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Lecture # 14


Ms.Sumbul Mujeeb
• “Personality is the entire mental
organization of a human being at any
stage of his development. It embraces
every phase of human character:
intellect, temperament, skill, morality,
and every attitude that has been built
up in the course of one's life." (Warren
& Carmichael, 1930)
• Personality is the essence of a human being." (Hall &
Lindsey, 1957)

• "An individual's pattern of psychological processes

arising from motives, feelings, thoughts, and other
major areas of psychological function. Personality is
expressed through its influences on the body, in
conscious mental life, and through the individual's
social behavior."(Mayer, 2005)
• Heredity
• Environment
• Situation
• Culture
• Family and social background
Lecture # 15
Lecture # 15

Personality Differences
The Big Five Model of
 Extroversion: The tendency to experience positive emotional
states and feel good about oneself and the world around.
 Neuroticism(Emotional stability): The tendency to experience
negative emotional states and view oneself and the world
around negatively.
 Agreeableness: The tendency to get along well with others.
 Conscientiousness: The extent to which a person is careful,
scrupulous, and persevering.
 Openness to Experience: The extent to which a person is
original, has broad interests, and is willing to take risks.
Major Personality Attributes
Influencing OB

• Locus of control
• Machiavellianism
• Self-esteem
• Self-monitoring
• Risk taking
• Type A personality
Locus of Control

• Locus of Control
The degree to which people believe they are
masters of their own fate.
 Internals
Individuals who believe that they control what
happens to them.
 Externals
Individuals who believe that what happens to
them iscontrolled by outside forces such as luck
or chance.
Self-Esteem & Self-Monitoring
• Self-Esteem (SE)
Individuals' degree of liking or disliking

• Self-Monitoring
A personality trait that measures an individuals
ability to adjust his or her behavior to external,
situational factors.
Risk Taking
• High Risk-taking Managers
 Make quicker decisions
 Use less information to make decisions
 Operate in smaller and more entrepreneurial organizations
• Low Risk-taking Managers
 Are slower to make decisions
 Require more information before making decisions
 Exist in larger organizations with stable environments
• Risk Propensity
 Aligning managers 筑 risk-taking propensity to job requirements
should be beneficial to organizations.
Type A & B Personality

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