolomite and shale, and are often associated with other minerals and organic matter.
Replacement processes

 In some cases, lead ore deposits can form through replacement processes, where lead
minerals replace existing minerals in pre-existing rocks.
 This can occur through chemical reactions between lead-rich fluids and host rocks,
resulting in the replacement of original minerals with lead minerals.
 Replacement lead ore deposits can be found in a variety of rock types, including carbonate
rocks, sulfide-rich rocks, and silicate rocks.
Weathering and oxidation processes

 Weathering and oxidation processes can also contribute to the formation of lead
ore deposits.
 In oxidized zones near the Earth’s surface, lead minerals can be altered through
weathering and oxidation, resulting in the formation of secondary lead minerals,
such as cerussite and anglesite.
 These secondary lead minerals can accumulate in the weathered zone, forming
lead ore deposits.
Tectonic and structural controls

 Tectonic and structural features, such as faults, folds and fractures, can play a
significant role in the formation and localization of lead ore deposits.
 These features can create pathways for mineral-rich fluids to circulate and deposit
lead minerals, resulting in the formation of lead ore deposits along or near these
 Zinc (Zn) ore deposits are formed through various geological processes and are typically associated
with specific rock types, tectonic settings, and mineralization events. The geology and formation of
zinc ore deposits are complex and can vary depending on the specific deposit, but generally, they are
classified into two main types: sedimentary-exhalative (Sedex) deposits and Mississippi Valley-type
(MVT) deposits.

1. Sedimentary-exhalative (Sedex) deposits

2. Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits
Sedimentary-exhalative (Sedex) deposits
 Sedex deposits are the most common type of zinc ore deposits, accounting for a significant
portion of global zinc production.
 They are formed in sedimentary basins through the interaction of seawater with hydrothermal
fluids that are rich in zinc and other metals.
 These deposits are typically found in sedimentary rocks, such as shale, limestone and dolomite
and are often associated with black shale sequences.
 The formation of Sedex deposits starts with the deposition of organic-rich sediments in a basin.
 Over time, these sediments become buried and compacted, leading to the formation of shale or
other sedimentary rocks.
 Hydrothermal fluids, which are rich in zinc and other metals, are then expelled from a
subsurface source, such as a magma chamber or a hydrothermal vent, and migrate through the
surrounding rocks.
 These fluids react with the organic-rich sediments, causing the deposition of zinc and other
metal sulfides, such as sphalerite, in the form of stratiform layers or lenses within the
sedimentary rocks.
Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits
 MVT deposits are another important type of zinc ore deposits and are typically found in carbonate
rocks, such as limestone and dolomite. They are formed through the interaction of hydrothermal
fluids with carbonate rocks in a process known as dolomitization.
 The formation of MVT deposits starts with the circulation of hydrothermal fluids, which are rich in
zinc and other metals, through fractures or faults in carbonate rocks.
 These fluids react with the carbonate rocks, causing the replacement of calcium carbonate with zinc
and other metal sulfides, such as sphalerite, in the form of vein-like structures or disseminations
within the carbonate rocks.
 The specific geology and formation of zinc ore deposits can vary greatly depending on the
deposit’s location, age, and geological history.
 Factors such as tectonic setting, temperature, pressure, fluid composition, and host rock
properties can all influence the formation of zinc ore deposits.
 Understanding the geology and formation processes of zinc ore deposits is important for
the exploration, mining, and processing of zinc ores, as it can help in identifying
prospective areas and developing effective extraction methods.
Occurrence and Distribution of Lead Ores
1. Australia: Lead ore deposits are found in various regions of Australia, including the Broken Hill region
in New South Wales, Mount Isa region in Queensland, and Western Australia. These deposits are
typically associated with other base metal ores, such as zinc and silver, and occur in a variety of
geological settings, including sedimentary, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks.
2. United States: Lead ore deposits are found in several states in the United States, including Missouri,
Idaho, Alaska, and Colorado. The Missouri lead belt, located in the southeastern part of the state, is one
of the major lead-producing regions in the world, known for its extensive lead-zinc deposits hosted in
sedimentary rocks.
3. China: China is one of the largest producers of lead ores in the world, with significant deposits found in
various provinces, including Yunnan, Henan, Hunan, and Inner Mongolia. These deposits are typically
associated with other base metal ores and occur in diverse geological settings, including sedimentary,
volcanic, and hydrothermal deposits.
4. Peru: Peru is another major producer of lead ores, with deposits located in the
central Andes mountain range. The Cerro de Pasco region in central Peru is known
for its lead-zinc-silver deposits hosted in carbonate rocks.
5. Canada: Lead ores are found in several regions of Canada, including the Bathurst
Mining Camp in New Brunswick, the Sullivan Mine in British Columbia, and the
Pine Point Mine in Northwest Territories. These deposits are typically associated
with other base metal ores, such as zinc and copper, and occur in various geological
settings, including sedimentary, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks.
7. Other Countries: Lead ores are also found in other countries, such as Mexico,
Russia, India, Kazakhstan, Sweden, Spain, Morocco, and many others, although the
production levels may vary.
Zawar Lead-Zinc Belt
Size of the Deposit:
 It’s a bulk Mississipi Valley Type, underground mine with an annual capacity of 1.2 million tonnes of lead &
zinc ores.
 The tonnage of this complex is 7.3MT.
 Here the Lead grade is 2.04%, Zinc grade is 3.77% and in Sinesar Khurd Complex tonnage is 6.4MT,and the
Lead grade is 2.76%, Zinc grade is 5.32% and Silver is 143.5g/t
Geological Distribution:
 Zawar belt has been the oldest centre of lead-zinc production in the world.
 This Group has underground mining complex which consists of four underground mines namely Mochia,
Balaria, Zawarmala and Baroi.
 These mines have a capacity of 4000 TPD.
 The present structural disposition of Zawar area is the manifestation of two distinct major periods of tectonic
cycles, each of which was characterized by intense folding and faulting.
 In Zawar area, the north and south limb of cross fold is represented by Mochia, Balaria and Bowa, whereas
Baroi and Zawarmala represent the NS trending and N plunging first generation fold system.
Geology of the Deposit:
 The Archaean basement comprising of gneiss, schist, amphibolite, quartzite and granite
dating back to 3.2 to 2.5Ga showing unconformable relationship with the Aravalli cover
rocks, is clearly marked in and around Udaipur.
 Stratigraphic succession, established by Roy,(1984) for the Aravalli Supergroup of
the type area around Udaipur and Zawar show two major groups separated by an
 The Upper Aravalli Group consistsof greywacke-slate-phyllite, quartzite, dolomite
and silty arenite (host for sulphides of zinc and lead) while carbonaceous and pelitic
phyllites, dolomite, quartzite, stromatolite, phosphorite ,chlorite schist, amphibolite, quartz
arenite and local conglomerate belong to Lower Aravalli Group.
 In general, Aravalli rocks in Udaipur-Zawar region show a low-grade metamorphism. The
recrystallisation of the silicate minerals suggests the grade of metamorphism to be of
greenschist facies
Ore Genesis:
 The mineralization occurs as sheeted zones, veins, stringers and dissemination,
forming lenticular bodies arranged in overlapping enechelon pattern.
 The individual ore shoots persist along strike between 50 and 500 m, dip between
50° and vertical and plunge between 30°and 60° west or north.
 The ore body varies in width between 1 and 40 meters. The mineralization is
restricted solely within dolomitic horizon along with the structural control, but
regional stratigraphic and lithological control is also evident.
 The main sulphide minerals are sphalerite, pyrite and galena. Chalcopyrite,
pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite are the associated minerals. Appreciable amount of
silver and cadmium occur within the ore minerals
2- 1.2 Ga  Delhi Supergroup
Sirohi Group • Ajmer lead- zinc belt
• Deri- Ambaji lead- zinc-copper belt
2.5- 2.0 Ga  Aravalli Supergroup
Udaipur Group • Zawar lead- zinc belt
 Bhilwara Supergroup • Rajpura- Dariba- Bethumani belt
Rajpura Group • Pur- Banera lead- zinc- copper belt
3.2- 2.5Ga Hindoli group • Rampura- Agucha
Mangalwar Complex
Sandmata Complex
Map showing major production and smelting capacities of Pb-Zn Deposits in India

