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Unit 11 - Systems Analysis and Design


11.1 - Understanding the Role of Systems Analysis and

Design in Relation to the Systems Development Lifecycle
Assignment Scenario
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

 This unit will enable you to develop the skills and knowledge required to actively use
data analysis techniques to provide evidence and interpretation for decision making
for a range of organisational needs. Organisations and individuals collect both
quantitative and qualitative data and store it for current or future use. The data
analyst examines, cleanses, transforms and models data in order to support
decision making and understanding.
 This unit is mandatory to the Data Analyst specialist pathway in the Level 3 Diploma
suite of qualifications due to its relevance in conducting data analysis and design
solutions to meet business requirements. The unit supports the development of
skills, knowledge and understanding relevant to the role of a data analyst and the
techniques required.
 The teaching content in every unit states what has to be taught to ensure that
learners are able to access the highest grades.
 Anything which follows an i.e. details what must be taught as part of that area of
content. Anything which follows an e.g. is illustrative, it should be noted that where
e.g. is used, learners must know and be able to apply relevant examples in their
work, although these do not need to be the same ones specified in the unit content.
 For internally assessed units you need to ensure that any assignments you create,
or any modifications you make to an assignment, do not expect the learner to do
more than they have been taught, but must enable them to access the full range of
grades as described in the grading criteria.
LO1 – Assessment Criteria
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

LO1 Understand the role of systems analysis and design in relation to the systems development
► P1: Learners must be able to summarise the main elements of the systems development life
cycle and how they are linked. The position of analysis and design within the life cycle must
be clearly described. The evidence could take the form of a recorded presentation by
learners to a group, a presentation with detailed speaker notes or a written report. An essay
is not appropriate.
► M1: Learners should compare and contrast at least three different life cycles, only one of
which should be from the linear range. They must consider the differences and similarities of
the methods and how they influence the choice of lifecycle for a given business system. The
evidence could be presented as a report or a presentation with detailed speaker notes.
Learners could also record their presentation.
Meaningful employer Suggestion/ideas for centres when delivering this unit
1. Learners undertake Learners’ work-experience could be in an experienced team; they
structured work- could contribute to, or observe activities, such as documentation
experience or work- scrutiny, observation and questioning used to elicit the business
placements that develop requirements for a system. Learners could also contribute to the
skills and knowledge development of the systems analysis documentation, following the
relevant to the organisation’s approach. They could also contribute to the
qualification. development of the elements of the logical and physical design
and provide some input to the presentation.
Assessment Criteria
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

LO Pass Merit Distinction

The assessment criteria are the To achieve a Merit the To achieve a Distinction the
Pass requirements for this unit. evidence must show that, in evidence must show that, in
addition to the pass criteria, addition to the pass and
the candidate is able to: merit criteria, the candidate
is able to:
LO1 - Understanding the P1 - Summarise the main M1 - Compare and contrast a
role of systems analysis components of the systems range of systems
and design in relation to development life cycle development life cycles
the systems development
LO2 - Be able to use P2 - Explore the business
investigative techniques to requirements for an identified
establish requirements for business system
business systems
P3 - Use different techniques to
support the analysis of the
identified business system
LO3 - Be able to develop P4 - Use the three view M2 - Develop a set of Unified D1 - Evaluate the design
and document models for approach to document the Modelling Language (UML) model for the identified
business systems design model for the identified diagrams for the identified business system against
business system business system original business
LO4 - Be able to create P5* - Create a logical design for M3 - Present the logical and D2 - Refine the logical and
logical and physical the identified business system physical designs for the physical designs for the
designs for specified identified business system to identified business system
P6 - Create a physical design for
business Systems relevant stakeholders incorporating any
the identified business system
stakeholder feedback
LO1 – Teaching Content
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

1.1 The components of the systems development lifecycle, i.e.:

► feasibility study:
 financial aspects including cost benefit analysis
 business aspects
 technical aspects
 outcomes e.g. constraints, functional and non-functional requirements
► requirements engineering (i.e. business and user):
 requirements gathering (e.g. ideas, concerns)
 requirements analysis (i.e. sensible, achievable, affordable)
 requirements sign off
 requirements monitoring (i.e. avoiding mission creep)
► system design including virtualisation:
 capacity
 performance
 throughput
► software development
► testing of the software
► systems testing
► implementation
1.2 Life cycles, i.e.:
► linear (e.g. waterfall, v model, incremental)
► evolutionary (e.g. iterative, spiral)
► agile (e.g. scrum, Agile Unified Process (Agile (UP)))
P1.1 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► All organisations have information systems. IT technicians are involved in the

