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Practise English

Hotel problems
Đông Quân

Trịnh Khánh Linh
Nguyễn Hoàng Phương Linh
Nguyễn Hương Giang
Vũ Thị Thu Hương
Bùi Thị Hà
Phạm Thu Huyền
Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Calling reception

a) 1.30: Watch or listen to Jenny. Number the pictures
1-6 in the order she mentions them.

b) Watch or listen again and answer the questions:

1. What does Jenny do?

=> She is an assistant editor.
2. Where did she go a few months ago?
=> She went to London.
3. Who’s Rob Walker?
=> He is a writes in magazine.
4. What did they do together?
=> They had café, they have sights and shopping.
5. What does she think of Rob?
6. How long is Rob going to be in New York?
=> He is going to be in NewYork for a month.
My name’s Rob Walker.
I live here in London, I work in London and I write about
I work for a magazine called London 24/7. I write about life in
London, the people, the theater, the restaurants. It’s fun I love
London. It’s a great city

Hi, my name’s Jenny Zielinski. I’m from New York, the
number one city in the world.
I’m the assistant editor of a magazine New York 24/7. I’m the
new assistant editor but this week I’m on a busisness trip to
London, this is the first time in the UK. It’s very exciting
a) 1.31: Cover the conversation on p.13 and what or listen. Who do
Calling reception Rob call? Why?
b) Watch or listen again. Complete the “You hear” phrases.
Calling reception
You hear You say
Hello reception. Hello. This is room in 613.

How can I help you? There’ s a problem with the air

conditioning. It isn’t working, and
it’s very hot in my room.
I’m sorry sir. I’ ll send Thank you.
Somebody up to look at
It right now.

Good evening Hello. I’m sorry to bother you

, again. This room is 613.
How can I help you? I have a problem with the wi-fi. I
can’t get a signal.

I’m sorry sir. I’ll put you Thanks

you throught to IT.
c) Watch or listen and repeat the “ You say” phrases. Copy the
Calling reception rhythm.

I’ ll
A There’s a problem with the air conditioning.
B I’ ll send somebody to look at it.
I’ll = I will. I’ ll + verb to offer to do something

I’ ll
A There’s a problem with the air conditioning.
B I’ ll send somebody to look at it. ( Tôi sẽ cử người đến xem nó)
I’ll = I will. I’ ll + verb to offer to do something ( đề nghị ai đó làm

c) Practise the conversation with a partner.

e) In pairs, role – play the conversation
Calling reception A. ( Book open) You are the receptionist.
B. ( Book closed) You are a guest. You have two problems with your
room ( think about what they are)
A offer to do something about B’s problems. You begin with “ hello,

f. Swap roles.
Thanks for listening

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