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Automatic Train Supervision

Nippon CBTC Signaling

Ashwani Kumar Gupta/Lecturer

Learning Objectives
After this session participants will be able to
 Know the about the ATS functions
 Login/Logout from application
 Control transfer functions
 Area of authority and area of region
 Life Indicators
 Perform operations to control train and other
functions of ATS
 Verify the result with indications
 Impose safety related commands and verify them
 Browsing other applications

What is ATS
 ATS is the computer system that totally manages and controls
train operation and train route based on the schedule.
 This equipment is indispensable for achieving high-density
 It is a versatile system that can also accommodate a large-
scale route in spite of a simple configuration.

ATS(Automatic Train Supervision)
Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) ?
“means a sub-system of continuous automatic train control
system which automatically monitors the entire system and directs
train running so as to provide scheduled service under normal
Functions of ATS
 ARS- Automatic Route Setting,
 ATO- Automatic Train Operation,
 ATR- Automatic Train Regulation,
 Scheduled Train Run, etc.

ATS exchanges messages with the external sub-systems such as,
ATC, PIDS/ PAS, Train Radio, TVS, TCMS, Train, CCTV, SC, OC,
central workst

Regional Transportation District (RTD)



Network Video Recorder
Train CCTV
radio NVR camera


Field Axle PAS/

Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations used in this
ATS Automatic Train Supervision MB Maintenance Block Button

ACR Authority of Control Region

PSD Platform Screen Door
AOA Area of Authority
RM Restricted Manual
ARS Automatic Route Setting

SS Skip Stop Button

ATO Automatic Train Operation

ATR Automatic Train Regulation TH Train Hold Button

BCC Backup OCC TSR Temporary Speed Restriction

CL Control Toggle Button

UTO Unattended Train Operation

Emergency Operation Toggle VDU Visual Display Unit

EM Button

GTH Group Train Hold Button OCC Operation Control Center

ATS Applications
Name of Application Description
Line Overview Operator can supervise and control traffic.
Maintenance Monitor The failure information can be observed on the
Maintenance Monitor.
Alarm Browsing Application For real time alarm browsing
Event Monitor Real time event monitoring, it is available for log
Timetable Management For Timetable editing

Rolling Stock Management Traffic on RS can be managed

Crew Control Management Crew schedule and activities can be managed
Playback Management can playback the past traffic situations on MMI
of Line Overview, Maintenance Monitor.
Account Management Only chief controller can edit (create
/modify/delete) user account
Application Login Prompt
Line Overview: Main course of our topic today.
Main display:
 The main display will show the line schematic and the
current situation of the signaling and traffic control.
Step 1:
Input User ID and Password,
Login in the system.
 If invalid User ID or wrong Password is input on login
window, ATS system rejects and prompts correct
UserID/Password input again.
 Login window on which each staffs input their account is
as below:

Application Login Prompt (cont.)
Line Overview
 After Login Application Launcher window will appear. Select the
Line Overview for traffic controller privileges. 11
Application Login Prompt (cont.)
Step3: Selecting line overview, main display area appear Ex: IX4.




Step4: Press the arrow key to move to the adjacent area.

Display Area (Boundaries & Zones)
IXL Boundary: Explains boundary of each IXL
CBTC Boundary: CBTC’s zone for train detection.
Having the Controlling Authority on
corresponding IXL.
Having no Controlling Authority on corresponding

No connection with corresponding IXL.

Connection with corresponding SC.

No connection with corresponding SC.

Areas of the Window


Description/Control Area Tool Bar Area

Alarm Bar Area

Status Bar
Areas of the Window (cont.)
Appearance Descriptions
Display the current whole ATS status by friendly
Display Area user interface
Contains the general operations or functions for
Tool Bar acquiring information or doing setting operation.

Display the selected element information,

below are acceptable element
Description/ 1.Track
Control Area 2.Train
Alarm Area Display the current instant alarm
Display current time, health status, name of
Status View Area button.
Display Area
Summarize meanings of each symbol and button on display area,
as below.
1) Station name-
2) Platform Number-This indicates the number of the platform,
and the color changes depending on whether the train is
stopped at correct position or not.
3) Door & PSD Status- This indicates the door status of RSD and
PSD at each station.
List of Symbols of Display Area

Signal IXL Station Control Box

Virtual Signal



CBTC Boundary:
(The blue line
is IXL Boundary and pink line is
Zone Boundary )
List of Symbols of Display Area
(Headway, Dwell Time counter, ESP Status, Delay)


Last Departed

Neutral Zone
Control Type
This indicates the current status of controlling Authority for each
IXL, and related profiles and properties.
Control= Yes Control-No
User ID=TC
User ID=None

Control Right-Yes Control Right-No

Control-No Control-No

ATS in control of self ATS in Control of Other

Control Right-Yes Control Right-No
(Display Area) Main Line Signal
Aspect Status Aspect Status

Approach Lock =On

G Aspect = 1
Note: Now, counting to release.

