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Effects of Social

Networks on the Spread of

Group: Antônio, Arthur Rocha, Giovana, Ian, João Vitor Schmeing
The main crimes committed on the internet
are those against honor, the most
prominent among which is PREJUDICE.
These crimes are generally committed due
to the false sense of anonymity generated
by the internet, but there are currently laws
that criminalize these acts.
Currently, there is Law 12,965, known as
Marco Civil da Internet, which establishes
principles, guarantees, rights and duties for
the use of the internet in Brazil.
The importance of this law can be seen in
a case that occurred in 2010 in SP where a
student was sentenced to one year, five
months and 15 days in prison for posting
prejudiced messages and inciting violence
against Northeasterners on her Twitter
However, this law only holds the author of
the comment responsible, exempting the
platform on which the prejudiced content
was posted from blame. Which would
somehow help the culprit in cases where
the profile of the person responsible for
the prejudiced acts was “anonymous”.
Therefore, in 2017, a bill was created that
makes providers who do not remove
prejudiced content generated by third
parties after receiving notification.

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