Go To The Zoo v2

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Go to the zoo Credited to

By Cik Jah
The Exciting Trip

Firhad and Safiyya woke up early on a beautiful Saturday morning. They were
so excited because they were going to the zoo for the first time. They quickly
got dressed and had breakfast.

"Today is going to be so much fun," Firhad said to his sister Safiyya.

"I can't wait to see all the animals," Safiyya replied.

On the Way to the Zoo

Firhad and Safiyya took the bus to the zoo. They were so excited that they
couldn't sit still. They kept looking out the window, pointing out different things
they saw along the way.

"Look at that big building!" Firhad exclaimed.

"And that cute little cat!" Safiyya added.

Finally, they arrived at the zoo and rushed inside.

Exploring the Zoo

As soon as they entered the zoo, Firhad and Safiyya saw a map of the zoo. They
decided to start at the elephant exhibit.

"Wow, look at how big those elephants are," Firhad said in amazement.

They continued to walk around the zoo, seeing all sorts of animals like lions,
tigers, monkeys, and more. They even got to see a show with sea lions.

The Surprising Discovery

As Firhad and Safiyya were leaving the sea lion show, they saw something very
strange. They saw a penguin walking around by itself.

"What is a penguin doing here?" Firhad asked.

They followed the penguin and found out that it had escaped from its exhibit.
They quickly ran to find a zookeeper to let them know.

The Happy Ending

The zookeeper was very grateful to Firhad and Safiyya for finding the escaped
penguin. They helped the zookeeper return the penguin to its exhibit.

"Thank you so much, Firhad and Safiyya," the zookeeper said.

“You two are true animal heroes."

Firhad and Safiyya were so happy that they had been able to help. They
continued their tour of the zoo, feeling proud and happy.

The End. Credited to

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