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I am Nur Qurratul Hannah Damia binti Mohd

Faiz from SK Datuk Ismail Saadon Kota

Tinggi Johor. I am in year 5 Al-Khawarizmi. I
have got two brothers. I live in Felda Air
Tawar 2. When I was in year 4, I took part in
several competitions to represent my school
at district and international level. One of the
competitions that I had involved was One
Music One Vocal in the International art and
Science Festival.
This is an international programme that promote
the use of English among school children. The
festival was also a collaboration between Sk
Laksamana and one of primary school in
Indonesia. It was an English singing
competition. I won the competition. Another
singing competition that I took part was a Malay
singing competition held by PPD Kota Tinggi. I
got the first place in this competition. In addition,
I also took part in story telling competition in
Festival Kesenian Islam at district level.
I love reading.I love reading comics. One
of my favourite comic series is Candy
Series Friends Forever Compilation.The
"Candy Series" is a popular children's
book series written by Malaysian author
Kaoru. It follows the adventures of a
group of schoolgirls, each with their own
distinct personality and interests. The
series often focuses on themes of
friendship, school life, and growing up.
This comic has several chapters that
feature few stories. In the Candy Series,
the main characters, Candy, Maggie, and
others, embark on various adventures
together, facing challenges and
strengthening their bonds along the way.
These adventures include school events,
holidays, or even unexpected trips.
Another theme that appears in the
Candy Series is the idea of accepting
and celebrating differences among
friends. A compilation might include
stories where the characters learn
valuable lessons about
understanding and appreciating
each other's unique qualities.
Besides, friendship isn't always smooth
sailing, and the Candy Series
acknowledges this. A compilation also
includes stories where the characters
support each other through difficult
times, such as family problems, academic
challenges, or personal crises. Another
notable theme in this series is celebrating
From birthdays to graduations, the
characters in the Candy Series share
many milestones together. Candy
Series also feature stories centered
around these special occasions,
highlighting the joy of celebrating
with friends. Throughout the Candy
Series, the characters learn important
life lessons and grow as individuals.
This comics also highlight stories where the characters
face moral dilemmas, make mistakes, and ultimately learn
and grow from their experiences, with the support of
their friends.
Overall, a "Candy Series: Friends Forever Compilation"
offers readers a diverse collection of heartwarming stories
that celebrate the power of friendship and the adventures
of growing up together.
Now, I would like to give opinion about the
use of smartphones among students. I chose
questions number 5 from the list.
Smartphone technology is becoming
sophisticated with more diverse applications
to meet current trends. In my opinion, I agree
that smartphone is useful too for students
Smartphones have become incredibly
sophisticated tools, offering a wide array of
features beyond just communication. For
students, smartphones can be valuable
educational tools. Firstly, smartphones
provide students with instant access to
vast amounts of information through the
internet. This can be particularly helpful for
research, studying, and staying updated on
current events.
Besides, there are countless educational
apps available for smartphones that
cover a wide range of subjects, from
language learning to mathematics to
science. These apps can make learning
more interactive and engaging.
Apart from that, Smartphones come with
built-in tools like calendars, reminders,
notes, and to-do lists, which can help
students stay organized and manage their
time effectively. It also can help students
stay organized by managing their
schedules, setting reminders for
assignments and exams, and taking notes.
Productivity apps can also assist in time
management and task prioritization.
Another benefit of smartphones is it
allow students to easily communicate
with classmates, teachers, and parents,
whether through calls, text messages, or
social media platforms. This can be
crucial for collaboration on group
projects and staying connected with the
school community.
In addition, with smartphones, students can
access multimedia content such as videos,
podcasts, and interactive simulations, which can
enhance their understanding of complex
concepts. Smartphone is essential in today's
digital age, proficiency with technology is
becoming increasingly important. Using
smartphones can help students develop digital
literacy skills that are essential for success in the
modern world.
However, it's important to note that
excessive use of smartphones can also
have negative consequences such as
distraction, reduced attention span, and
social isolation. Therefore, it's essential
for students to use smartphones
responsibly and in moderation, with
parental guidance and supervision as

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