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Basically doing the things when you feel like doing it.
Absolutely not.

Motivation Discipline
-You actually like what -You may not like what
you’re doing. you’re doing
-It’s actually fun when doing it too -Basically forcing yourself
-Usually wears out -doesn’t wear out
-you do it when you feel like -You do it regardless of how you
doing it feel
Why do you not feel motivated?
Internal motivation External motivation
Feedback system
Lack of moderation

What do video games do to your brain? - not good.

Once you start fulfilling things in the game it's gonna be extremely harder to fulfill those things in
real life.
You want to become 1st in your class?
Well its a lot easier in video games, you get rewards.
But when you study in real life it's a lot harder because there is no real reward.
How to actually become motivated?
Just get things done.

For example - Joe starts going to gym

he doesn’t really see mcuh progress so he quits quickly in despair

-But Tyler get things done regardless of him seeing any progress
And a few months later he starts to see those veins, those gains and now he doesn’t have to push himself
to go to the gym.
He has fallen in love with the process rather than the reward.
Self image/Identity
The science of arousal

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