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Dr MK Ilunga
• Antidepressants are a group of drugs used for the
treatment of major depression
• NB: They are also used to treat a broad range of
psychiatric disorders (Panic disorder, Agoraphobia, OCD,
Social phobia, GAD, PTSD, Bulimia nervosa, Premenstrual
dysphoric disorder) and other conditions such as
Enuresis in children, Neuropathic pain, Back pain,
Introduction Fibromyalgia, Smoking cessation...
• Each class of drug is different from each other with
regards to its chemical structure, mode of action, safety
profile, efficacy and adverse effects.
• There is no risk of dependency.
• Ads are the 3rd most common class of medicine
prescribed in all age groups (Analgesics and Antibiotics)
• Approximately 65-70% of patients receiving an AD will
respond within 4 to 6 weeks
•Depression occurs due to deficits
in one of the following
• Serotonin
• Norepinephrine
• Dopamine
• Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
• Serotonin Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
• Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Antidepressant
• Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Classificatio • Norepinephrine and Dopamine reuptake inhibitors
n (NDRIs)
• Serotonin receptor antagonist/ reuptake inhibitors
• Serotonergic and Noradrenergic antidepressants
• Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
• Others
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Drugs :
Mechanism of action:
Fluoxetine (20-60mg)
Paroxetine (10-60mg)
Block 5HT transporter enzyme, thus
inhibiting presynaptic reuptake
Citalopram (10-40mg)
Indications: Escitalopram (10-20mg) Side effects:
First line treatment in: Sertraline (25-200mg) GIT
• MDD (All except fluvoxamine) Fluvoxamine (50-300mg) • Nausea and vomiting
• Panic disorder . Upper GI bleeding
• Social anxiety disorder • Diarrhoea
(sertraline & paroxetine)
• Abdominal pain
• GAD (paroxetine &
escitalopram) CNS
• OCD (All except citalopram and Drug Interactions: • Headache
escitalopram) • Insomnia
• MAOIs ( risk of fatal serotonin Black box warning: Advantages:
• PTSD (Sertraline & paroxetine) syndrome) • Agitation &anxiety
Antidepressants increase risk of suicidal thinking/ behavior in • Safe in pregnancy except paroxetine (safest:
• Bulimia nervosa (Fluoxetine) • NSAIDs & Aspirin (increased risk of sertraline)
short term studies in children and adolescents with MDD. Other
bleeding) Families should be advised on the need for observation and
• PMDD (Fluoxetine & sertraline) • Drug of choice in elderly and adolescent
• Duretics (electrolyte disturbance: communication with healthcare providers • Sexual dysfunction
• Safer than other antidepressants when taken
in overdose
Serotonin and Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
Venlafaxine (75-375mg) Interactions leading to
Duloxetine (60mg-120mg)
increased serotonin levels:
(may cause serotonin syndrome)
Milnacipran (50-200mg)
Indications: • MAOIs
Desvenlafaxin (50-400mg)
Levomilnacipran (20- 120mg) Side effects:
 2nd line
 Treatment augmentation
• Nausea
 Treatment resistance
• Anorexia
 With prominent pain
symptoms Anticholinergic
• Social anxiety disorder • Constipation
• Panic disorder • Blurred vision
• Persistent depressive disorder • Dry mouth
• Diabetic neuropathic pain CNS
• Sedation
Mechanism of action: • Dizziness
transporter enzyme, thus inhibiting
presynaptic reuptake
• Sweating
• Hypertension
• Erectile dysfunction
Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Anti-Depressants
Drugs: Interactions:
Tricyclic antidepressants • MAOI( serotonin syndrome)
• Amytriptyline (10-200mg)
• Clonidine (hypertensive crisis)
• Clomipramine (10-250mg)
• CNS depressants eg alcohol,
• Imipramine (10-200mg)
opioids, anxiolytics (increase
• Trimipramine (30-300mg)
• Lofepramine (140-210mg)
Tetracyclic antidepressants (rarely
used Side effects:
• Maprotiline 75-200mg Anticholinergic (often severe)
• Amoxapine • Constipation
• Urinary retention
Indications: • Dry mouth
• MDD (second line) • Blurred vision
• Childhood enuresis CVS
• Narcolepsy with cataplexy • Palpitation
• OCD • Cardiac Conduction abnormalities
• Agoraphobia with panic • Orthostatic hypotension and reflex
attacks tachycardia
• Chronic pain Other
Contraindications: • Sedation (prescribed nocte)
Mechanism of action: • Pregnancy • Weight gain
Block the reuptake of both • Recent MI • Sexual dysfunction
norepinephrine and serotonine • Cardiac arrhythmias
Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors
Tranylcipromine 10-60mg
Phenelzine 15-90mg
Isocarboxazid 10-60mg • Most antidepressants
Selegiline 6-9mg • CNS depressants
• Anti-asthmatics
• Antihypertensives
• MDD (atypical features,
resistance depression)
• Social anxiety disorder
• PDD Side effects:
• Panic disorder • Orthostatic hypotension
• PTSD • Insomnia
• Bulimia nervosa • Weight gain
• Oedema
Mechanism of action: Tyramine- induced hypertension • Sexual dysfunction
They inhibit monoamine oxidase Warning: Concomitant ingestion of a MAOI and substance
(enzyme responsible for the containing tyramine can lead to severe hypertension and
degradation of tyramine, serotonin, death or stroke. Wear a medical bracelet when taking a
dopamine and norepinephrine) MAOI
Norepinephrine & Dopamine reuptake inhibitors
Buproprion 150-300mg Mechanism of action:
WEAK Blocker of DA AND NA
Indications: transporter enzyme, thus inhibiting
• MDD presynaptic reuptake
 2nd line
 Treatment augmentation
 With prominent hypersomnia Interactions:
&fatigue • MAOI (risk of hypertensive crisis)
 With sexual dysfunction on other • Drugs that decrease seizure
antidepressants threshold level
• Persistent depressive disorder
• Tobacco-use disorder
• ADHD Side effects:
• Headache
• Insomnia
Advantages: • Dry mouth
Minimal effect on weight gain, cardiac • Tremor
conduction or sexual drive • Nausea
• Increased sweating
Serotonin receptor antagonist/ reuptake
Mechanism of action:
Block 5HT transporter
Drugs: enzyme, thus inhibiting
Trazodone 75-600mg
presynaptic reuptake
Nefazodone 50-600mg
Also cause indirect
increase in noradrenaline
• Anxiety disorders
• Insomnia (Trazodone
Side effects:
• Sedation
• Dizziness
• Orthostatic hypotension
Blackbox Warning: • Tachycardia
• Risk of hepatotoxicity • Headache
associated with • Nausea and vomiting
nefazodone • Priaprism
Serotonergic and Noradrenergic antidepressants
Interactions leading to a risk
Drugs: of hypertensive crisis with
Mirtazapine 15-45 mg/day MAOI