implementation of systems that have been designed and in many instances assist
in their design. Emerging technology practitioners also have to have a knowledge
and understanding of how to analyse and design systems that are supported by
emerging technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, mobile technologies
and the Internet of Everything.
► In order to effectively develop systems for analysis, it’s important to have an
understanding of the role of the data analyst and the tasks that they carry out.
Data analysts also benefit from having an overview of systems analysis and
design in order to support the development of suitable systems on which to work.
► The first stage of doing this is a Feasibility Study
► Feasibility study: An initial feasibility study is done at the start of the
development life cycle to assess whether the proposed changes to a system
should be carried out. It will look at what options are available to solve the
problem, the costs involved, the time needed, etc. and make recommendations.
These include:
 financial aspects including cost benefit analysis
 business aspects
 technical aspects
 outcomes e.g. constraints, functional and non-functional requirements
P1.1 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

 Stages 2 of the System Lifecycle sometimes referred to as the feasibility

study and this can be further broken down as follows.
Feasibility Study

Terms of Description of Criteria Proposed

Reference existing system Solution

Objectives Constraints Essential Desirable

requirements features Development Cost-benefit
Boundaries Identify Projected
problems costs plan analysis

Figure 1.1 – Feasibility Study Stages

 We will now consider the first item in the analysis stage – researching an existing
system. There are four common methods used in fact finding , summarized on the
next slide. The methods are:
 Observation  Questionnaires
 Interviews and  Looking at existing paperwork
P1.1 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

 financial aspects including cost benefit analysis - A financial

audit and cost benefit analysis projects how much money is
needed for a project, sources of money, returns on investment,
and other financial considerations. It looks at how much cash is
needed, where it will come from, and how it will be spent. This
initial study will look at whether the project being carried out will
be worth it (the cost benefit) for a company. For a school
upgrading the VLE system to a new system they will need to
source the new one and calculate whether the outlay is worth
the effort, man hours, downtime etc. of replacing the old one.
 Business aspects – a Feasibility study is needed to investigate
the benefits of a project beyond finance, how better will the
company be in terms of professionality, ease of use, improved
facilities and efficiency. For a replacement VLE students,
parents and teachers will all be included and considered at this
point. If it is a better proposition that maintaining or improving
the old system then this will be measured against costs before
the decision goes ahead. A feasibility study is there to determine
P1.1 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

 Technical aspects – A feasibility study will also determine how viable technically
a project will be by analyzing the scope of the project and measuring this against
the technical ability of those involved in creating the project. This can mean
determining hiring others in for the work or changing plans to accommodate. It
also measures the technical ability for a project. For a VLE upgrade this will
mean determining whether the current system is capable of running an ungraded
system, technically, storage wise, memory allocation, management, installing it
across a network etc. All this needs to take place before an initial purchase.
 Outcomes e.g. constraints, functional and non-functional requirements –
Other requirement may also be realised in a feasibility study, limitations of
staffing or other constraints like time, downtime of the current system while the
new system is integrated, the appropriate hardware and OS’s to run a system,
and non functional requirements such as staffing, training needs, overall benefits
of the system, proximity to upgrades, condition of current system etc.
P1.1 –Task 01 – Describe what a Feasibility study is and in a context of a specific
project, describe the conditions and expectations of a feasibility study.
► For this you will need to propose a technical project, such as replacing the
current school VLE with a different one, and base your writing and arguments on
this project throughout this unit.
P1.2 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► Requirements engineering (i.e. business and user) - This is a

process of collecting factual data, understand the processes
involved, identifying problems and recommending feasible
suggestions for improving the system functioning. This involves
studying the business processes, gathering operational, business
and user data, understand the information flow, finding out
bottlenecks and evolving solutions for overcoming the weaknesses
of the system so as to achieve the organizational goals. System
Analysis also includes subdividing of complex process involving the
entire system, identification of data store and manual processes.
► The Requirement Engineering is used to translate the imprecise,
incomplete needs and wishes of the potential users of the system
into complete, precise and formal specifications. The specifications
act as the contract between the system users and the business.
Therefore the importance of Requirement Engineering is enormous
to develop effective solutions and in reducing system usage errors.
► It attempts to give birth to a new efficient system that satisfies the
current needs of the user and has scope for future growth within
the business constraints. The result of this process is a logical
system design.
P1.2 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► The four important stages of Requirements Engineering are:

