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• This is the process where by a virus makes copies of itself in a targeted

host cell.
• Viruses are non-living things .
• They consist of nucleic acid having an outer protein covering called
capsid (nucleocapsid).
• They contain no ribosomes and mitochondria for harvesting of energy.
• According to the definition of the viral replication above viruses need
to pass through the following stages for multiplication:
Viruses move to the specific or targeted host cell so that it
attaches to the receptor’s host cell , for example HIV virus
attacks cells having CD4 receptors.
 A virus attaches itself to a cell using capsid.
Enveloped virus fuse directly into the cell wall outer membrane
while naked virus, enters through endocytosis
Endocytosis is the cellular process in which materials are
brought into the cell , thus viruses take an advantage of this
 NOTE: for a virus to penetrate through the cell it requires
energy, but because a virus has no ribosomes and mitochondria
could not produce this energy therefore, this energy is
contributed by the host cell
 This is the removal of the virion’s protein coat(capsid) to expose
the genetic material.
 There are two different mechanisms of uncoating namely;
 RNA viruses uncoat due to the power of hydrogen of the host cell
which activates it.
 The enzymes in the vacuole dissolve the envelope and the capsid
to release viral genome
Is the process by which viruses make copies of themselves by
invading the host cells.

The virus quickly introduces its genome into a host cell and
initiates replication by hijacking the host’s cellular to make new
machinery of the virus copies
2. Lysogenic
Viruses sneak into the host’s DNA( Deoxyribonucleic acid)and
stay unnoticed and wait.
Later they become active, make copies of themselves and infect
other cells
 Viruses with DNA replicate in the nucleus of the host’s cell, the
single stranded DNA enters the nucleus of the host and it is
converted to double stranded DNA by DNA polymerase.
 The DNA enters single stranded because it has been unzipped by
the helicase enzymes.
• On the other hand, RNA viruses replicate their RNA genomes
in the cytoplasm.
• It is used by the host’s ribosome to create RNA polymerase
proteins which helps to replicate viral genomes so that more
viruses can be created.
• RNA polymerase is prone to errors compared to DNA
• That is the reason why ribonucleic acid viruses and mutations
occur more frequently than deoxyribonucleic acid viruses
This is the stage where the viral proteins and viral genomes
are packed into new virions.
The nucleic acid is coated by viral protein called capsid then
it is enveloped by a lipid bilayer in the process called
This envelope comes from the membrane of the infected host
6. Maturation
Process whereby newly formed virions become mature and are ready
to be released to the environment.
There’s a transition of initial non-infectious virion to an infectious
7. Releasing
This is the final step of replication.
It involves release of virions into the extracellular
environment where they continue the cycle of infection in the
new cells of the host.
There are three processes that take place;
I. Lysis
The host cell dies due to the massive release of matured
ii. Budding
The nucleocapsid is enveloped by the membrane of the
infected host cell
iii. Exocytosis
This is the process by which selective substances from the
nucleus of the cell are transported outside the plasma
Virions are transported outside the cell via this process
Philip, D.M Michael V
Lewis DW. Viral infection and nephcation. Oral microbiology( 5 th ed)
Page 180-181
Dimmock,N.J. (2007) Introduction to Morden virology. Blackwell
Jenniffer L,(2022) Essential human virology (2 nd ed)
• Gracious Kholomana
• Aubrey Songwe
• Tadala Ngozo • Alinafe Karonga
• Desmond Mlambe
• Tamandani Kaliwo
• Sister Edna Mloko
• Nelly Matambo
• Albert Kasoti
• Angel Mulimba • Witness January
• Khumbo Chabvula • Innocent Nyoni
• Sungeni Mulola • Laston Chimalizeni
• Leah Munthali
• Madalo Mdzeka
• Christopher Mpeni
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