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Forest Evapotranspiration

and Stand Dynamics

İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa
Orman Fakültesi
Orman Mühendisliği Doktora Programı
ET in Forest Ecosystems
Evapotranspiration (ET) from terrestrial
ecosystems is a key component of Earth’s 1. Transpiration (T): Transpiration refers to the process by which plants
hydrological cycle , transporting about 60% release water vapor through their leaves. It accounts for approximately
of global precipitation (P) from the land
surface to the atmosphere. Globally
61% (range 45-77%) of total ET.
speaking ET consists of, on average, about 2. Evaporation (E): Evaporation refers to the process by which water is
61% (range 45–77%) transpiration (T) of converted from a liquid to a vapor state and released from wet soil and
xylem water from plants and about 39%
(range 23–55%) evaporation (E) of water vegetation surfaces. ​ It accounts for approximately 39% (range 23-55%) of
from wet soil and vegetation surfaces . total ET.
Crossref: Wolf, S., Paul-Limoges, E., Sayler, D., & Kirchner, J. W. (2024). 3. Tree Transpiration (Ttree): This is the water loss from the trees through
Dynamics of evapotranspiration from concurrent above-and below-
canopy flux measurements in a montane Sierra Nevada forest. their leaves. ​It accounts for approximately 47% of the total forest ET. ​
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 346, 109864.
4. Understory Evapotranspiration (ETunderstory): This is the water loss from
the grasses in the understory of the forest. ​ It accounts for approximately
• The components of ET 46% of the total forest ET. ​
and their percentages 5. Canopy Interception (ECanopy): This is the water that is intercepted by the
are as follows: ​ tree canopy and subsequently evaporated. ​ It accounts for approximately
7% of the total forest ET. ​
ET in Forest Ecosystems
Indirect methods for calculating forest stand evapotranspiration (ET) involve
estimating ET based on various environmental factors and measurements. Some
• Forest evapotranspiration commonly used indirect methods for forest stand ET calculations include:
is usually measured using
a combination of direct 1. Penman-Monteith Equation: This equation estimates ET based on meteorological
and indirect methods. ​ data such as solar radiation, air temperature, wind speed, humidity, and vegetation
Commonly used direct characteristics.
techniques : 2. Priestley-Taylor Equation: This equation estimates ET based on net radiation and air
• Eddy Covariance temperature, assuming a constant ratio of actual ET to potential ET.
• Bowen Ratio 3. Water Balance Approach: This method estimates ET by quantifying the inputs and
outputs of water in a forest ecosystem, considering factors such as precipitation, soil
• Sap Flow
moisture, runoff, and changes in water storage. ​
• Soil Water Balance
4. Remote Sensing: Remote sensing techniques, such as satellite imagery and aerial
• Lysimeters photography, can be used to estimate ET indirectly by measuring vegetation indices
• Chamber methods and surface temperature.
5. Hydrological Models: Hydrological models simulate the water balance of a forest
ecosystem and can estimate ET based on inputs such as climate data, soil properties,
vegetation characteristics, and land cover.
Sun, G., Domec, J. C., & Amatya, D. M. (2016). Forest evapotranspiration: measurement and modelling at multiple scales. Forest hydrology: Processes, management and
assessment, 19, 32-50.

The major regulators of forest evapotranspiration

 Climate factors (temperature, precipitation,wind

speed, vapor pressure deficit, snowfall, solar
 Plant Factors (forest cover, forest biomass, forest
composition, leaf stomatal conductance, canopy
leaf area index, tree hydraulic traits, and stand
surface roughness)
 Soil Factors (soil texture, soil depth, water holding
capacity, available water content)
 Management Factors (Harvesting, afforestation,
reforestation, thinning)
 Other Ecological Factors (Wildfires, windbreaks,
bug infestations)

Linkages among energy, water and carbon cycles in a forest ecosystem

Centritto, M., Tognetti, R., Leitgeb, E., Střelcová, K., & Cohen, S. (2011). Above ground processes:
anticipating climate change influences. Forest management and the water cycle: an ecosystem-based
approach, 31-64.

