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The best note making

style involves the use of

mind maps ?
With Mind maps you are able to write very few
notes and still be able to remember 90% of the

That might be
true,but how do
I achieve that ?
How ?

 Mind map use huge parts of your brain

enabling you to remember much with ease

 It allows you to sum up and integrate well the

memory systems you have already learnt.

 Allows you to understand, analyze, think

critically and the same time paying more
attention to the key details at hand.
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Items for Mind Mapping

1.Your Brain
3.) Items For Mind Mapping 2.A blank Page
3.A List Of Colored Pens
4.A mind map software(if you have a
laptop) That might be
true,but how do
I approach a
study to achieve
that ?
Step 1 : Create a central Image or Name ( In this case I will be giving an
example of self evaluation. )
Step 2 : Connect other branches to the central images and
start further to branch the heading to its subheadings.
Step 3 : Once we have our second branches we can even
extend further the branches with more descriptive branches

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