1. requirements gathering (e.g. ideas, concerns)
This is the process that identifies the sources of requirements for a new system
and after identifying it obtains requirements from those sources. Resource
gathering is a very challenging activity that requires focus and skill from the
business analyst. For this, a business analyst need to have knowledge of
Domain, Regulation, Standards and other constrains. If a business analyst
doesn’t have prior knowledge then quality of requirement will suffer.
There are three types of requirement elicitations:
1. Greenfield Engineering: In this, a new system is build. No Prior system
exists so requirements are extracted from Client and End User. This type of
engineering is dependent on User needs.
2. Re-Engineering: In this, an existing system is re-design and re-
implemented using a newer technology. This type of engineering is technology
3. Interface Engineering: In this, system and functionally of system remains
same but environment is modified. This type of engineering is dependent on
new market needs.
P1.2 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

2. requirements analysis (i.e. sensible, achievable,

affordable) –
The Requirements Analysis Phase begins when the previous
phase objectives have been achieved. Documentation
related to user requirements from the Concept Development
Phase and the Planning Phase shall be used as the basis for
further user needs analysis and the development of detailed
These include: Objectives and Goals, Deliverables and
Approvals, Allocation of Roles and Respnsibilities and
assuming tasks. Throughout this stage it is necessary to
maintain goals that are sensible, achievable and affordable.
3. Requirements sign off - Generally, requirements gathering
and analysis happen over a series of meetings with the final
meeting before the initial of the project being the sign off
meeting where resources, documentation and procedures
are agreed upon by the key players in the project. By the end
of this, prices, funding, resources and labour needs will be
agreed upon by all participants including stakeholders.
P1.2 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

4. Requirements monitoring (i.e. avoiding mission creep) -

Monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of the project is
an important part of the resource management planning
process. It is an ongoing activity throughout the planning
cycle to assess how well the plan is working. Policy and
plan effectiveness monitoring helps determine the need for
further action, and possible changes and improvements in
policy statements and plans, or in actions taken to
implement them.
Mission creep Mission creep is the expansion of a project or
mission beyond its original goals, often after initial
successes. This often refers to changes, continuous or
uncontrolled growth in a project's scope, at any point after
the project begins. This can occur when the scope of a
project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled. It
is generally considered harmful. It is related to but distinct
from feature creep.
P1.2 –Task 02 – Describe the stages of requirements
engineering with examples and describe how they relate in
context of benefitting a Project Plan.
P1.3 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► System Design including Virtualisation – Once the planning and negotiations

are done, it is then the task of the project manager to envision how the finished
product will look and feel. For example, the analyst when replacing a current
information system will have to design the GUI and the look and feel of the new
system to be able to envision how it will look when integrated. Diagrams, e.g.
CPA and Gantt will benefit this process. Three considerations have to be taken:
 Capacity – How much room will it take up and how much work and activity
will the new system be able to manage, or is expected to manage. For an
education system this means what is the capacity of students the system
can handle, how will it be stored and where, backups, protections etc. the
technical and storage limitations.
 Performance – How will it operate when populated, what will it be capable
of in terms of usage, beyond the current system. Will it have additional
features that will need explaining, will there be training involved that may
cause additional downtime.
 Throughput – How much will the system be expected to increase by, in
terms of customer, activity and use. IF the new system is expected to be as
busy as the old, then why upgrade or change.
P1.3 –Task 03 – In terms of visualization, describe how a new system needs to be
imagined in terms of Capacity, Performance and Throughput.
P1.4 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► Software development – This is when a company then develops the

means if integrating the change in in terms of the relevant software
needed for that change. For example, if a business was to integrate a
Thin Client PC system to replace their current system, they would
first set up and manage a base line system for replicating into the
thin client computers with the appropriate software, layout, folder
structure and file access rights for the new system.
► Testing of the software – Then the software will be tested on a
single unit, everything from scanning to printing, loading, using
features and integrating it with additional software to ensure cross
platform compatibility. Testing strategies are used to measure the
success and failure of these.
► Systems testing – Then the software is tested against the hardware
under different circumstances, from single use testing to soak testing,

in order tor educe down possible outage when integrated.

