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Future of AI

• Initially AI was based on Logic and logic reasoning

• Later it was extended to knowledge based system for
diagnosis in medical and other engineering domains,
configuration and design, action planning
• Also it was extended to uncertainty reasoning (i.e
certainty factors, Bayesian nets, evidences, fuzzy set,
similarity reasoning)
• Every where there is need for mathematical
assumptions which have to be fulfilled
Future of AI...contd
• Over the time all mathematicians school of thought
was realized and further exploration was attempted
• However, the classical AI could not deal with the
common sense phenomenon (which was considered to
be very complex)
• Common sense has a knowledge base of million of
knowledge units (facts and rules) to cover the overall
real world entities
• The issues were, with large knowledge base units was
difficult to manage and the interaction among the
knowledge units were too difficult to control
Future of AI...contd

• Due to the complexity of common sense factors, the attempt

was split the work into 2 parts (i) the human factors and (ii)
computer capabilities
• Computer capabilities are to do time consuming search in
knowledge base though it is stupid
• Hence the concept of assistant system was evolved
• Initially the Assistant systems are designed to be adhoc to
supplement the knowledge based system
• If this concept of assistant system does not fullfil the required
results, human come into picture when the machine is not
able to solve the problem
• Hence it was decided to investigate the following problem
Future of AI...contd
• Characterization of what human can do better
than machine and vice versa
• Deduction of work plan which in principle splits
the work between human and software agents
(agent is a device with added software)
• Descriptions of the principles as well as the
technical aspects in the communication
between such different agents
• An integration of common sense reasoning and
use of informal concepts with logical thinking
computer computations.
• This leads to research about semi-formal system
Future Directions of research and
development in AI

• Information Creation
• Autonomy
• Situatedness
Information Creation

The whole Arsenal Methods are:

• Data warehouses
• Classical statistical methods
• Neural networks
• Machine learning algorithm

• For the structured data  data mining is used

• For the unstructured  data text mining is used
• For web data  web mining is used

• Concerned with Distributed

• Multi agent system
• Communication or cooperation based on need
(proactive agent)
• How to sense the situation and how to react with
appropriate action
• Sensor fusion
• The basic tasks are self localization and orientation
• Situated systems must have planning capabilities
for choosing appropriate actions
• They also must have learning capabilities
Important Questions
Some of recent work/conferences on AI
and IoT
· Architecture design for AI in IoT
· Protocols for AI in IoT
· AI based techniques for real time IoT services
· AI based service-oriented protocols for IoT
· AI based techniques for data driven trustworthy IoT
· AI based techniques for security in IoT systems
· AI based techniques for fault diagnosis in IoT services
· AI based techniques for scalability solutions in IoT
· AI based techniques for smart data storage in IoT
· AI based applications in industrial IoT
· AI based techniques for smart city, smart grid, smart farming, smart
transportation, and smart healthcare applications
· AI based techniques for IoT security and services
· AI based techniques for future IoT applications

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