Cam and Follower

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Cams and follower

Today’s Lecture will cover Following Topics

1. Types of Cam – a) As per Shape b) As per motion to follower
2. Details of
a) * Wedge & Flat Cam * Radial or Disc Cam
* Cylindrical Cam * Spiral Cam
* Spherical Cam
b) *Rise-Return-Rise(R-R-R )cam * Dwell-Rise-Return- Dwell cam
* Dwell-Rise- Dwell -Return- Dwell cam(D-R-D-R-D)
3.CAMS TERMINOLOGY- Different terms related to Roller follower
4. Motions of Follower and Construction of Displacement Diagram
*Uniform Velocity motion
*Simple Harmonic motion(SHM)
* Uniform Acceleration & Deceleration or retardation
Rise of follower(R)- When follower goes up from
minimum position to maximum during cam rotation
Return or Fall of follower(R)- When follower goes
down from maximum position to minimum during
cam rotation
Cam Terminology
Travel of follower from lowest to topmost position called Rise of
Follower and angle turn by cam called Angle of Rise
Travel of follower from topmost to lowest position called Return or
fall of Follower and angle turn by cam called Angle of Return or Fall
And when the follower does not have any motion during cam rotation
called Dwell of follower and angle turn by cam called Angle of Dwell
When the cam rotates with uniform angular velocity follower
have Displacement which can be of above three types of
Displacement diagram:
When the graph is plotted between follower and cam motion
then it is called as displacement diagram of follower.
In this follower motion is plotted on Y-axis and Cam motion
Plotted on X-axis
We will get different displacement diagram as per motion of
Today’s Lecture ,covered following topics:-
1. Types of Cam
2. Cam Terminology
3. Different Follower motions and How to draw
displacement diagram for this motions
Home Work:
Prob 1: Draw displacement diagram for uniform velocity motion
for the following data
Stroke length = 60mm
Rise period = 120°
Dwell period = 60°
Fall period = 90° and remaining is dwell
Prob2:- Draw displacement diagram for the Simple Harmonic
motion(SHM) of Follower for the same above data
Prob3:- :- Draw displacement diagram for the uniform acceleration
and retardation motion of Follower for the same above data

1. 2.
3. 4.
Today’s Lecture ,covered following topics:-
1. Displacement Diagram for different follower motions
2. On the basis of numerical, Construction of cam Profile for Radial
Knife edge Reciprocating follower
3. On the basis of numerical Construction of cam Profile for Radial
Roller Reciprocating follower
Prob 1:- A cam drives a Radial Knife edge reciprocating follower in the following
manner :
During first 120° rotation of the cam, follower moves outwards through a distance of
20 mm with simple harmonic motion. The follower dwells during next 30° of cam
rotation. During next 120° of cam rotation, the follower moves inwards with simple
harmonic motion. The follower dwells for the next 90° of cam rotation.
The minimum radius of the cam is 25 mm. Draw the profile of the cam
Prob2:- A cam, with a minimum radius of 50 mm, rotating clockwise at a uniform
speed, is required to give a knife edge follower the motion as described below :
1. To move outwards through 40 mm during 100° rotation of the cam ; 2. To dwell for
next 80° ; 3. To return to its starting position during next 90°, and 4. To dwell for the
rest period of a revolution i.e. 90°.
Draw the profile of the cam when the line of stroke of the follower passes through
the centre of the cam shaft,.The displacement of the follower is to take place with
uniform acceleration and uniform retardation.
Cams and follower
Today’s Lecture will cover Following Topics
1. Displacement Diagram For Following Follower motions
*Uniform Velocity motion
*Simple Harmonic motion(SHM)
* Uniform Acceleration & Deceleration or retardation


A) Radial Reciprocating Knife Edge Follower
B) Radial Reciprocating Roller Follower
Displacement Diagram For Uniform Velocity motion of
• Show Cam angle=360 ° on X-axis ,Choose Scale 1cm=20 °
Draw Line of 18cm for X-axis, Mark on that Angle of Rise, Angle
of Dwell .Angle of Return given in Problem
• Draw Y-axis = Stroke length by 1:1 scale
• Complete Rectangle as shown in Dia.
• Divide X & Y axis in to equal parts say 06 parts
• Draw a vertical line from 1 point on X-axis and Draw
Horizontal line fro 1’ point on Y-axis it intersect at 1”, Similarly
obtained points 2”,3”,----6”
• Join these points 1”,2”---6” to get straight line
• Similar process to repeat for Angle of Return ,only First point
is 6 then 5,4,3,2,1,0
A cam is to give the following motion to a knife-edged follower :
1. Outstroke during 60 ° of cam rotation ; 2. Dwell for the next 30°
of cam rotation ; 3. Return stroke during next 60° of cam rotation,
and 4. Dwell for the remaining 210° of cam rotation. The stroke of
the follower is 40 mm and the minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm.
The follower moves with uniform velocity during both the outstroke
and return strokes.
Scale 1cm=20° on X-axis

