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General Physiology and Toxicology


Evelyn O. Singson, PhD

Professor VI
1st Semester 2023-2024
Module 4 Lesson 1

The Research and Development

In this module, you will learn
the following:

How insecticides are discovered

Screening of pesticides
Insecticide development stages

General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,

Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
The need for new compounds
 The main driving forces behind the research
for new pesticides are :
a. improvements over or replacement of existing
products by new compounds that are more
environment friendly and less toxic to non-target
b. resistance towards currently used control agent
c. New pests and diseases plus invading species
require novel methods of control
d. Economic incentives
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
How are insecticides
1. Speculative chemistry
2. Initiative chemistry
3. Bio-rational designs
4. Genetic engineering
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
How are insecticides
1. Speculative Chemistry
In vivo screening of
Examples : DDT, pyrethrum
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
How are insecticides

2. Initiative Chemistry (Me-too

-imitating compounds with
known biological activity which
have found major market outlets
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
How are insecticides
3. Biorational Designs
 an active ingredient that is derived
from biological or natural origins
designed from the target organism
 Example: single enzyme or receptor
is first identified as suitable target,
chemist design & synthesize
compounds evaluated in vivo screens
for biological activity
General Physiology & Toxicolo1y (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD, Cavite
State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
How are insecticides
4. Genetic Engineering
 Bt crops
 Round Up
Ready Corn
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Discovery and Development of
New Insecticides
Customer needs are the driving
force behind commercial success
of new pesticide products
The cost of a new pesticide -
$180,000,000 for release to
the market in 8 to 10 years

General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,

Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Cost of a new pesticide
It takes nine years to review of 140,000 compounds
and $ 180 million to discover and develop a new
pesticide product.
% of Total Cost
Chemistry 22.3
Biology 23.9
Toxicological/Environmental Chem. 23.4
Developmental Chemistry 10.8
Field Trials 13.6
Registration 6.0
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Research and Development
Stage/ Activities More details
Stage 1 Biology Initial screening of new
6 mos – 1 compounds in lab and
yr Six Stages Identified greenhouse for biological
Stage 2 Biology Further lab and
6 mos – 1 greenhouse tests for
yr range of activities and
mode of action
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Research and Development Process
Stage/ Activities More details
Toxicology Oral LD50 range for
rats and mice
Stage 3 Residues Behavior in/on
1 to 2 plant and soil
Environmen Range of toxicity to
tal effects fish and bees
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Screening of Insecticides
 Initial Field Trial: Does Field Testing respond
under Field Conditions
 Data that can be Collected:
 Percentage of pests controlled
Which pests are controlled
Length of residual effect
How quickly the pests are controlled
Crop injury from the treatment
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Screening of Insecticides
 How the molecule compares to existing
company and competitive products
 The percentage of crop plant damage
from insect feeding
 How performance is influenced by soil
characteristics and environmental
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Screening of Insecticides
 Small plot trials: Data Analysis
 At conclusion, the development team will
have determined:
 which crops and pests will the pesticide be
used on, worldwide
 Whether crop safety and selectivity are issues
 How pests respond to various product use
 Whether crop performance is reliable
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Screening of Insecticides
How field performance of the molecule
compares to that of competitive products
and whether it satisfies the company’s
internal standards necessary to conduct field
trials and additional toxicological and eco-
toxicological studies at this point in testing
increases from milligrams (ounces) to
kilograms pounds)

General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,

Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Insecticide Predevelopment
Completing the Field Evaluation
Large –scale Trials
Conducted in 10-foot by 30-to 40-
foot plots;
Three or four replications;
Multiple locations to allow
thorough statistical evaluation of
the data
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Insecticide Predevelopment
Completing the Field Evaluations
Large-scale trials
- Refining the Rates
- Refined product rates used
in these tests are based on the
population density and growth
stages of pests present
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Insecticide Predevelopment
 Completing the Field Evaluation
 Large –scale trials
a. Testing on other pests
-broadening the pest spectrum
facilitates comprehensive labeling

General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,

Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Predevelopment Stage
Completing the field evaluation
Large-scale trials
b. Evaluating Timing of
Identifying Soil Type
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Insecticide Development Stage

 Pesticide Regulation in the Philippines

 Republic of the Philippines
 Department of Agriculture
 FPA Bldg. B.A.I. Compound, Visayas Ave.
Diliman, Quezon City

General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,

Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Activity: The Research and
Development Process
 What to do: 1. Search for “The Pesticide Marketplace,
Discovering & Developing New Products”.
• 2. Use your groupings with 10 members.
 Each group is assigned a portion of the paper. Study
the topics very well, assign a topic/member and
explain the assigned topic through peer teaching.
 You may pre-record your 15 minute presentation,
then play it during our next class meeting. Each
member is required to present the assigned topic.
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University 1st Semester 2023-2024
Assigned Topics: BSA 3-1
Group Topic Page
No. No.
1 Understanding the customer – 5-16
Corporate responsibility
2 Discovering & Developing New 17-26
Products- Discovery Phase
3 New Product Development : from 27-43
the Laboratory to the End User
4 Exploratory Tests Describe the 43-59
Molecule’s Nontarget Toxicity
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD, Cavite
State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
Assigned Topics: BSA 3-2
Group Topic Page
No. No.

1 Understanding the customer – 5-16;

Corporate responsibility; &
2 Discovering & Developing New 17-32
Products;-Setting Product Goals
3 Discovery Phase : Finding the 32-57
Few Among the Many
General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 11/55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,
Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24
But wait there’s more:
View first the video

Research and Development

in Plant Sciences
 Here is the link:

General Physiology & Toxicology (AGSC 55) by Evelyn O. Singson, PhD,

Cavite State University, 1st Sem 2023-24

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