• Forests play a crucial role in regulating the global hydrologic cycle and have a significant
impact on the movement, distribution, and availability of water on Earth.
• Forests contribute to the regulation of regional and continental climate through
evapotranspiration, which affects water availability and can have a cooling effect on the
surrounding environment.
• Climate change can affect precipitation patterns, temperature, and evapotranspiration
rates, which in turn can impact the water balance in forest ecosystems.
• Changes in climate can lead to alterations in forest hydrology, such as changes in water
availability, which can affect the overall health and productivity of forest ecosystems.
• Monitoring and understanding forest hydrology is important for assessing the impacts of
climate change on water resources and managing and conserving water resources in
forested areas.
• Drought-induced forest mortality is a global phenomenon that is expected to increase with
climate change, leading to tree die-off and changes in forest structure and composition.
Sun, G., Domec, J. C., & Amatya, D. M. (2016). Forest evapotranspiration: measurement and modelling at multiple scales. Forest hydrology: Processes,
management and assessment, 19, 32-50.

1. Biophysical (Theoretical) Models: ​

o Biophysical models are based on physical principles and aim to simulate the processes involved in
o These models consider factors such as solar radiation, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and vegetation
• The study
characteristics to estimate evapotranspiration.
categorizes the ET
calculations o Examples of biophysical models include the Penman-Monteith equation, Priestley-Taylor equation, and
regarding forest ET Shuttleworth-Wallace equation.
into two groups o These models require detailed input data and are often used for research purposes or in situations where
accurate measurements are available.
2. Empirical Models:
o Empirical models are derived from direct evapotranspiration measurements at the ecosystem scale and are
based on statistical relationships. ​
o These models use simplified equations and empirical coefficients to estimate evapotranspiration. ​
o Empirical models are often used when direct measurements are not available or when simplicity and ease
of use are desired. ​
o Examples of empirical models include the Hargreaves-Samani equation, Blaney-Criddle equation, and
Thornthwaite equation.
o These models are widely used in practical applications, such as water resource management and irrigation
It is important to note that both biophysical and empirical models have their advantages and limitations, and the
choice of model depends on the availability of data, the level of accuracy required, and the specific application or
research objective. ​
Inokoshi, S., Gomi, T., Chiu, C. W., Onda, Y., Hashimoto, A., Zhang, Y., & Saitoh, T. M. (2023). A watershed-scale evapotranspiration model considering forest type, stand parameters, and climate factors. Forest Ecology and Management, 547, 121387.

The purpose of this study is to develop a simple forest evapotranspiration model

(empirical) that can accurately estimate evapotranspiration in temperate coniferous and The wet canopy evaporation submodel incorporates a
broadleaf forests. ​ The model aims to provide a parameterization method that can be nonlinear function to determine the ratio of interception
applied to a wide range of environmental conditions, taking into account stand structure loss to precipitation based on stand density for coniferous
and meteorological data. The goal is to improve our understanding of forest water use forests or stand height for broadleaf forests. ​ The
and contribute to better water resource management in forested areas. The study also parameters of the Ewet submodel are determined
seeks to validate the model using data from various forest sites and demonstrate its separately for rainfall and snowfall.
applicability for estimating evapotranspiration over large areas with heterogeneous
forest conditions. ​ The dry canopy evaporation submodel is based on a
simplified Penman-Monteith equation and includes a
The methodology used in this study to develop the forest evapotranspiration (ET)
nonlinear function to determine the reference surface
estimation method involves the following steps: ​
conductance from stand height.
1. Data collection from various sources, including previous publications,
databases, and field measurements. ​
2. Model development, incorporating submodels for wet canopy evaporation
The model was tested using data from three locations in
(Ewet) and dry canopy evaporation (Edry). ​
Japan and the US, representing evergreen coniferous,
3. Parameter estimation and calibration based on collected data and statistical
deciduous coniferous, and deciduous broadleaf forests.
The model successfully reproduced seasonal ET
4. Model validation using independent data from different forest sites.
patterns, with mean absolute errors of 10 ± 5, 12 ± 7,
5. Sensitivity analysis to evaluate the model's response to changes in input
and 6 ± 9 mm/month for the respective forest types.
variables and parameters.
6. Application of the model to estimate ET over larger areas with heterogeneous
forest conditions. ​
7. Evaluation of the model's performance and applicability through comparisons
with other measurements or estimates.
Inokoshi, S., Gomi, T., Chiu, C. W., Onda, Y., Hashimoto, A., Zhang, Y., & Saitoh, T. M. (2023). A watershed-scale evapotranspiration model considering forest type, stand parameters, and climate factors. Forest Ecology and Management, 547, 121387.

