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samedi 22 juin 2024 Les Métiers

LO: memorise jobs so that I can

say what people do for a living

Pour commencer: 1) infirmier

C’est quel métier en anglais?
2) boulanger
3) mécanicien
4) professeur
5) serveur
6) secrétaire
au chômage vendeur
Les métiers mécanicien plombier

professeur secrétaire serveur pompier

boulanger coiffeur infirmier

Main gauche

Main droite
Les métiers

Toutes les
Les règles

•- eur •- euse
•- ier •- ière
•- ien •- ienne
Masculin Féminin
infirmier infirmière
boulanger 1)________
mécanicien mécanicienne
2)________ informaticienne
serveur serveuse
vendeur 3) _______
4) ________ coiffeuse
secrétaire secrétaire
bibliothécaire 5) ________
pompier pompière
au chômage au chômage

Ecrivez les 5 Cherchez dans le

Défi 1 mots manquants dictionnaire/
Défi 3 Wordreference 5
nouveaux métiers
Copiez et complétez
Défi 2 le tableau
On contrôle:
Masculin Féminin
infirmier infirmière
boulanger boulangère
mécanicien mécanicienne
serveur serveuse
vendeur vendeuse
coiffeur coiffeuse
secrétaire secrétaire
au chômage au chômage
bibliothécaire bibliothécaire
pompier pompière
1 minute

How many jobs can you remember?

Can you remember the rules for the endings?

Summarise your steps to your partner

être Je suis – I am
= to be Il est – He is
Elle est – She is
Je suis chanteur
– I’m a singer

Il est présentateur Elle est cuisinière

– He is a presenter – She is a chef
NB: In French you don’t need
to say ‘un/une’ (a/an), so you
are essentially saying ‘she is
cook’, ‘he is presenter’ etc
Complète les phrases
Au Boulot

Il est __________
Complète les phrases

elle est __________
Complète les phrases

elle est mécanicienne

Complète les phrases

il est coiffeur
Complète les phrases

il est __________
Complète les phrases

elle est serveuse

Complète les phrases

elle est coiffeuse

She is a…
Au Boulot

Elle est coiffeuse

He is a…
Au Boulot

Il est infirmier
I am a…
Au Boulot

Je suis mécanicien
1. 2. 3.
Q) Que fait (numéro 1)
comme métier?
What does (no.1) do for a living?
4. 5. 6.
A) Il est ____
Elle est ____

7. 8.. 9.
samedi 22 juin 2024 Opinions
LO: revise opinions so that I can
say what people think of their jobs

e.g. sréiratce = secrétaire

Pour commencer
Mettez les métiers 1) Popierm
en ordre: 2) Preossfesur
3) Mécaneicin
4) Au chegaom
5) Ifirieminr
6) Cniuiiser
7) Seuervr
Quick recap – How many examples of the following
rules can you tell your elbow buddy?
Are there any exceptions?
Les règles

•- eur •- euse
•- ier •- ière
•- ien •- ienne
Y8 Progress tracker
Advanced: On a variety of topics: 3 TENSES
 I can understand different points of view.
 I can express different points of view and justify them.
 I can understand key words in authentic texts.
 I can give examples using 3 tenses.
 I am accurate
 My pronunciation is consistently good pronunciation

Higher: On a variety of topics: 2 TENSES

 I can understand others’ details, including justified opinions.
 I can compare mine and others’ opinions and reasons.
 I can understand longer texts.
 I can give examples using 2 tenses.
 I can translate passages written in more than one tense.
 I am generally accurate. Il aime – He likes
 My pronunciation is consistently good.
Elle déteste – She hates
Secure: On familiar topics: OTHERS’ OPINIONS Il/elle se passionne pour Son métier – his/her job
 I can understand different opinions and reasons.

I can give different justified opinions, including someone else’s opinion
I can understand longer passages.
– He/she is passionate about
 I can translate full paragraphs.

I am generally accurate
My pronunciation is generally good. Il dit que – he says that
Foundation: On familiar topics: JUSTIFIED OPINIONS Elle pense que – she thinks that
 I can understand opinions and reasons.
 I can give opinions and reasons. C’est - it’s
 I can write sentences in the present tense.

I can translate longer sentences.
I am more accurate than inaccurate. Parce que
My pronunciation is generally good. Passionant

Car because
Entry: on the topic just covered: OPINIONS Amusant
 I can understand simple details and opinions.
 I can give details including opinions.
 I can write sentences including opinions.
 I can translate short sentences including opinions.
J’aime – I like
Pre-Entry: on the topic just covered: PHRASES Je trouve que – I find that
 I can understand and give simple details.
 I can write words and phrases by memory.
 I can translate short phrases.
Elle est professeure

Elle adore son travail

Parce qu’

Elle pense que c’est génial

Décrivez les gens dans les images

Il/elle est (métier) Il/elle son métier parce qu’ pense (adjectif)
n’aime pas
que c’est

Il/elle en a marre de (son travail) – He/she is fed up of his/her job!

J’en ai marre des devoirs! I’m fed up of HWK!
Bonjour! Je Philippe et je suis serveur.
Pierre professeur.
Fred mécanicien.

répétitif Je n’aime pas

Je trouve que c’est ennuyeux et Je déteste mon
métier. difficile Je ne supporte pas

infirmière Boulot
Cependant Métier
chanteuse =
ma mère est et elle adore son boulot!
Elle dit que passionnant!
Elle trouve que géniale!
Elle pense que c’est un métier fantastique!
3 minutes

I can remember 10+ jobs

I can remember the rules for masculine/feminine

I can say what jobs others do

I can give mine and others’ opinions on jobs

I need more work on _____________

Y8 Progress tracker
Advanced: On a variety of topics: 3 TENSES
 I can understand different points of view.
 I can express different points of view and justify them.
 I can understand key words in authentic texts.
 I can give examples using 3 tenses.
 I am accurate
 My pronunciation is consistently good pronunciation

Higher: On a variety of topics: 2 TENSES

 I can understand others’ details, including justified opinions.
 I can compare mine and others’ opinions and reasons.
 I can understand longer texts.
 I can give examples using 2 tenses.
 I can translate passages written in more than one tense.
 I am generally accurate.
 My pronunciation is consistently good.

Secure: On familiar topics: OTHERS’ OPINIONS On this topic I think I am working at

_____ band
 I can understand different opinions and reasons.
 I can give different justified opinions, including someone else’s opinion
 I can understand longer passages.
 I can translate full paragraphs.
 I am generally accurate
 My pronunciation is generally good.

Foundation: On familiar topics: JUSTIFIED OPINIONS
I can understand opinions and reasons.
I can give opinions and reasons.
To prove this, I can _____
 I can write sentences in the present tense.
 I can translate longer sentences.
 I am more accurate than inaccurate.

To improve, I could _____

 My pronunciation is generally good.

Entry: on the topic just covered: OPINIONS

 I can understand simple details and opinions.
 I can give details including opinions.
 I can write sentences including opinions.
 I can translate short sentences including opinions.

Pre-Entry: on the topic just covered: PHRASES

 I can understand and give simple details.
 I can write words and phrases by memory.
 I can translate short phrases.

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