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Along with the language the world of Oceania is depicted as being very slow the

motions of of the like the motions of everyday life is very slow which contributes
to the mundane andit's like mundane realism, It's very slow Winston walks up the
stairs very slowly because the lift doesn't work so he has to take a slower route

“the lunch queue jerked slowly forward” - 1956 film version directed by Michael
Radford Communicates this slowness through the shots lasting for a long time
the lack of action in the film, the shot focusing on Winston doing an activity for a
long time, the silence in some shots,
Society refers to a community the aggregate of
people however herethis a SOC's reference is one
person which shows the breakdown of
community the breakdown of togetherness that is
You did not have friends associated with the word SoCwhich is now taken
nowadays you had to mean an individual's presence rather than a
comrades, But there were social presence
some friends who society The bond of mutual affection That exist within friendship,
no longer exists. Since comrade refers to the fellow
was pleasanter than member of an organisation, Orwell Emphasises how bonds
others between people once held no longer exists and instead the
relationship between people is governed by their relation to
the state, It's no longer the relationship between each other
in relation to the individual, it's the relationship between
each other in relation to the state, In other words what links
the two individuals together is not their individual interests,
As in a friendship, but it's the state, That provides the link
between people now, Which removes individualismand it
removes that bond that is held between two people
Victory gin is described as
The physical
It's also interesting to note where the workers have description of the place
their lunch can make one feel
physically confined but
added the feeling of
In a low ceilinged canteen, deep underground. The confinement an
entrapment is also the
room was already very full and deafeningly noisy
fullness of the room,
and the fullness of the
sounds heard, almost
Claustrophobia is a fear of confined spaces. creating a sensation of
It is triggered by many situations or stimuli, feeling trapped and
including elevators, especially when crowded overwhelmed by all the
to capacity, windowless rooms, and hotel acoustic information
rooms with closed doors and sealed windows one is taking in
Syme In the atmosphere ofcaution UN betrayal and the worry of the thought
police it might suggest that Simon is searching his face closely to find
any suggestions of thought crime but This description structurally
followed afterthe description of aloneliness and claustrophobia, On the
He was a tiny creature smaller explicit reference to the lack of connection between peoplethe lack of
than Winston with dark hair andfriendship the act of searching his face closely may suggest that he's
trying to find the slightest connection, Also the fact that he has to search
large protuberant eyes, at once meticulously implied by the adverb : closely; emphasises just how
mournful and derisive which closed off and guarded citizens of Oceania are, and how difficult it is to
connect to each other, However the fact that Winston is able to infer
seemed to search your face and relate the emotion behind those eyes , might make the phrase the
closely while he was speaking toeyes are the windows to the soul, surprisingly, applicable to life in
Oceania, And might suggest some form of connectionbetween people
you still present which might be Orwell supplying hope and also warning us
to appreciate the human connections we have between strangers.. It's
also interesting here how Winston and Syme are simultaneously
searching one another's faces, Even though Winston coming to the
conclusion that his eyes are more foreign derisivedid not have to take
much effortshown by the idiom all at onceat oncewhich means
immediately suggesting thatSimon gives off the impression of
mournfulness and derisiveness immediately, Suggesting Winston is
more closed off than Syme, The fact thatthe two emotions and feelings
that signs eyes areportraying and giving off of very different shows
There had been a famine of them (razor blades) for
months past.

At any given moment there was some necessary

article which the party shops were unable to supply.
Sometimes it was buttons, sometimes it was darning
wool sometimes it was shoelaces, at present it was
razor blades.
The queue gave another jerk forward

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