P1.4 – Task 04 – Describe the Development to Testing stages of a
system life cycle with example.
P1.4 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► Implementation – We will now consider

changeover to the new system in more depth.
As indicated on the previous slide, there are 4
common methods used for changing over from
the old system to the new system. Each one
has advantages and disadvantages that ned to
be weighed up before the most appropriate
method is chosen for a particular application.
► The final stage is pushing the integration
across the system, choosing either Parallel,
Phased, Pilot or Direct changeover depending
on the importance of downtime is to the
company. For integrating a new Student VLE
this may be direct or parallel in order to reduce
P1.4 – Task 05 – Describe the Implementation stages of a system life
cycle with examples of methods and pitfalls of each method.
P1.4 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

 Once the system is fully tested . The next stage is to fully implement it.
Some of the stages of this process are shown below in Figure 1.2:
There is a need to train
staff on the new system Scan in documents

Transfer paper or Key in data

electronic files to the
new system
Download files to new
Changeover to the new Direct Changeover
Parallel Running
Pilot Implementation /

Figure 1.2 – The Implementation Stage

Phased Implementation
P1.4 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

Implementation Design of Advantages and disadvantages of the method

method Implementation
Direct With this method • This method can be disastrous if the new
the old system is system fails since the old system is no longer
stopped overnight available
and the new • The benefits are immediate
system introduced • Costs are reduced (since only one system
immediately used there is no need to pay for 2 sets of
• Less likelihood of a malfunction since the new
system will have been fully tested
Parallel With this method, • If the new system fails, the old system is still
the old and new available as a backup
systems are run • It is possible to gradually train staff
side by side for a • It is more expensive than direct since extra
time before the staff are needed to run both systems together.
new system takes • It’s also more time consuming than direct
over altogether. since data needs to be entered into 2 systems
P1.4 – Components of A System Development Lifecycle
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

Implementation Design of Advantages and disadvantages of the method

method Implementation
Pilot With this method, the • If the new system fails, only one part is
new system is affected; the remainder is unaffected.
introduced into one • It is possible to train staff in one area only,
branch of the company which is much faster and less costly than
and its performance parallel.
assessed before being • The costs are less than parallel since only one
introduced elsewhere part of the system is being used in the pilot
in the company. warehouse.
Phased With this method, only • If the latest part fails, it is only necessary to go
part if the new system back in the system to the point of failure;
is introduced and, only hence failure isn’t disastrous.
when it proves to work • More expensive than direct since it is
satisfactorily, is the necessary to evaluate each phase before
next part introduced, moving on to the next stage.
and so on, until the old • Very time consuming since each aprt needs to
system is fully replaced be fully evaluated before making any further
changes to the system.
• It is possible to ensure the system works
properly before expanding.
M1.1 – Life Cycles
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► A project can be broken down into phases to help

monitoring and control its performance. There are different
life cycle strategies companies can take when
implementing change and each has its technical merits
depending on the change that is necessary.
► linear (e.g. waterfall, v model, incremental) - In cases
where the phases follow one another, the resulting
structure is called a linear life cycle model. A linear life
cycle is best suited for projects that have well-defined
objectives from the outset of the project. In a linear life
cycle, any change to the project scope will result in the
changes in project schedule and the project delivery date.
► These can be broken down into Waterfall, Model and
Incremental models.
► The waterfall model emphasises that a logical
progression of steps be taken throughout the software
development life cycle, much like the cascading steps
down an incremental waterfall. Like other models it is
broken down into 6 stages:
M1.1 – Life Cycles – Waterfall Method
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

1. Requirements: During this initial phase, the potential

requirements of the application are methodically
analyzed and written down in a specification document
that serves as the basis for all future development.
2. Analysis: During this second stage, the system is
analyzed in order to properly generate the models and
business logic that will be used in the application.
3. Design: This stage largely covers technical design
requirements, such as programming language, data
layers, services, etc.
4. Coding: The actual source code is finally written in this
fourth stage, implementing all models, business logic,
and service integrations that were specified in the prior stages.
5. Testing: During this stage, beta testers, and all other testers systematically
discover and report issues within the application that need to be resolved.
6. Operations: Finally, the application is ready for deployment to a live
environment. The operations stage entails not just the deployment of the
application, but also subsequent support and maintenance required.
M1.1 – Life Cycles - Incremental
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► Incremental Life Cycle Model - The basic idea behind this method is to
develop a system through repeated cycles (iterative) and in smaller portions
at a time (incremental), allowing software developers to take advantage of
what was learned during development of earlier parts or versions of the
Advantages of Incremental model:
1. Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.
2. This model is more flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements.
3. It is easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
4. In this model customer can respond to each built.
5. Lowers initial delivery cost.
6. Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are
identified and handled during it’d iteration.
Disadvantages of Incremental model:
7. Needs good planning and design.
8. Needs a clear and complete definition of the
whole system before it can be broken down and
built incrementally.
9. Total cost is higher than waterfall.
M1.1 – Life Cycles - Evolutionary
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

