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Term 2 Week 2

Topic: What lies beneath /The layers of the Earth

Learning objective: To be able to identify and describe the layers of the

H.O.M: Gathering data through all senses, applying past knowledge to
new situation, thinking flexibly

Share what you found out about ‘conformal maps’ and

‘equivalent maps’
Watch the Video below
Geologists believe that the Earth is made up of four
distinct layers. What is inside the earth?
The Layers of the Earth

Crust Mantle Outer core Inner core

Upper Lower
mantle mantle
The Layers of the earth
• The Earth's Crust is like the skin of
an apple. It is very thin in
comparison to the other three
• The crust is 3-80 km thick.
• This is where we live
• The temperatures of the crust vary
from air temperature on top to
about 1600 degrees Fahrenheit
(870 degrees Celsius) in the
deepest parts of the crust.
• The Mantle is the thickest part
of the earth’s surface at 3000
km thick.
• The movement of the
mantle is the reason the
plates of the Earth move.
• The temperature of the mantle
is from 1600 degrees to 4000.
• The core of the earth is very
hot it can reach from 4000
degrees F to 9000.
• The (outer core) is so hot
that the metals in it are
in a liquid state.
• The Outer Core is about
2258 km thick.
• The outer core is composed
of melted iron and nickel.
• The Inner core has pressure
and temperature so great that
the metals are squeezed
together and are not able to
move like a liquid, they are
forced to vibrate in place.
• Temperature may reach 9000
degrees F and the pressures
are 45,000,000 pounds per
square inch. This is 3,000,000
times as much pressure on you
at sea level.
• The Inner core is 1222 km thick.
Can you list the layers of the earth accordingly?
Well done
Topic: Plate tectonics

Objective: To be able to identify geographical patterns, define

plate tectonics and explain the different boundaries.
Pop up quiz ( to be recorded)

1. ___________ is the largest terrestrial biome 1mk

2. Which part of the earth layer do we live? 1mk
3. What is map projection? 2mks
Processes that Shape the Earth

The Earth has been evolving and changing for billions of years. There are many
powerful forces at work that are constantly shaping the exterior of our planet.

The Earth is shaped by processes such as glaciations, tectonic plate

movements, upheaval, erosion, volcano eruption, changing coastlines and river
courses. Some landform shaping processes, such as erosion by water, are very
slow, occurring over thousands of years.
Plate tectonics

The Earth’s crust is broken up into pieces called plates. Due

to changes in temperature in the Earth’s mantle, convection
currents can be generated. These currents can move the

The point where two different plates meet and interact is

known as a boundary. There are three different types of
Watch this video
Types of boundaries

Divergent boundaries Convergent boundaries Transfer boundaries

Divergent boundaries

This occurs when the

plates are moving away
from each other. This
movement can often form
volcanoes, as molten rock
and gases escape from
the ruptures in the crust.
Convergent boundaries
This plate movement
occurs when two plates
are being pushed
together. As one plate
pushes against the other,
one of the plates will be
forced down beneath the
other. This process can
cause earthquakes as
well as the formation of
mountain ranges.
Transform boundaries

It occurs when two

plates slide against
each other. This
movement can
generate large amounts
of energy, which is often
released in the form of
Areas of the world most at risk of
tectonic activity

Areas around the Pacific Ring of Fire or fault

zones(Japan, Indonesia, Nepal, Haiti, Philippines,
California, etc.) . Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
monsoons, tsunamis, and floods are prevalent in these
DAY 3&4

Topic: Extreme weather/Natural events

Objectives: To be able to Find out about extreme weather events and

how they affect people and localities

List the different natural disasters you know using defining tool
Natural disasters


Natural disasters


Activity 1
In groups, look together at some news reports of extreme weather events and
natural events, such as tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic
eruptions, floods, and so on. Use a map to identify the affected areas
mentioned in the reports.
Activity 2
Still in your groups, choose one natural disaster and research on it.
You should find out:
• How this event occurs
• Areas around the world that are most at risk
• How the event is measured (Richter scale, Fujita scale, etc.)
• What someone should do in the event of such event e.g a tornado, hurricane,
flooding, etc.
What are the effects of the disaster
• What measures are in place to reduce the damage from such an event
Photo by Lukas834
Types of disasters

Natural disasters Man-made disasters

Photo by tj.blackwell
Photo by roberthuffstutter
Photo by martinluff
Photo by Kris Krug
Watch all the videos on natural disasters in the twig
Well done

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