Grade 5

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Grade 5

The Human


Presented by: Tr. Ranjan Rai

What do you think makes up the human
body, and how do these parts work
together to keep us alive?

The human body is made up of various

components, including organs, tissues,
cells, and molecules.

Cells are the building blocks of living organisms.

They perform specific functions:

Muscle cells helps us to move.

Nerve cells helps us to feel touch and pain.


Group of similar cells forms tissue.

Example: Muscle tissue that helps us move.

Nerve tissue that helps us feel.

Organs are made up of different types of tissues

working together to perform specific jobs.

For example, the heart pumps blood, the lungs

help us breathe, and the stomach digests food.

Organs with related functions team up to form organ

organ systems in our bodies are: digestive system,
respiratory system, circulatory system, and nervous

All the organ systems work together to form an


Our bodies need all the organ systems working together

to keep us alive and healthy.
Organization in living organisms
Unit 1.1 :

The Circulatory System

What is circulatory system?
The circulatory system is like the body's
transportation system.

Circulatory system transport food and oxygen to all

parts of our body.
Circulatory system also carries waste substances that
our cells produce like carbon dioxide.
Parts of the circulatory system

Heart acts like a powerful pump.

It sends blood loaded with oxygen

and nutrients through the blood
vessels to all parts of your body.
Blood Vessels
These are like tiny tubes
which carries blood to all
Parts of the body.
Blood carries important things around our body like
oxygen from our lungs to our cells, and nutrients from
our food to our cells so they can grow and work

It also helps clean up our body by

picking up waste like carbon
dioxide from our cells and
carrying it away so we can breathe
it out.
15 Functions of circulatory system
1. Transportation of Oxygen and Nutrients: The primary
function of the circulatory system is to transport oxygen and
essential nutrients, to the cells of the body.

2. Removal of Waste Products: The circulatory system also

facilitates the removal of waste products, such as carbon
dioxide and metabolic waste, from the cells.
Pathways for the blood flow
The heart has two sides.
The left side pumps blood that
contains oxygen all around the

The right side pumps blood

without oxygen to the lungs only.
Pathways for the blood flow
Blood vessels and Blood

Blood is the red liquid that flows around the body.

Blood carries nutrients/food and oxygen to all

parts of the body.

It also carries carbon dioxide and other waste

products from the Body.

Blood moves through the body in the blood

Blood vessels and Blood
There are three kinds of blood vessels:
1. arteries
2. veins
3. capillaries

The blood vessels run from the

heart to the lungs, around the body
and back to the heart.
Blood vessels and Blood
Arteries: Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart
to the rest of the body.

They have thick, muscular walls that help them withstand the pressure of the blood
being pumped by the heart.

Veins: Veins are blood vessels that carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart.

Unlike arteries, veins have thinner walls and less muscular tissue.

Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that connect arteries to veins.

They are where the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products between the
blood and tissues occurs.
Blood vessels and Blood

Artery Vein

Heart beat and pulse
Our heart beats around 90 times a minute.

When you are grown up it will beat about 70 times a


When we run around our body needs more oxygen

and energy.

The more active you are the more often your heart
needs to beat to supply enough Food and oxygen
from the blood.
Heart beat and pulse
We can count our heart beats by feeling our

Our pulse is caused by the pressure of the

blood as the heart pumps it to the rest of the

We can feel pulse on the side of our neck and

the inside of your wrist.

Each pulse is due to contraction and

expansion of heart.

1.2 The respiratory system

What is respiratory system?

Respiratory system is the organs and

structures in your body that allow you
to breathe.
Parts of the respiratory system

1. Two lungs.

2. Windpipes

3. Diaphragm muscle
Organs and Their Functions:

Nose: Where air enters the body. It filters, warms, and moistens the air.

Trachea: Also known as the windpipe, it carries air from the nose and
mouth to the lungs.

Lungs: Main organs of the respiratory system. Oxygen from the air we
breathe enters the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is released from the
bloodstream into the air.

Diaphragm: A muscle beneath the lungs that helps with breathing. When
it contracts, it expands the chest cavity and draws air into the lungs.

Inhalation: The diaphragm contracts and moves downward,

while the rib muscles expand the chest cavity, allowing
Oxygen to enter the lungs.

Exhalation: The diaphragm relaxes and moves upward, and

the rib muscles relax, causing the chest cavity to decrease in
size and push carbon dioxide out of the lungs.

1.3 The reproductive system

Growing and developing
 Throughout your childhood we grow and develop.

 Lot of changes takes place in the body.

 We grow taller and heavier.

 We become adult and will be able to reproduce .

 This stage in our life is called puberty.

Growing and developing
32  Puberty starts at different ages in boys and

 In boys, puberty starts at the age of 13.

 In girls it starts at the age of 11.

 The changes that happens during puberty is

Caused by chemicals in your body called
Changes that takes place during puberty
 During puberty, boys grow very fast around 10 cm in a year.

 Body grows more hair.

 In boys, hair begins to grow on the face, armpits and other parts
of the body.

 Our skin becomes oily and pimples starts to appear.

 Chest and shoulders will get broader as the muscle develops.

 Voice will change and become deeper.

Changes that takes place during puberty
 Girls can grow up to 12 cm in a year as puberty starts.

 In girls hair begins to grow in the armpits and other parts of the

 Skins becomes oily and pimples appears.

 Girls hip will get wider and she will start to develop breast.

 Voice will also become little deeper.

Changes in the reproductive system
 During puberty our reproductive system undergo change.

 These changes make it possible for a boy to become father and

for a girl to become a mother when they are older.

 The main function of the reproductive system is to make special

Cells called sex cells.

 In males, the sex cells are called sperms.

 In female sex cells are called egg or ova.

Changes that takes place during puberty
 During puberty, male’s body starts to make sperm.

 In girls ova starts to develop.

 Menstruation in girls starts about a year after puberty begins.

 During menstruation an unfertilized egg is released from the body.

 Menstruation happens about once a month.

 Menstruation stops if an egg is fertilized.


During reproduction, a sperm and an egg/ovum join together to form

a new living being that will go into the baby.

This process is called fertilization.


The male reproductive system

The male reproductive organs


• two testes, which produce the

sperm (one is called a testis)

• the sperm duct, which carries the

sperm to the penis

• the penis, which transfers the

sperm into the female's body.
The female reproductive system
The female reproductive organs include:

• ovaries, which produce the ova or egg


• the uterus or womb, where the baby


• oviducts, where fertilisation takes


• the birth canal, which receives the

sperm from the male and through which
the baby is born.

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