 1st or 2nd line
• Limited sexual side effect
 Treatment augmentation • Used in patient with
cardiac condition defect
 With prominent insomnia
• General anxiety disorder Side effects:
• Panic disorder • Increased appetite
• Social anxiety disorder • Weight gain
• Seasonal depression • Dry mouth
• Constipation
Mechanism of action:
Mirtazapine is a central presynaptic • Dizziness
alpha 2 blocker and blocks also 5HT2 • Headache
and 5HT3 receptors ,that to an
• Sedation
increase release of norepinephrine
and 5HT1A mediated serotonergic
transmission. • Oedema
Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

Interactions leading
Atomoxetine (40-
to increased
serotonin levels:
Reboxetine (4-10mg)
(may cause serotonin
• MAOI (type A)

• ADHD (Atomoxetine) Side effects:
• Abdominal
• Anorexia
• Sexual
• Vortioxetine (10-20mg) – is a newer agent
that is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor

• Vilazodone (10-40mg) – has as mechanism

of action, selective reuptake inhibition with
Others partial agonist activity at the 5HT 1A.

• Agomelatine (25-50mg) – is a melatonin

CAUSE: ABRUPT discontinuance of antidepressants, especially those with short half lives eg
Paroxetine, fluvoxamine, venlafaxine
SYMPTOMS: usually appear after 6 weeks of antidepressant discontinuance and
spontaneously resolve within 3 weeks
 Dizziness, weakness, nausea
 Rebound depression, anxiety, insomnia, poor concentration

Discontinuation  Headache, migraine-like symptoms, paraesthesias

 Upper respiratory symptoms
syndrome PREVENTION: ALWAYS taper antidepressants slowly before discontinuation
 Restart medication at same dose and taper down slowly
 Choose drugs with a longer half life eg fluoxetine
 Treat symptoms
• Use SSRIs as first line (titrate from lowest minimal
effective dose to maximal dose)
Use of • If no response after 4 weeks, switch to another
antidepressant from a different class. Always
Antidepressants taper down before switching
• If treatment fails, consider:
• Augmentation strategies with
• Lithium
• Antipsychotic (Aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine)
• Another AD (SSRIs + bupropion, SSRIs + mirtazapine)
• Second choice for augmentation: add ketamine
• The Mausley: Prescribing Guidelines in
Psychiatry 14th Edition
• Introduction Textbook of Psychiatry 6th
References Edition
• Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology 8th
Thank you !!!

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