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Technical English II

Dentistry. Characteristiscs. Description

A tooth consists of enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp tissue. The
portion of a tooth exposed to the oral cavity is known as the dental
crown, and the portion below the dental crown is known as the tooth
Oral hygiene items
Healthy and Unhealthy
Tooth diseases foods

Dental diseases
how to prevent them
Dentistry is the profession that takes care of mouth and jaws.
Dentists cure the sick tooth when it is possible to cure it.
A dentist cure the sick tooth, when it is posible or extract the
tooth when it is not posible to cure it.
A dentist receives special training to cure the sick tooth and
also to recognize mouth ailments that cause other diseases of
the body.
The students at the dental school attends different courses and
when he finishes these courses he receives a diploma.
A diploma is a certificate indicating that the student has
completed all the courses required.

A. Read and Translate to Spanish about Dentistry.

His third lower left molar was extracted. Su tercer molar inferior izquierdo fue extraído
Her lower left canine has a caries. Su canino inferior izquierdo tiene una caries
This is my dentist. Her name is Rocío. That is her office
This is my dentist. His name is Alejandro. That is his office.
These instruments are for you.
Those modelling compounds are excellent.
 Dentistry: Odontología
 Take Care: Cuidar, ocuparse de
 Teeth: Dientes
 Mouth: boca
 Jaws: maxilares
 Sick: enfermo
 Also: también
 Ailments: enfermedades, dolencias
 School: Escuela
 When: cuando
 These: estos, estas
 Required: requeridos, exigidos
 Other: otro, otra, otros, otras
 Diseases: enfermedades
 That: ese, esa
 Body: cuerpo
El Adjetivo: En Inglés el adjetivo es invariable, es decir que no cambia en
el género ni en el número. Siempre precede al sustantivo.
The alveolar absees El abseso
The indicated treatment El tratamiento indicado
The palatine bars Las barras
The indicated treatments Los tratamientos
Adjetivos Posesivos
My mi
Your tu
His su ( de él)
Her su ( de ella)
Its su ( de animal / cosa )
Our nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
Your vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras
Their su ( de ellos, ellas)
Adjetivos Demostrativos
This: este- esta
That: ese, esa, aquel, aquella
These: estos, estas
Those: esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas
The majority of schools of dentistry in the United States grant the
degree of DDS ( Doctor of Dental Medicine). Dentist have dental aids,
such as dental hygienists. Dental assistants, and dental technicians.
A dental hygienist receives special training and may clean teeth, teach
dental health, etc. A dental assistant keeps records of the patients,
sterilizes instruments and assists the dentist at the chair. The dental
technician also receives special training to make artificial dentures,
brigdes, inlays and to do many other laboratory Jobs.

In Your Notebook Translate this

Text to Spanish. 1P

Schools of dentistry: Escuelas de Odontología

Grant of degree : Conceden , otorgan el grado (
título )
Surgery: Cirugía
Aids: ayudas, ayudantes
Such as: tales como
Training: adiestramiento
May: puede
Clean: Limpiar
Dental Healh: Salud dental
Keeps: mantiene
Dental Chair: Sillón dental
Also: también
To make: hacer, para hacer
Jobs: trabajos, tareas
Write sentences using these words
Write five
Write some
Formar 5 grupos de cinco integrantes.

THEME: Presentar el grupo
The tooth . EL diente . Definición . Partes. Funciones. Investigar sobre
Tipos de dentición: deciduos , permanentes , nombres de cada diente, el tema ,
entregar en
GROUP TWO forma individual
THEME: Plaque , Placa bacteriana ,Tooth Diseases ,Gingivitis, periodontitis, cavities, la investigación
toothache, realizada .
Members: Manuscrito o
GROUP THREE Preparar uno o
THEME: Dental Hygiene items , elementos de higiene bucal, Healthy and unhealthy foods.
dos carteles por
grupo con
Group Four imágenes sobre
Theme: Momentos del cepillado , Técnica de higiene bucal , Técnica de uso de hilo dental . el tema.
Dental tips

Group Five
Theme: Remember. Consejos para una buena salud bucal .
Music about oral higiene . Agradecer la atención

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