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Theory Based


Florence Nightingale’s Environmental


Prepared by:
Maqsooda Perveen (BSON 22-08)
Fazeela (BSON 22-03)
By the end of presentation, learner will be able to know:

1. Biographic Data 01 5. History of Current Illness

2. History (Medical, Surgical,
03 6. Overview of Florence Nightingale’s
Gynecological) 04 theory

7. References
3. Family, Social and Personal History
4. Presenting Complaints:
Biographic data

 59 years of a female patient

 Religion: Islam

 Urdu-speaking patient belongs to Lahore

 Medical Diagnose: Left Breast CA

History (Medical, Surgical, Gynecological)
● Patient had a history of diabetes and hypertension for 1 year
● Patient had no surgical history
● Post menopausal for last 8 years and no gynecological history.
● Patient came in OPD with the complaint of a Left Breast lump, initially patient get
their Blood tests and Ultrasound Guided Clip Placement in the left breast mass.
● Patient get TCHP (trastuzumab, Pertuzumab, Docetaxel, Carboplatin ) x 6 till 27/2/23
and pertuzumab in 2 cycles
● After chemotherapy surgeon offered for surgery Left breast wire localized wide local
excision with bracketing and axillary lymph node dissection) 4/4/2023.
● Education is given to the patient and attendant (Son) about the exercises, use of
prosthesis, prevention from lymphedema, personal hygiene and she will need to
maintain a hygienic environment and food at home.
Family, Social and Personal History

* Marital Status::Married
* Patient had 3 children ( 1 son
and 2 daughter)
* No history of tobacco and
alcohol use.
Presenting Complaints:
Patient came in emergency with the complaint of fever,diarrhea and body aches 5/10 according to NRS
On history taking:

Patient lived in a very congested environment

Patient lived in a very congested environment

Have only 2 rooms home and 6 family members living together.

No proper sanitation “contaminated water collected in front of home

One of the family member had flu and fever.
The Hygienic food and environment is very important in healing process of a patient (selanders LC,
History of Current Illness::

Surgery was done on 4/4/2023 .patient was discharge

after settled down of pain ,diarrhea and fever but
patient was reinforced to maintain home environment .
and boil water before use and eat well
cooked and fresh food.
Overview Of Florence Nightingale Theory

 Florence Nightingale was born on 12th May 1820.

 She was the first one to lay the foundation of modern nursing and the first nursing
theorist. She was also known ;The Lady with the Lamp after her contribution during
Crimean world war
 Published 200 books,
 Established Nightingale Training school for Nurses .
 Nightingale has taken the same premises for her environmental theory, In this theory
Nightingale (1860) has emphasized that nature has same laws
which if directly correctly on humans ,help those who are ill to restore
health and those who are healthy to remain prevented from illness
and promote health.
Concepts of Florence Nightingale’s theory

a n b ei Nurs
ng ing

Assumptions of Nightingale; s Theory
A healthy environment is essential for healing.
She stated that “nature alone cures.” 04

Pure water

Pure air

02 05

Efficient drainage Light.

Strengths of Nightingale Theory

Can be applied in most

complex hospital intensive
care environments, the
home, a worksite, or the
Weakness of Nightingale’s Theory::

In Nightingale’s Environmental
Theory, there is scant information
on the psychosocial environment
compared to the physical
In this theory Florence Nightingale identified some environmental
factors like ventilation, noise and sunlight. Some factors in the environment such as fresh air,enough sun light,
cleanliness of the patient and the surroundings and the noise also affect the patient condition. The
environmental theory is a patient care theory which is based on patient Nightingale stated that the air where the
patient breath is pure as outside of the room and the room temperature is not so much hot or cold. As in the
above scenario the picture of the isolation rooms is drawn which is against of that which Nightingale said in her
theory. There is
no ventilation in both isolation rooms, the inside of the room temperature is so much hot. There
is no cooling system in the room. After reading the Florence nightingale theory, I realized that how much the
environment is important is important in healing process of a patient. Nightingale believed that
along with the fresh air, the patient also wanted to direct sun light.
As in my above mentioned
scenario both the isolations has no window for sun light as well as inside of the unit, although
window is present which is sealed and glass is dark. Another point is the spread of infection from
one patient to other patient. Health care setting it is very common in the spread of infection.
Many factors are contributing this like health care provider is not compline with infection control
practices, sharing of infected patients with non-infected patients, frequent visitors and many more. In 1854,
Florence Nightingale first identified the relationship between nursing and
infection control, when she served in military hospital. Nightingale’s observation led her to
believe that improving hygienic condition would decrease the number of deaths.
Summary ::
Hospital acquired infection are big and frequent seen problem to the person’s health. Due to the
interaction of health care provider and the patient, microorganisms are transmitting from one
patient to another. To minimize this transmission good infection control and hand hygiene is
maintained by the care provider. The nurse can adjust the environment of the patient to balance
the clients according to the changes. The responsibility of the nurse is to assist the patient in cope
up the changes in the surroundings. It is the responsibility of a nurse in reducing noise, relieving
the discomfort of the patient and help in maintaining good sleep.
The only factor in minimizing infection is hand washing. Nightingale believed that through hand
washing mortality rate is decreased, so as a health care provider it is the responsibility of a nurse
to be compline with this factor.
1 Gilbert, H.A., 2020. Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory and its influence on
contemporary infection control. Collegian, 27(6), pp.626-633.

2.Nursing Theory and Conceptual Framework, Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and
Function, Ruth F. Craven and Constance J. Hirnle, 2003, pp.56

3.Vera, K.M. and Anderson, S., 2023. Impact of Formal Education Regarding Breaking Bad News on
Self-Efficacy. International Journal of Studies in Nursing, 8(1), p.1.
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