Ør= 60 ° , Ødr= 30°, Øf= 60°,
Ødf= 210° Stroke
Uniform velocity motion for
outstroke and Return Stroke
Displacement Diagram For SHM motion of follower
• Show Cam angle=360 ° on X-axis ,Choose Scale 1cm=20 °
Draw Line of 18cm for X-axis, Mark on that Angle of Rise, Angle
of Dwell .Angle of Return given in Problem
• Draw Y-axis = Stroke length by 1:1 scale
• Complete Rectangle as shown in Dia.
• Divide X-axis in to 6 equal parts , On Y-axis draw semicircle of
diameter equal to stroke length, Divide semicircle in to 6 equal
• Draw a vertical line from 1 point on X-axis and Draw Horizontal
line fro 1’ point on semicircle, it intersect at 1”, Similarly
obtained points 2”,3”,----6”
• Join these points 1”,2”---6” to get straight line
• Similar process to repeat for Angle of Return ,only First point is
6 then 5,4,3,2,1,0
Displacement Diagram For Uniform Acc’n & Retardation motion of follower

• Show Cam angle=360 ° on X-axis ,Choose Scale 1cm=20 °
Draw Line of 18cm for X-axis, Mark on that Angle of Rise, Angle of
Dwell .Angle of Return given in Problem
• Draw Y-axis = Stroke length by 1:1 scale
• Complete Rectangle as shown in Dia.
• Divide the X-axis in to 6 equal parts and shift Y-axis at ‘3’point
• And divide Y-axis in to 6 equal pars
• Join first three points( 1’,2’,3’) on Y-axis to origin or follower minimum
position and other points like4’,5’,6’ to maximum position as shown in
• Draw a vertical line from 1,2,3---6 which itersect line passing from
1’,2’,3’---6’ at points 1”,2”—6”. Join this point to get curve . Repeat
same procedure for Angle of return
Construction of Cam Profile for Knife edge Radial
Reciprocating follower
• Construct Displacement Diagram as per data given in Problem
• Construct Base circle of given minimum diameter radius and mark
the follower axis passing through center of cam(Radial follower)
show on it Knife edge follower Choosing shaft Dia.
• Sustained Different cam angle on Base circle( take position of angle
opposite to cam rotation) Mark Ør, Øf, Ød
• Divide the angle of rise in to 6 equal parts as per displacement Dia.
Mark the follower axis passing through these points.
• Choose 11” distance in compass and mark on 1 st axis of follower
from 1 point smilarly mark 2” ,3”—6” points from 2,3---6 points
• Join these points by outline to get cam profile for outstroke
• Same procedure repeat for Angle of return to get cam profile
• For angle of Dwell Draw the arc with radius equal to last point for
angle of rise and dwell(O6’ or O0’) from center of cam
A cam is to give the following motion to a knife-edged follower :1.
Outstroke during 60° of cam rotation ; 2. Dwell for the next 30° of cam
rotation ; 3. Return stroke during next 60° of cam rotation, and 4.
Dwell for the remaining 210° of cam rotation. The stroke of the follower
is 40 mm and the minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm. The follower
moves with uniform velocity during both the outstroke and return
strokes. Draw the profile of the cam when the axis of the follower
passes through the axis of the cam shaft,

