Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Introduction to Database

(Fundamental concepts)

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1


Basic concepts:
 Data


Database, DBMS and Database system

Database system and File System

Main Characteristics of the Database Approach

Actors on the scene function of DBMS

Database models

Advantages of Using DBMS

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1
Basic concepts
 Data: Known facts that can be recorded and have an implicit meaning.

 Example Form of Data?

 Raw facts, building blocks of information

 Unprocessed information

 Information : when data is processed and converted into a meaningful and Useful form, it is
known as Information.

 Information is nothing but refined data

 Well organized data

 Information is data that have been put in to a meaningful & Useful context.
Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1
What is Database?

 Database is an organized collection of facts and information, such as records on

employees, inventory and customers.

 A shared collection of logically related data(real world entities), designed to meet

the information needs of multiple users in an organization.

 A collection of information organized and presented to serve a specific purpose. (A

telephone book is a common database.)

 A computerized database is an updated, organized file of machine readable information

that is rapidly searched and retrieved by computer.
Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

 DBMS(database management system): Collection of programs that manages

database structure and controls access to data
 Possible to share data among multiple applications or users

 Makes data management more efficient and effective

 Database System: a database together with database management system

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Database system environment

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Database system vs. file system

 In file system ,every user has its own group and files system, so he has to store data
multiple times.
 When any query needs to be updated it becomes quite difficult to update everywhere

 While in database only one time creation required, server provide these information to required


In files system when updating is required, at some places it is updated but at some places

user forgot to update leads to inconsistency

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1
 In database system only one time updation is required, it is automatically updated at all other places

Sharing of Data

 In file system sharing of data is quite complex process and user need to find particular file to locate

 In database system it’s very easy just type keywords in search query, files are easily shared
throughout the organization.


 In file system there is no physical security as anyone get those files , also due to physical damages
there are a chances of being damaging.

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

In database system data is stored at servers and cloud, so there are a few chances of being
damaged and security is high.

figure 1.2 Contrasting database and file system

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1
Main characteristics of the database approach
Self-describing nature of a database system:
 A DBMS catalog stores the description of a particular database (e.g. data structures, types, and
 The description is called meta-data.

 This allows the DBMS software to work with different database applications.

Insulation between programs and data:

 Called program-data independence.

 Allows changing data structures and storage organization without having to change the DBMS
access programs.

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1


Data Abstraction:

A data model is used to hide storage details and present the users with a
conceptual view of the database.
Programs refer to the data model constructs rather than data storage details

Support of multiple views of the data:

Each user may see a different view of the database, which describes only the data
of interest to that user.

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Actors on the scene

In a large database with approximately hundreds of users many persons are
involved in its design, use and maintenance.

Actors on the scene are people whose jobs involve the day-to-day use of such
large databases. The following are professionals who are categorized as actors on
the scene:

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Database administrator
Administering the resources in a database environment

Authorizing access to the database, coordinating and monitoring its use.

Acquiring software and hardware resources as needed.

Setting security parameters for the database system and improving system
Involves in all steps of database development

Institute of of Database,
engineering and Chapter
technology, parul 1university
Database Designers

Identifies the data to be stored and choose the appropriate structures to represent
and store the data.
Should understand the user requirement and should choose how the user views
the database.
Involve on the design phase before the implementation of the database system.

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1


Systems Analyst and Application programmer

 System analyst determines the user requirement and how the user wants to view the
 The application programmer implements these specifications as programs; code, test,
debug, document and maintain the application program.
 Determines the interface on how to retrieve, insert, update and delete data in the database.

 The application could use any high level programming language according to the
availability, the facility and the required service.

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

End users: End users are the people whose jobs require access to the database for
querying, updating, and generating reports; the database primarily exists for their
use. There are several categories of end users:
Native Users
 Sizable/large proportion of users

 Unaware of the DBMS

 Only access the database based on their access level and demand
 Use standard and pre-specified types of queries.

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Casual end users:
 users who access the database occasionally.

 Need different information from the database each time.

 Use sophisticated database queries to satisfy their needs.

 Are most of the time middle to high level managers.

 Sophisticated Users:
 Are users familiar with the structure of the Database and facilities of the DBMS.

 Are most of the time engineers, scientists, business analysts, etc

 Have higher level queries

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Database models

Database Model is a set of concepts to describe the structure of a database, and certain
constraints that the database should obey.

It is a description of the way that data is stored in a database. Data model helps to
understand the relationship between entities and to create the most effective structure to
hold data.

Types of database models are:

1. The Hierarchical Data Model

2. The Network Data Model

3. The Relational Data Model

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1
Hierarchical Database Model

This is the oldest form of database.

This data model organizes the data in the tree structure i.e each child node can have
only one parent node and at the top of the structure, there is a single parenthesis node.

 In this model a database record is a tree that consists of one or more groupings of
fields called segments, which makeup the individual nodes of the tree.

This model use one-to-many relationship.

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1


Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Network model

Replaces the hierarchical tree with graph thus allowing more general connections
among the nodes.

Supports multiple paths in the data structure eliminates some of the drawbacks of
the hierarchical model

allows one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships

Created to:

Represent complex data relationships more effectively

Improve database performance

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Relational Database Model

The relational database model allows the definition of data structures, storage and
retrieval operations and integrity constraints.

In such a database the data and relations between them are organized in tables.

 A table is a collection of records and each record in a table contains the same fields
organized in columns.

The records in the table form the rows of the table.

Provides flexibility that allows changes to the database structure to be easily

accommodated. It facilitates multiple views of the same database for different users.
Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

Advantages of using DBMS

Controlling Redundancy in data storage, development and maintenance efforts.

 Restricting Unauthorized Access (security and authorization)

 Providing persistent storage for program objects and data structure

Providing Multiple User Interfaces

Representing Complex Relationships Among data

Enforcing Integrity Constraints(accidental deletion or insertion)

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1


Providing Backup and Recovery

Centralized control – Data quality and integrity maintained

Data easily shared, but still controlled by DBMS

Database searches and analysis faster through DBMS through “user-friendly”


Efficient Data Access

Fundamentals of Database, Chapter 1

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