G Aspect = 0
Signal Block = 1
V Aspect = 1
G Aspect = 0
Route Block = 1
V Aspect = 0
G Lamp Failure = 1
Route Controlled
V Aspect = 1
G Aspect = 1 Note: Proceed aspect V is still available.

Route Controlled v
V Lamp Failure = 1
V Aspect = 1

Fleet = On
R Lamp Failure = 1
G Aspect = 1
(Display Area) Emergency & Virtual Signal
Virtual Signal:
This indicates the status and aspect of Virtual Signal.
Proceed Signal
Stop Signal
Emergency Signal:
This indicates the status and Aspect of Emergency Signal.
This symbol appears only in Emergency mode and disappears on
returning to normal mode.
Proceed Signal
Stop Signal
(Display Area) Depot & Route Signals
Shunting Signal: Indicates the status and aspect of Signal.
Proceed Aspect = Yes

Proceed Aspect = No

R Lamp Failure = Yes

Proceed Aspect = No

Route Indication: Indicates the opening direction of the route.

Route = Main with Green aspect
Route = Diversion
Route = Second Diversion
Route = Third Diversion
(Display Area) Indication of Points


Not set in Normal or Reverse

Point Blocked in Normal

self-normalization Inhibited = No
Note: only for self-normalization type
self-normalization Inhibited = Yes
EKT Auth. = Authorized.
EKT Key = Removed
EKT Auth. = Authorized.
EKT Key = Inserted
Point Failure = Yes
Note: the point name blinks.
Indication of Track (Display Area)
Condition Condition
 Status: Occupied
 SC Failure detected Route Block = Yes
even not Occupied
Track Status:
a. Route Set in case
No Entry = No
Track locks are not Axel Counter Faulty
b. Track lock imposed if
route is not set TSR Speed ≦ 30
during re-start of
Low Adhesion =
Status: Normal not
occupied Yes
When SC Failure
detected Occupied Axle Counter
section occupied
Maintenance Block
Indication of Train (Display Area)Condition
VATC Mode = RM
Receive Unlocated Train Information from SC
No Mode
Train in ATO with Station skip
Train in UTO with Train Hold
Emergency Reason: (SC)≠0 or (VOBC)≠0
Status: Emergency UTO Remote control required
Train Stopped = Yes (Track Blink Red frame at PF) 7901
Open Door at not Stopping Point (Orange Line Below Train Icon)
Delay time ≧ Delay limit time, Note: Character turn to Red. In case
of Timetable Mode only.
Control Transfer
 When operator needs to manually operate on SC and OC over
certain IXLs, operator obtains authority of control on particular
IXL for manual operations.
 ATS supplies mutually controlling mechanism to arbitrate
control authority over operators and workstations.
Scheme of Control Transfer
 The strategy for Control Transfer arbitration is generally based on
 “If there is more than 1 person who requests control authority, the
first requested one can obtain the authority”.
 If you are the only operator who wants to take control authority on
the IXL, you can obtain the authority immediately.
Note: VDU can take control immediately, even if other workstation
already takes control. In other words, VDU can forcefully override
authority controlling mechanism.
Procedure to Release Control
Note: If this workstation already has authority of controlling on
corresponding IXL, both “CTL” toggle button and frame of this
symbol are blue.
In this case, if pressed the button, the control authority of this
interlocking area is released.

Procedure to Control/Request
 Step1: Click “CTL" toggle button corresponding to the IXL which
you want to control.
 Step2: Then confirm popup appears on display area, Click
“Confirm” button.
 Step3: After confirmation, “CTL” toggle button changes to blue,
which express “Set status”, if accepted.