• Given:-
• Ør= 60 ° , Ødr= 30°, Øf= 60°, Ødf= 210°
• Stroke length = 40 mm
• Minimum radius i.e Base circle Radius = 50 mm
• Uniform velocity motion for outstroke and Return of follower
Construction of Cam Profile for Roller Radial Reciprocating follower
• Construct Displacement Diagram as per data given in Problem
• Construct Base circle of given minimum diameter radius and Then construct
Prime circle with Radius = R(Base circle radius)+ r(roller radius), mark the
follower axis passing through center of cam(Radial follower) show on it Center
of Roller and Draw the Roller and follower which touches the base circle of
• Sustained Different cam angle on Prime circle( take position of angle opposite
to cam rotation) Mark Ør, Øf, Ød as given
• Divide the angle of rise in to 6 equal parts on prime circle as per displacement
Dia. Mark the follower axis passing through these points.
• Choose 1B distance in compass and mark B on axis of follower from 1 point
similarly mark C ,D—G points from 2,3---6 points
• Join these points by outline to get Pitch curve ,Then draw Roller circle at point
B,C—G and then Draw inside Tangent to this circle to get cam profile
• Same procedure repeat for Angle of return to get cam profile
• For angle of Dwell draw the curve from center of cam
A cam, with a minimum radius of 25 mm, rotating clockwise at a uniform speed
is to be designed to give a Roller follower, at the end of a valve rod, motion
described below :1. To raise the valve through 50 mm during 120° rotation of
the cam ;
2. To keep the valve fully raised through next 30°;
3. To lower the valve during next 60°; and
4. To keep the valve closed during rest of the revolution i.e. 150° ;
The diameter of the roller is 20 mm and the diameter of the cam shaft is 25 mm.
Draw the profile of the cam when (a) the line of stroke of the valve rod passes
through the axis of the cam shaft, The displacement of the valve, while being
raised and lowered, is to take place with simple harmonic motion.
Scale-1cm=20 °
Today’s Lecture ,covered following topics:-
1. Displacement Diagram for different follower motions
2. On the basis of numerical, Construction of cam Profile for Radial
Knife edge Reciprocating follower
3. On the basis of numerical Construction of cam Profile for Radial
Roller Reciprocating follower
Prob 1:- A cam drives a Radial Knife edge reciprocating follower in the following
manner :
During first 120° rotation of the cam, follower moves outwards through a distance of
20 mm with simple harmonic motion. The follower dwells during next 30° of cam
rotation. During next 120° of cam rotation, the follower moves inwards with simple
harmonic motion. The follower dwells for the next 90° of cam rotation.
The minimum radius of the cam is 25 mm. Draw the profile of the cam
Prob2:- A cam, with a minimum radius of 50 mm, rotating clockwise at a uniform
speed, is required to give a knife edge follower the motion as described below :
1. To move outwards through 40 mm during 100° rotation of the cam ; 2. To dwell for
next 80° ; 3. To return to its starting position during next 90°, and 4. To dwell for the
rest period of a revolution i.e. 90°.
Draw the profile of the cam when the line of stroke of the follower passes through
the centre of the cam shaft,.The displacement of the follower is to take place with
uniform acceleration and uniform retardation.
Prob3-:Design a cam for operating the exhaust valve of an oil engine. It is
required to give equal uniform acceleration and retardation during opening and
closing of the valve each of which corresponds to 60° of cam rotation. The valve
must remain in the fully open position for 20° of cam rotation. The lift of the
valve is 37.5 mm and the least radius of the cam is 40 mm. The follower is
provided with a roller of radius 20 mm and its line of stroke passes through the
axis of the cam.
Prob 4:- Design a cam to raise a valve with simple harmonic motion through 50
mm in 1/3 of a revolution, keep if fully raised through 1/12 revolution and to
lower it with harmonic motion in 1/6 revolution. The valve remains closed
during the rest of the revolution. The diameter of the roller is 20 mm and
the minimum radius of the cam is 25 mm. The diameter of the camshaft is 25
mm. The axis of the valve rod passes through the axis of the camshaft.
Prob5:- A disc cam is to give uniform motion to a knife edge follower during out
stroke of 50 mm during the first half of the cam revolution. The follower again
returns to its original position with uniform motion during the next half of the
revolution. The minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm and thediameter of the
cam shaft is 35 mm. Draw the profile of the cam when the axis of follower
passes through the axis of cam shaft,
Knife Edge Reciprocating Off-set Follower
• Construct Displacement Diagram as per data given in Problem
• Construct Base circle of given minimum diameter radius and mark the offset
Distance from center of cam(R Or L side as per mention) ,Draw off-set circle
Draw perpendicular to off-set circle which cuts base circle at point A, this is
follower axis ,show on it Knife edge follower Choosing shaft Dia.
• Join A point with center of cam,Substained Different cam angle w.r. to OA line on
Base circle( take position of angle opposite to cam rotation) Mark Ør, Øf, Ød
• Divide the angle of rise in to 6 equal parts as per displacement Dia. Mark the
follower axis by drawing tangent to off-set circle passing though 1 ,2—6 points,
• Choose 11” distance in compass and mark on 1st axis of follower from 1 point
similarly mark 2” ,3”—6” points from 2,3---6 points
• Join these points by outline to get cam profile for outstroke
• Same procedure repeat for Angle of return to get cam profile
• For angle of Dwell Draw the arc with radius equal to last point for angle of rise
and dwell(O6’ or O0’) from center of cam
A cam is to be designed for a knife edge follower with the following data :
1. Cam lift = 40 mm during 90° of cam rotation with simple harmonic motion. 2.
Dwell for the next 30°. 3. During the next 60° of cam rotation, the follower returns
to its original position with simple harmonic motion.4. Dwell during the remaining
180°. Draw the profile of the cam when the line of stroke is offset 20 mm from the
axis of the cam shaft.The radius of the base circle of the cam is 40 mm.