Evolutionary (e.g. iterative, spiral) -

► In the Iterative model, iterative process starts with a simple
implementation of a small set of the system change requirements
and iteratively enhances the evolving versions until the complete
system is implemented and ready to be deployed.
► An iterative life cycle model does not attempt to start with a full
specification of requirements. Instead, development begins by
specifying and implementing just part of the system change, which
is then
reviewed to identify
further requirements.
This process is then
repeated, producing a
new version of the
change at the end of
each iteration of the
Iterative Video Spiral Video
M1.1 – Life Cycles - Evolutionary
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

Evolutionary (e.g. iterative, spiral) -

► The spiral model is similar to the incremental model, with more
emphasis placed on risk analysis. The spiral model has four phases:
Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering and Evaluation. A system
change project repeatedly passes through these phases in iterations
(called Spirals in this model). The baseline spiral, starting in the
planning phase, requirements are gathered and risk is assessed.
Each subsequent spirals builds on the baseline
1. Planning Phase: Requirements are gathered.
2. Risk Analysis: A process is undertaken to
identify risk and alternate solutions.
3. Engineering Phase: Software is developed,
along with testing at the end.
4. Evaluation Phase: This allows the customer
to evaluate the output of the project.
Methodologies Video
M1.1 – Life Cycles - Agile
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

Agile (e.g. scrum, Agile Unified Process (Agile (UP))) –

► Agile is designed to accommodate change and the need for faster System
change development. The project leader typically facilitates the work of
the development team, eliminates bottlenecks, and helps the team stay
focused in order to deliver change iterations on a regular basis. It is less
about milestones than it is about hours, feature selection, prioritisation,
and meetings.
► Unlike the Waterfall model, the development team ultimately decides at
the beginning of a sprint (or iteration) what can be accomplished in the
timeframe and sets out to build a series of
features, delivering working software that
can be installed in a production environment
at the end of the sprint. Since Agile change
development methods are flexible, most are
suitable for method tailoring – where
development teams can adapt the flow to
meet the needs of the product.
M1.1 – Life Cycles
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► Scrum – Unlike the waterfall software development life cycle, the distinctive
feature of Scrum is the iterative process of developing. Development
divides into several phases. Each of them results into a ready-to-use
► At the end of each step (called sprint) a ready product is delivered to a
customer. Customer’s feedback helps reveal possible problems or change
the initial plan, if needed. If you want your project to strictly follow the main
principles of Agile manifesto , you can use Scrum and be sure that you’re
on the right path. This is done in steps:
1. Product Backlog Creation - a list that consists of features that should be
implemented during the development process
2. Sprint Planning and Sprint Backlog Creation - consists of user stories
that will be completed during the current sprint.
3. Working on the Sprint Scrum Meetings – The main phase of
implementation of the project where every day meetings discuss progress.
4. Testing and Product Demonstration - a review and demonstration of the
results of their work
5. Retrospective and Next Sprint Planning - to discuss the results and
determine the ways how to improve development process
M1.1 – Life Cycles
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

M1.1 – Life Cycles
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

► Agile Unified Process – In this, stages are organised into disciplines (workflows)
in the UP and is performed in an iterative and incremental manner.
► The six phases occur in a serial manner over time, at the beginning of an UP
project, the focus is on project initiation activities during the Inception phase, once
the initial scope is understood the major focus becomes requirements analysis
and architecture evolution during the Elaboration phase, then the focus shifts to
building the system during the Construction phase, then to deliver the software
during the Transition phase, a company will operate and support the software in
the Production phase, and finally remove it from production during the Retirement
phase. However, on a day-to-day basis progress is in an iterative manner,
perhaps doing some modeling, some implementation, some testing, and some
management activities.
M1.1 – Task 06 – Using the context of
the scenario, compare and contrast a
range of systems development life
► For this you will need to be able to
visualise the project being carried
out and describe each life cycle
LO1 – Assessment Criteria
Scenari 1.1 – Feasibility 1.2 – Requirements 1.3 - 1.4 – Life Cycle 1.5 – Life
o Study Engineering Visualisation Development Cycle Models

P1.1 –Task 01 – Describe what a Feasibility study is and in a

context of a specific project, describe the conditions and
expectations of a feasibility study.
P1.2 –Task 02 – Describe the stages of requirements engineering
with examples and describe how they relate in context of
benefitting a Project Plan.
P1.3 –Task 03 – In terms of visualization, describe how a new
system needs to be imagined in terms of Capacity, Performance
and Throughput.
P1.4 – Task 04 – Describe the Development to Testing stages of a
system life cycle with example.
P1.4 – Task 05 – Describe the Implementation stages of a system
life cycle with examples of methods and pitfalls of each method.
M1.1 – Task 06 – Using the context of the scenario, compare and
contrast a range of systems development life cycles.

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