ATS Health Status

Name of the button Server Status Date & Time

Object Point 801C Connected to SVR801 31/03/2021
Health Status
No Appearance Descriptions
When placing the mouse cursor on an operable button
1 Name of Button or symbol, the guidance related to the indicated button /
symbol is displayed in this area.
Shows the status of current Leader Server which
2 Server Status controls this workstation where operator is logged on.
3 Current Time Show current Date & time.
This symbol blinks according to detection of ATS Health
status, which is generally known as “Heartbeat”. And
4 Health Status operator can observe his workstation’s current Health
status by its blinking.
Tool Bar (Global Commands)

ATO Departure Button

Global Train Hold Button

Global EB Release Button

Train Hold Next Station Toggle Button

TSR setting button

No Entry setting button

Entire Line Wet/Dry Button

Tool Bar (Miscellaneous Global Commands)

Show Current Session

Train Inventory Button

Crew Inventory Button

Mute Audible Alarms Button

Show Alarm Browsing App

Logging out, and close current session

Platform Hold (Station Platform)

Platform Holding: Forcefully stop trains at platforms, including if SS is set.

Trains stopped by PH, needs ATO Departure to move again.
 Click “Train Hold” toggle button corresponding platform
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 “Platform Hold” toggle button changes “Set” status
Note: If the train which is scheduled to skip the platform is approaching this
platform, the train is automatically controlled by ATS to stop at the platform.
Zone Train Hold (ATS)

7901T829B 7901 T831B 7901 T833B 7901

ATS has operability for Zone Train Hold
 It is the function equipped on SPARCS system, which immediately
imposes Emergency Braking on all trains currently in the zone.
 Click “Zone Train Hold” button for target SC zone, in the Display Area.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 “Zone Train Hold” toggle button changes to “Set” status, if accepted.
 EB will be set and the trains will stop at all trains within that Zone,
Global Train Hold (All SC Zones)
 This function sends “Zone Train Hold” command to all SCs,
regardless of current Control Authorities.
 As a result, all trains will apply Emergency brake, and stop
 Click “Global Train Hold” button, on Global Commands Area.
 Note that background colour of the icon changes to blue only if
all SCs accept and are set to “Zone Train Hold” status, which
also indicates that Global Zone Train Hold affects appropriately. 38
Global Train Hold (All SC Zones)

T830B T832B T834B

7902 EB 7901

T829B 8023
T831B T833B
EB 8005 EB
Skip Stop (Station Platform)

Skip Platform : The train passes through the station that is specified as Skip Stop,
even if the station is set as a stopping station in the timetable
 Click “Skip Stop” toggle button.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 “Skip Stop” toggle button changes “Set” status, if accepted.
 After setting, Skip Stop indicator is imposed on the trains approaching the
stations with Skip Stop setting, and the trains pass through such stations if
departure route is set.
Emergency Mode
OC has the feature and capability to control a kind of special
route, which is called “Emergency and Evacuation Route”.
 ATS has the functions to operate them effectively and safely.
 Operators know the detail of Emergency and Evacuation route.
 Click “EM” button, which corresponds to the Emergency and
Evacuation route to be set.
 After Confirm popup appears, click “Confirm” button.
 Corresponding “EM” button changes to “Set” status, if SC
accepts. And corresponding EM Signal symbols appear.
 Click “EM” button again, then Emergency Mode is released, if
SC accepts. And corresponding EM Signal symbols also
Note: EM releasing requires that all of related EM routes are
released, if some of corresponding EM routes are still valid, it is
not possible to release the EM
Emergency Mode
Tool Bar (View Chooser)

The view chooser function is provided to switch the viewport

(Overview, IXL1, IXL2, IXL3, IXL4, IXL5, IXL6, Depot, and

No. Appearance Descriptions Remarks

Global User can select different options are
Command option to change the below
view area to observe 1.IX1-IX6
current whole system 2.Line
status. Overview
Description/Control Area

The following objects can be selected for to display description

and control buttons in Description/Control Area:
 Train,
 Point ,
 Signal,
 Track Section
Signal ID S801B

Alarm Bar related to object selected

Manual Route Control (Cycle Routes)
 Cycle is activated manually, using the “Cycle Route” toggle button
 Click the “Cycle Route” toggle button corresponding to the routes that you
want controlled in cycle mode.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 If accepted, “Cycle Route” toggle button which you clicked changes to
selected- status, and CBI’s built-in Cycle routing mechanism starts to control
(e.g. set/reset) related routes in cycle-mode, instead of ATS.
Note: Even if ARC is valid, the routes belonging to (activated) Cycle mode are
controlled from CBI independently
Description/Control Area (Signal)

Route Cancel Button

Fleet Mode Toggle Button

Signal Block Toggle Button

Route Block Toggle Button

ARS Disable Toggle Button

Manual Route Setting

 Click the signal symbol which corresponds to origin of the route.