• Scale 1cm=20 ° for X-axis
Roller Reciprocating Off-set Follower
• Construct Displacement Diagram as per data given in Problem
• Construct Base circle of given minimum diameter radius, Also draw Prime crcle with
radius(R+r) and mark the offset Distance from center of cam(R Or L side as per
mention) ,Draw off-set circle Draw perpendicular to off-set circle which cuts Prime
circle at point A, this is follower axis ,show on it Knife edge follower Choosing shaft
• Join A point with center of cam, Substained Different cam angle w.r. to OA line on
Prime circle( take position of angle opposite to cam rotation) Mark Ør, Øf, Ød
• Divide the angle of rise in to 6 equal parts as per displacement Dia. Mark the follower
axis by drawing tangent to off-set circle passing though 1 ,2—6 points,
• Choose 1B distance in compass and mark on 1 st axis of follower from 1 point similarly
mark C ,D—G points from 2,3---6 points, These are different centers of roller of roller
• Join these points to get Pitch curve for outstroke, Draw the roller circles at different
centers of roller,
• Draw the inside tangent to all roller circles, this is cm profile for angle of rise
• Same procedure repeat for Angle of return to get Pitch curve &cam profile
• For angle of Dwell Draw the arc with radius equal to last point for angle of rise and
dwell(O6’ or O0’) from center of cam
A cam rotating clockwise at a uniform speed of 1000 r.p.m. is required to give a roller follower
the motion defined below :
1. Follower to move outwards through 50 mm during 120° of cam rotation,
2. Follower to dwell for next 60° of cam rotation,
3. Follower to return to its starting position during next 90° of cam rotation,
4. Follower to dwell for the rest of the cam rotation.
The minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm and the diameter of roller is 10 mm. The line of
stroke of the follower is off-set by 20 mm from the axis of the cam shaft. If the displacement
of the follower takes place with uniform and equal acceleration and retardation on both the
outward and return strokes, draw profile of the cam
Given : N = 1000 r.p.m. ; S = 50 mm ; Ør = 120° ; Øf = 90°, Ødr= 60°, Ødf=90°
Construction of Cam Profile
Today’s Lecture ,covered following topics:-
1. Construction procedure of Cam profile for Knife edge off-set
Reciprocating follower
2. On the basis of numerical, Discussed Construction of cam Profile for off-
set Knife edge Reciprocating follower
3. Construction procedure of Cam profile for Roller off-set Reciprocating
4. On the basis of numerical , Discussed Construction of cam Profile for
off-set Roller Reciprocating follower
Prob1:-Construct the profile of a cam to suit the following specifications :
Cam shaft diameter = 40 mm ; Least radius of cam = 25 mm ; Diameter of roller =25 mm;
Angle of lift = 120° ; Angle of fall = 150° ; Lift of the follower = 40 mm ; Number of pauses are
two of equal interval between motions. During the lift, the motion is S.H.M. During the fall the
motion is uniform acceleration and deceleration. The speed of the cam shaft is uniform. The
line of stroke of the follower is off-set 12.5 mm from the centre of the cam
Prob2:-A cam is to give the following motion to a knife-edged follower :
1. Outstroke during 60° of cam rotation ; 2. Dwell for the next 30° of cam rotation ;
3. Return stroke during next 60° of cam rotation, and 4. Dwell for the remaining 210° of cam
Rotation. The stroke of the follower is 40 mm and the minimum radius of the cam is 50 mm.
The follower moves with uniform velocity during both the outstroke and return strokes. Draw
the profile of the cam the axis of the follower is offset by 20 mm from the axis of the cam

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