 Lead The world's reserves of lead were estimated at 89 million tonnes in terms of lead content.
Australia possesses 40% of the world's reserves followed by China (16%), Russia (10%), Peru
(8%) and USA & Mexico (about 6% each) (Table- 20).

 Zinc The world's reserves of zinc were estimated at 250 million tonnes. Australia accounts for
26% of world's zinc reserves, followed by China (17%), Peru (10%), Mexico (7% ), India, USA
and Kazakhstan (4% each) (Table-21)
Uses of Lead and Lead products
1. Batteries: Lead-acid batteries are widely used in various applications, including automotive batteries for
vehicles, backup power supplies, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems, and more. Lead’s high
density, low melting point, and ability to be easily formed into different shapes make it ideal for battery
2. Construction and Plumbing: Lead has been used in the construction and plumbing industry for many
years due to its malleability, durability, and resistance to corrosion. Lead-based products such as lead
sheets, lead pipes, and lead flashing are used in roofing, cladding, gutters, and other applications.
3. Ammunition: Lead has been used in bullets and shot for ammunition due to its high density and ability to
be easily formed into projectiles. However, the use of lead in ammunition is increasingly being regulated
and phased out in some jurisdictions due to environmental concerns related to lead contamination.
4. Radiation Shielding: Lead is used as a shielding material in various applications involving radiation, such
as in medical facilities, nuclear power plants, and industrial settings. Lead’s high density and ability to
absorb and block radiation make it an effective shielding material.
5. Electronics: Lead has been used in the production of electronics, particularly in soldering. However, the
use of lead in electronics has been regulated in many countries due to concerns about environmental
contamination and potential health risks, leading to the development of lead-free soldering technologies
6.Weight Balancing: Lead is used in weight balancing applications, such as in the production of weights for
balance wheels in machinery and equipment, as well as in sports equipment like scuba diving belts and
fishing sinkers.
7.Pigments: Lead compounds, such as lead oxide and lead chromate, have been used historically in the
production of pigments for paints, ceramics, and other applications. However, the use of lead-based
pigments has declined in recent years due to environmental and health concerns, and alternative pigments
are now commonly used.
8. Other Applications: Lead has also been used in a variety of other applications, including as an additive in
some types of glass, as a component in certain types of solders and alloys, and in the production of certain
chemicals and materials.
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