 On clicking, destination symbols belonging to origin will appear in display
 Then select one of destinations to set the route
 Confirm the action route setting command will be executed
Manual Fleet Mode

Prior condition for Fleet is, the desired route should to be set.
Step1: Select and set the route which is to be put in Fleeting mode, in the
display area.
•Route Release
Manual Route Cancel

 Click the signal symbol which corresponds to origin of the route.

 Click “Route Release” toggle button in the Description/Control area.
 After clicking it Confirm popup appears,
 click “Confirm” button.
Manual Signal Block

 Select the signal on which Signal Block is to be applied.

 On selecting the target signal, “Signal Block” toggle button is
activated in the Description / Control Area.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button
 Signal block, applies after confirmation.
Global Signal Blocking (ATS)


 Click “Global Signal Block” button for each OC zone

 Confirm by clinking in popup “Group Signal Block/set” button.
 After confirmation, “Global Signal Block” all signals within
that IXL set Signal Block.
 Click “Global Signal Block” button again, the OC’s “Global
Signal Block setting” is released if accepted.
Route Blocking

Signal ID S801B

 Click the signal symbol corresponding to the route to be blocked.

 “Route Block” toggle button in Description/Control Area is activated.
 Click the button, Destination symbol’s shape changes from Triangle
to Square
Route Blocking (Continue)

Click the “designated destination symbol”.

After Confirm popup appears, click “Confirm” button.
The route block will be applied after confirmation:
Description/Control Area (Point)

(1, 0) a stand for “Normal”, and (0, 1) does “Reverse”.

Other case means “Broken” (Normal nor Reverse not detected)”.
Not Detected : Indicates Healthy Status
Point Control to Normal:

Point Control to Reverse:

Point Block Toggle Button Point

Self Normalization Toggle Button

Point Manual Authorization Toggle Button

Manual Point Control (Reverse to Normal)



 Click the point to control manually

 Click “Point Controlling” toggle button “N” .
 Confirm popup appears
 Click “Confirm” button.
 If succeeded in switching point to NORMAL position manually,
corresponding point symbol changes appropriate position.
Manual Point Control (Normal to Reverse)
Point ID P817B Lock Fail Not Detected

Position (1,0) Switch Not Detected


 Click the point to control manually

 Click “Point Controlling” toggle button “R”
 After Confirm popup appears
 Click “Confirm” button.
 If succeeded in switching point to reverse position manually,
corresponding point symbol changes to appropriate position.
Point Blocking


 Click the point to block,

 Click “Point Blocking” toggle button
 Confirm popup appears on
 click “Confirm” button
 Point symbol changes to “Blocked” status, and Point Blocking
holds its fixed position until locking is released.
Point Set in Route & Blocked
Route Set Point
(Nippon CBTC) Block
Command Command
from ATS from ATS

Route Red Box

is Set Appears
the Point

Lock Fail
Not Detected
Point Self-Normalization Inhibition/Cancel


 Click the Concerned point,

 Click “Point Self-Normalization Inhibition” button
 Confirm popup appears on
 click “Confirm” button
 Box of point number changes to Red (Inhibited) from Green
 Red to Green (Enabled for self normalization)
Taking Authorization from ATS/VDU

 CLICK ON ‘Point
 Description window WILL
Authorization MPO

–Click at the Key in the description window

–Green Key icon will appear
MPO Key Indication
 Remove the key from the EKT
 GREEN Key Will Change to Red Key

Description/Control Area (Track)

Occupied Display the selected track's occupancy or not.

Open TSR Setting Dialog to set TSR.

Open No Entry Setting Dialog to set No Entry.

Maintenance Block. Only effects the track connected to the platform.

Send command to server Low Adhesion.

Send command to release

route locking on specified track, belonging to main routes.
Send command to release shunting route locking on specified track,
belonging to turn back routes.
Temporary Speed Restriction


Click the track on which you want to restrict train speed,

Click “TSR Setting” button in Description/Control Area.
Select the Limit speed on specified track.
 After Confirm popup appears, click “Confirm” button.
TSR applies and can be seen with value and black box at track
Click “TSR Setting” button again, TSR of this track is released after
Temporary Speed Restriction (Global)
Global TSR sets temporary speed restriction for the specified section at
 This section is for the up line or down line only of mainline, and is
specified by the leftmost and rightmost blocks.
 Also, the block of the specified section must belong to the zone of
control authority acquired by the operator of this workstation.
Note: TSR cannot be released at once. To release TSR, perform
each operation for each track individually.
 Click “Global TSR” button, on Global Commands Area.
 On clicking “Global TSR” button, “TSR Setting” popup appears on
display area, as follow.
Temporary Speed Restriction (Global)

 Specify the range of blocks in which “Limit speed” is to be imposed.

