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How do you prepare for

a successful speech ?

90% of the most successful speeches are not

completely memorized .However these
Speeches are very detailed and presented in a
very logical and organized manner.
Advantages of realizing that the best
speeches are not Fully Memorized

1.) Eliminate the enormous amount of time wasted in

preparing a speech for memorization.

2.) Eliminate the mental pressure, physical pressure and stress

caused by memorizing the speech

3.) Avoid the relative stilted presentation that results from a word-
for-word memorized presentation

4.) The boredom experienced by audience when sensing you have

memorized a speech

5.)The lack of eye contact as a result in trying to remember the

memorized material.
How do I remember the
speech in a detail and
organized manner ?
By use of mind maps you will be able to organize
huge chunks of information in an easy and
enjoyable way to remember with ease.
Advantages of Using Mind map to organize your

1.) With practice, you will find that the final order to present the speech over
time will be easy to determine.

2.) With this method you will be able to form a deeper foundation of the
subject matter.

3.) As a result of having a good grasp of the content to present, this will
increase your confident and remove the fear of forgetting.

4.)It allows you to combine the left and right part of your brain thus making
learning to be fun
Step 1 : Generally research the topic you are going to present . The recording
of your speech should be done in mind maps as shown.
Step 2 : Having completed
your basic research ,fill any
important details still in the
mind map form
Step 3 : Apply the memory
techniques you have
learned to memorize the
mind map e.g. using the
number shape system
 Use the Memory Systems to remember, you would
allocate the number system to each major
heading/category attaching key memory image word
to the section title.

e.g. In Parts of speech

1.) Verbs ( imagine you giving vibes to a pole )
1. Auxiliary verbs ( imagine an oxen taking Tea )
2. Participle verbs ( imagine Noah in the ark having a party )

3 Modal Verbs ( Imagine my Mama is a model)

4 linking verbs ( imagine linking Rows together)
5 Full verbs ( imagine the Law fulfilling your needs )
2.) Nouns (imagine a duck making an announcement )
6. compound nouns ( imagine Jaws scattered in a

How to remember !! 7. collective nouns

compound )
( imagine a collection of Keys)
8. countable/uncountable nouns ( imagine having
uncountable Foes in your room )

9. proper/common nouns ( imagine a property inform of a

P.A system)

3.) Numerals (imagine a molehill producing numbers )

Advantages of using this method

1.) Eliminate the fear of forgetting

2.) Present your speech in an organized manner

3.) Present with confidence

4.) avoid monotony as result of cramming but

rather present your content with a deep
understanding, hence giving a detailed and well
elaborated explanations.
How Professional Poets approach their study

1.) Material to be remembered is read and reread quickly

and with understanding for a period of four days.

Poems 2.) For each of these days the material is reread 3-4 times a
Advantages of the this method

If you read for understanding continually this way, you will

become far more familiar with the material than you realize at
the end of the twentieth reading, and you are able without
looking at the text, most of the material to be remembered.

Your mind, especially if you have used the right-brain

imagination to help you understand, you will have absorbed
90% of the information and remembering will have become a
natural outgrowth of proper reading and basic understanding
using the tools of imagination and association.

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