1 Introduction To Epidemiology - TWL

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Introduction to Epidemiology

Tigist Workneh (MD, MPH)

November, 2020
Session content
Definition of Epidemiology
Scope of Epidemiology
Uses of Epidemiology
Fundamental Assumptions in Epidemiology
The word epidemiology comes from the Greek words
epi, meaning “on or upon,” demos, meaning “people,”
and logos, meaning “the study of.”
Therefore literally means "the study of what is upon

The study of the frequency, distribution and

determinants of diseases and health related conditions in
specified human populations and the application of this
study to the promotion of health and to the prevention
and control of major health problems.
The study of the frequency, distribution and
determinants of diseases and health related
conditions in specified human populations and the
application of this study to the promotion of health
and to the prevention and control of major health

Shows epidemiology to be mainly a quantitative

The study of the frequency, distribution and determinants
of diseases and health related states or events in specified
human populations and the application of this study to
the promotion of health and to the prevention and control
of major health problems.

Refers to the distribution of disease by time,

geographical distribution, and/ or type of persons
affected. (distribution by Time, Place and Person)
Distribution by TPP
The study of the frequency, distribution and
determinants of diseases and health related conditions
in specified human populations and the application of
this study to the promotion of health and to the
prevention and control of major health problems.

Factors which determine whether or not a person

will get a disease.
E.g., age, income, occupation, personal behaviors,
knowledge, attitude, …
The study of the frequency, distribution and
determinants of diseases and health related conditions in
specified human populations and the application of this
study to the promotion of health and to the prevention
and control of major health problems.

Conditions which directly or indirectly affect or

influence health. These may be living conditions,
injuries, vital events, health related behaviors, social
factors, economic factors etc.
The study of the frequency, distribution and
determinants of diseases and health related conditions in
specified human populations and the application of this
study to the promotion of health and to the prevention
and control of major health problems.

 The focus of epidemiology is mainly on the

population rather than individuals.
The study of the frequency, distribution and determinants
of diseases and health related conditions in specified
human populations and the application of this study to
the promotion of health and to the prevention and control
of major health problems.

Practical science
The study of the frequency, distribution and determinants
of diseases and health related conditions in specified
human populations and the application of this study to
the promotion of health and to the prevention and control
of major health problems.

Interventional science
Descriptive Vs Analytic epidemiology
The study of the frequency, distribution and determinants
of diseases and health related conditions in specified
human populations and the application of this study to the
promotion of health and to the prevention and control of
major health problems.
The part of epidemiology concerned with the frequency
and distribution of diseases by time, person and place is
called Descriptive Epidemiology.
It asks the questions: how many? Where? When? What?
The part of epidemiology dealing with the causes and
determinants of diseases is called Analytical
It asks the questions: how? Why?
Scope of Epidemiology
Originally, epidemiology was concerned with epidemics
of communicable diseases and epidemic investigations.

At present, it is concerned with almost all things:

communicable and non-communicable diseases, injuries
and accidents, health behaviors etc...
Purposes of Epidemiology
Determine the extent of a health problem in a
Identify causes and risk factors for disease.
Study natural history and prognosis of disease.
Evaluate preventive and therapeutic measures.
Provide foundation for public policy.
Fundamental Assumptions in Epidemiology
Disease doesn’t occur at random

Disease has causal and preventive factors

History of Epidemiology
Reading assignment

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