 Click each “Magnifier” button of “Start Virtual Block” or “End Virtual
 Then the mainline that is showing the block name will appear.
 Click the area of the track corresponding to the specifying “Start
Virtual Block” or “End Virtual Block”.


30 30 30 30 30 VB015X

30 Km/h
No Entry (Track)

Click the track, on which No Entry setting is to be applied, in display

Click “No Entry Setting” button in the Description/Control Area
Step3: After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm”
Step4: If accepted, the display of specified track changes to No Entry
mode, in display area.
No Entry Setting (Global)

 Global No Entry is set for the specified section at once as TSR.

No Entry cannot be released at once. To release No Entry, perform each
operation for each track individually.
 Click “Global No Entry” button, on Global Commands Area.
 On clicking “Global No Entry” button, “No Entry Setting” popup appears
 Specify the range of blocks in which “No Entry setting” is to be imposed


Maintenance Block (Track)

Click the track, on which Maintenance Block is to be applied,

Click “Maintenance Block” button in the Description/Control Area
After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
If accepted, the display of specified track changes to MB mode, in
display area.
Low Adhesion (Track)

Click the track, on which “Low Adhesion” is to be applied,

Click “Low Adhesion ” button in the Description/Control Area
After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
If accepted, the display of specified track changes to Low Adhesion
mode, in display area.
Low Adhesion Setting (Global)

Global Low Adhesion is set for the specified sections at once is set as No


Release TLSR/TRSRs/TLSRs/TRSR (Track)

ATS has the feature for recovery from irregular status /occurrence of irregular
condition on other ATS related equipment including CBI and SC (SPARCS).
“Release TLSR/TRSR” is one of such features to release irregular route
locking, which is mainly caused by temporarily resetting CBI mainly caused by
inappropriate route locking.
Select the button “L” or “R” with Blue background.
After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button
If accepted, Specified track changes to normal mode, in display area.
Description/Control Area (Train)

ATO Departure Button

Train Stop Immediately Button

Train EB Release Button

Train Hold Next Station Toggle Button

Train VOBC Reset Button

Train In Service/Out of Service Toggle Button

Open Rolling Stock Controller Button

Manual ATO Departure Operation (Train)



• In Timetable mode, the train departure command will be sent

automatically by ATS, after route setting and passing dwell time.
• However, you can also override its departure manually.
• In other words, we can force the train depart even if dwell time hasn’t
passed yet (but route setting is mandatory).
 Click the target train which is to be forced to leave immediately.
 Then click “ATO Departure” Button in the Description/Control Area
Manual ATO Departure Operation (Global)
Global commands also have functionalities same as the ones in
“Manual Train Control”
Global ATO Departure: This function sends “ATO Departure”
command for all trains simultaneously, regardless of current Control
 Click “Global ATO Departure” button, on Global Commands Area.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 After confirmation, ATS send ATO Departure command to all trains

Stop Train (EB) ATS supplies the capability to make use of the features of
Emergency Braking coming from SPARCS / CBTC technology. These functions are
called as Stop Now / Release, and usages are expressed in this section.
 Select target train on display area.
 After selecting target train, click Stop Now button.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 “EB indicator” is imposed on the train’s symbol in display area, which expresses
Emergency Braking as the reason for stopping.
ATS EB Release(Train)

 Click “Release EB” button in in Description/Control Area.

 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 After confirmation, ATS sends EB Release commands to specified train,
 accepting EB Release commands appropriately, “EB indicator” on the train
symbol is discarded, and restored to ordinary (train) symbol
Note: For EB trains for which EB is caused by other equipment than ATS (e.g.
SC, VOBC), EB Releasing by ATS will be rejected and cannot have any effect
due to safety reasons.
Global EB Release(Train)
Global EB Release: This function sends “EB Release” command
for all trains, regardless of current Control Authorities.
 Click “Global EB Release” button, on Global Commands Area.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm”
 After confirmation, ATS send EB Release to all trains immedi-
Note: If the train is resting in an SC zone where Zone Train Hold is
set, the train cannot release EB.
Next Station Hold (Train)



 If this function is set the train will stop at the next station, even
if it is set to pass the station.
 Train which is traveling between stations, when the train arrives
at the station, "Platform Hold" is set automatically.
 Click the object and toggle button and confirm to set the
Global Platform Hold
Global Platform Hold sets “Platform Hold” for all platforms of all stations,
regardless of current Control Authorities.
“Platform Hold” cannot be released at once. To release platform hold,
perform each operation for each platform individually.
 Click “Global Platform Hold” button, on Global Commands Area.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, Click “Confirm” button.
 After confirmation, all of the platform is set Platform Hold immediately
Note: All of the trains are forced to stop at each next station over mainline.
Note: If all of the platforms have Platform Hold set, the background colour of
this symbol is blue.
 When pressed In this case, all is released.

7901 TH TH 7902
Display Area (cont.)
ESP: (Emergency Stop Condition
Plunger) ESP =
 This indicates the Deactivated
status of ESP at
ESP = Activated
each station.
VOCB Reset (Train)


Reset VOBC
 Clicking the train for which VOBC is to be reset.
 Click the Reset “VOBC” button, which gives the command to
specified train.
 After Confirm popup appears, click “Confirm” button.
 VOBC opens for reset functions: Next Slide
OoS Out of Service Override (Train)



 Select target train

 Click “Out of Service Override” button,
 this gives the command to force specified train to go out of service at next
 After Confirm popup appears, click “Confirm” button
 “Out of Service” is imposed and the train will be out of service regardless of
Note: To Reset out of service override Click “Out of Service Override” reset
button, this gives the command to force specified train to go in service
SPK Authorization
 SPK, which stands for “Staff Protection Key”, is a kind of
protection system for maintenance works in Depot.
 Several routes and signals in Depot and stabling-lines have the
protection mechanism of SPK for safety.
 ATS also has the functions to deal with these special routes,
 Click “SPK Authorization” button, which corresponds to the
route to be set.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm”
SPK Authorization Indications
 Corresponding “SPK Authorization” button changes to “Set” status,
and the color of “SPK” symbol also turns Green.
 If key is unplugged by the worker on site, the “SPK” color turns to

Click “SPK Authorization” button again, Authorization is released and

the “SPK” symbol colour returns to grey.
Note: SPK Authorization cannot be released under the situation that
the key is unplugged .
Operations for releasing SPK Authorization must be performed after
restoring the SPK key on site.
Overlap Lock
 Overlap Locking is a kind of mechanism for route controlling
using OC’s functionalities.
 ATS also has the capability to operate Overlap Locking similar
to VDU for each IXL and corresponding OC.
 Note that, Overlap Locking is usually controlled and achieved
automatically for CBTC trains, which is built-in function of OC’s.
 However, operators have the way to override it manually, and
ATS also supplies the capability for it.
Overlap Lock
 Click “Overlap Lock” button, to forcefully lock corresponding points
and routes manually.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 Corresponding “Overlap Lock” button changes to “Locked” status.
And the color of Overlap Lock symbol also turns to green.
Note: Once operator manually achieves Overlap Locking, It is not
possible to release it manually for safety reasons.
Tool Bar (ATR Modes-Main Line)

The following ATR modes are available: (Main line)

Time Table Mode:

(Schedule Adherence Mode +Constant Headway Mode)

Constant Head Way Mode:

(Constant Headway with fleet and route settings with fleet mode
Cut off Mode

Monitoring Only (Estimation & Logging)

Tool Bar (Regulation Buttons)

Online Timetable Edit Button

Constant Headway Mode Parameter Setting Button

Current Operators Profile User ID Profile

Open User Profile Box Magnifier Dialog

Train Regulation
Train Regulation has three modes as follows:
1. Cut Off Mode
2. Time Table Mode
3. Headway Mode
Time Table Mode: This mode controls the trains according to the
current day Timetable. Start Timetable mode
 Click “Online Timetable Edit” button.
 Online Timetable Edit View appears. Click “Load” button in this view.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm” button.
 If today’s Timetable is available, then switch to Timetable Mode.
Note: ATS will start ATR function according to today's Timetable.
Sample Time Table 92
Tool Bar (ATR Modes-Depot)

There are following mode of operation in depot:

 Timetable Mode

 Constant Dispatching Mode

 Automatic Parking Mode

 Manual Mode
Train Regulation (cont.)
End Timetable mode
 Click “Online Timetable Edit” button.
 Online Timetable Edit View appears. Click “Shelve” button in
this view.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, click “Confirm”
 Switch to Cut Off Mode.
Note: ATS will stop ATR function.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
Following parameters are mandatory to start Headway operation, we
summarize them as below:
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
Field Descriptions
Left Cycle Specifying the Leftmost Cycle mode.
Right Cycle Specifying the Rightmost Cycle mode.
Dwell Time Set Selecting the pre-defined dwell time.
Trains The number of trains that are controlled under Headway operation.
Headway Interval time between two trains.
Assigning the Journey IDs to all the Rakes, that are controlled under Headway
Rake ID operation.

Add Cycle Adding new entry of Parameters setting.

Delete Cycle Delete an entry of Parameters setting.
Submit Registering modified parameter.
The Left/Rightmost Cycle control are set, and intermediate routes between both
Route Set terminals set fleet.
The Left/Rightmost Cycle control and intermediate routes between both terminals
Release is release.
Start Headway mode operation.
Leave Headway mode and return to CutOff mode.
Close this popup.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
 Click “Magnifier” button of “Left Cycle”.
 When the "Line Overview" is shown on the display area, click
the “Cycle Route” button which corresponds to the cycle on the
left side.
Note: Prior to selecting one of the Cycle modes, you must have
Controlling Authorization.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
 After clicking the “Cycle Route” button, confirm popup appears
on display area. Click “Confirm” button.
 Click “Magnifier” button of “Right Cycle” and click the “Cycle
Route” button which corresponds to the cycle on the right side in
the same manner.
 Click on the cell to the right of "Rake ID" corresponding to the
train that is running in headway mode.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
Headway Mode
 When “Choose Journey ID” popup appears, click the
Journey ID which is to be assigned to the rake.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
 When you change the current assignment, select new journey ID
in the same manner.
 If the currently assigned Journey ID is to be cancelled, click
“Delete” button.
 Click “Dropdown List” button of “Dwell Time Set”, to select one of
the pre-defined dwell time sets.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
 Click “Numeric up/down” button of “Trains”, to adjust the
number of trains that are controlled under Headway operation.
 Click “Submit” button for confirmation.
 After “Confirm” popup appears on display area click “Confirm”

Note: Confirm modifications are registered by confirmation as

above. Until the above confirmation, your parameters settings or
modifications aren’t registered yet and have no effect.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
 Click “HeadwayParameterEdit” button again, and click “Route
Set” button, to set the related routes for the selected Headway
operation mode.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area click “Confirm”
Note: Specific cycles are set, and intermediate routes are set as
 Click “HeadwayParameterEdit” button again and click “Start”
button to switch to Headway operation.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)
 After Confirm popup appears on display area click “Confirm” button.
 If manipulation for switching is accepted appropriately, Operation
mode switches to Headway operation mode, and indication of current
operation mode on Train Regulation area changes to “Headway

Confirm Head Mode

 It is not possible to directly switch from Timetable Mode to Headway
Mode and vice versa.
 Switching to Headway operation mode is allowed ONLY from Cutoff
Mode, then it is needed to return to Cutoff Mode to enter Headway
operation mode.
Train Regulation (Headway Mode)

End Headway mode

 Click “HeadwayParameterEdit” button.
 After “Headway Mode Parameter Setting” popup is showing,
Click “End” button to finish Headway mode operation.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, Click “Confirm”
Train Regulation (TVS Special Regulation)
This function controls the train departure at the station in the
tunnel section and is applied in any mode.
 Click “VentilationBlockEnable” button.
 After Confirm popup appears on display area, Click “Confirm”.
 The color of “VentilationBlockEnable” button turn to blue, and
Special Regulation apply in this section.

Note: When Special Regulation apply in time table mode, if the

number of train in this section exceeds the tunnel limit, the
departure route and ATO Departure is not set automatically
Train Regulation (Platform Magnifier)
Platform Magnifier shows information about the platform.
 Click “PF Magnifier” button of the corresponding PF
 Show the status of Isolation and bypass PSD based on
information received from OC, SC, PSD.
 When clicking other area, then the platform status is disappear.

Note: When any events occur, the color of the corresponding

square changes to yellow.
If not received information from PSD, shows this image.
Train Regulation (Rolling Stock Controller)
Status of the selected train shows the RSC only .
 Select target train on display area. Display Sig View of the
selected train in Display Area.
 Sig View shows the information which received from SC and
the command information which ATS is sending to SC.
 From the Sig View can send some remote command to SC by

 When any events occur, the colour of the corresponding

square changes to yellow.
 If selected another train from train icon on the left, the display
change to the information of the selected train
Alarm Area: Displays Real Time alarm
 Also “Alarms of the day”, that were raised prior to activation of
current ATS Workstation, are downloaded from ATS server and
initially shown on Alarm Area.

Raised Time Message Clear

Scroll bar
No. Appearance Descriptions
1 Raised Time Display the time when the alarm occurred.
2 Message Detail of the alarm.
3 Clear Button If this button is clicked, all of messages displayed on
Alarm Area are cleared.
4 Scroll bar Scrolling the viewport of Alarm Area.
Latest raised alarm and message appears on the top of
Alarm Area implicitly.
Alarm Browsing
 Click “Open ABA” button on Miscellaneous commands.
 Show the Alarm Browsing Application
Alarm Browsing
 By Clicking on the left side button, you can add conditions for
items to be displayed, or clear the all of alarm information
 If clicked “Add Conditions” button, show this image. Click “Add”
button of the item which you want to add the condition.
No Appearance Descriptions
Add conditions
1 for items to be
Clear the all of
2 the alarm
Return to the
3 Line Overview
Alarm Browsing
Example of the conditions:
 Time is from 10:00AM to 10:30AM, and Rake ID is 806.
 Click “Add” button of Filter Item “Time After”, and Click the time
 Click “Add” button of Filter Item “Time Before”, and Click the
time like this.

 Click “Add” button of Filter Rake ID,

 and Click 806.
Alarm Browsing
Click “Close” button.
Confirming Current Version
 Click “Help” button on Miscellaneous commands launcher.

 You can confirm current version of ATS workstation program.

Maintenance Monitor
Main Display
• The main display will show status of the equipment which
connect to the ATS network.
Note: Press the up and down arrow key to move to the adjacent
area or Network 100M-LAN View, CBTC Wayside View.
ATS (Playback Management Application)
 It playback the recorded packet information on ATS Networks,
so that it can reproduce the indication on Line Overview
 Alarm Browsing Application and
 Maintenance Monitor of specified day and time.
 Maximum One-month record can be kept on storage of Logger
 To Play the Playback controller can click shortcut on PC
VDU (Visual Display Unit)
 VDU uses the same software as ATS Workstation Line Overview
 While ATS Workstation send commands to OC or SC via ATS
Leader Server, VDU directly send commands to the
corresponding OC and SC, i.e., the VDU at Janakpuri West
Station send the command directly to OC and SC of Janakpuri
West Station.
 Note that communication from OC and SC to ATS is broadcast
so that VDU can display the information of neighboring
interlocking area in normal condition.
 However, the VDU cannot control the neighboring interlocking
station even in normal condition.
 Also, for VDU, ACR is fixed to the corresponding interlocking
ATS Configuration
Operation Control Centre


Station Control room/Depot Control Centre Station Control room

VDU (Visual Display Unit)
 When CTL button is clicked, VDU shall forcefully take ACR
without ATS server's permission (VDU inform the event to the
server's so that ATS server can release the control of the
interlocking area)
 VDU has the fixed account and password and can be logged in
without access to the account management database of the ATS
servers in case there is no access to leader server.
 VDU account cannot be modified even from CHC account.

Confirm the action with pop up VDU

window, control will be CATS
transferred to VDU for LATS CTL
concerned interlocking only VDU
Failure Description &Trouble shooting
An unexpected power off & on of Workstation:
 In case of unexpected power off, When power returns, operator
needs to power on the workstation and login to start a session
 If application doesn't start automatically after start-up then, start
the application “hashcat.exe” and re-login to start a session
In case of No Display:
 Check Monitor Power- If CPU is power on and no power in
monitor then check for power cable for monitor
 If Monitor Power ok and still no display, then possibly monitor
 Inform the concerned staff for replacement.
Application running slowly:
 Restart the workstation and re-login again.
Failure Description &Trouble shooting (cont.)
Connection to server is failed:
 Check both the LAN cables of workstation are connected
 If not then reinsert the LAN cables.
 Still connection to server fails then inform the concerned
staff to check the server status.
 Interface to Interlocking is not working properly (SC&OC
failure), i.e. IXL fails.
Login to application doesn’t succeed
 Operator forgets his password.
 Mouse cursor not at login prompt.
 Check keyboard working properly, if not then replace the
Sum Up
We discussed about
 Configuration of ATS
 Login/Logout procedure
 A view of Different applications
 Control transfer functions
 Different modes of ATS
 Colour scheme of toggle buttons
 Life Indicators
 Different operations and indications of ATS
 Introduction of VDU
 Basic Troubleshooting
References: Nippon ATS Manual & SC-29F

Delhi Metro Rail Academy

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