The significant forest stand parameters that have an influence on evapotranspiration patterns in the forest hydrological cycle are: ​
1. Stand Density: Higher stand density can lead to increased interception loss and transpiration rates, resulting in higher evapotranspiration.
2. Stand Height: Taller trees generally have a larger impact on wind speed and turbulence, affecting the exchange of water vapor between the
forest canopy and the atmosphere. ​
3. Leaf Area Index (LAI): Higher LAI values generally result in higher evapotranspiration rates due to increased interception and
transpiration. ​
4. Canopy Cover: Higher canopy cover can reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the forest floor, leading to lower evapotranspiration
5. Forest Type: Different forest types have distinct characteristics that influence evapotranspiration patterns. ​ For example, evergreen forests
tend to have higher evapotranspiration rates due to year-round leaf presence.
6. Species Composition: Different tree species have different transpiration rates and water use efficiencies, which can influence
evapotranspiration. ​
7. Stand Age: Younger stands typically have lower evapotranspiration rates compared to mature stands.
8. Stand Structure: The overall structure of a forest stand, including tree size distribution, crown architecture, and spatial arrangement, can
affect evapotranspiration patterns. ​
These parameters interact with meteorological factors, such as precipitation, solar radiation, temperature, and vapor pressure deficit, to
determine the overall evapotranspiration patterns in the forest hydrological cycle. ​
Picchio, R., Jourgholami, M., & Zenner, E. K. (2021). Effects of forest harvesting on water and sediment yields: a review toward better mitigation and rehabilitation strategies. Current Forestry Reports, 1-16.

• 85 research papers reviewed.

• Results from 155 paired catchments and 39 hillslope plots analyzed.

The study does not provide specific

information about the total
evapotranspiration (ET) change after harvest
in forest catchments and the duration of its
effects. However it can be inferred from the
study that the effects of forest harvesting on
total ET can vary depending on various
factors such as the intensity and extent of
the harvest, the type of vegetation, climate
conditions, and the time since the harvest.
In general, forest harvesting can result in
decreased evapotranspiration due to the
removal of trees, which reduces canopy
interception and transpiration. This can
lead to increased water yield as more water
is available for runoff.
Picchio, R., Jourgholami, M., & Zenner, E. K. (2021). Effects of forest harvesting on water and sediment yields: a review toward better mitigation and rehabilitation strategies. Current Forestry Reports, 1-16.

The review of various studies reveals that forest harvesting can

lead to increased water yield (WYI) and total sediment yield
(TSY) in catchments. ​The average WYI was found to be 180 mm,
with a maximum of 650 mm, while the average TSY was 477 t
km−2 year−1, with a maximum of 18,090 t km−2 year−1. ​ The
effects of forest harvesting on WYI and TSY depend on factors
such as the proportion of catchment area harvested, precipitation
amounts, and vegetation type. ​ Recovery of hydrological
responses following forest harvesting can vary and may take
several years to several decades.

When average values considered for both climate zones, WYI

was greater (227 mm) at a precipitation above 1500 mm than
below 1500 mm (155.5 mm).

Regardless of vegetation type, WYs were consistently most

variable in small (< 2 km2) catchment areas.

According to the findings from 93 catchments, mean WYI by

forest type after harvesting:
Mixed: 205 mm
Broadleaved: 180 mm
The generalized view of the hydrological cycle in (a) pre- and (b) post-harvesting with net change in annual WYI and TSY.
Conifer: 170 mm
del Campo, A. D., Otsuki, K., Serengil, Y., Blanco, J. A., Yousefpour, R., & Wei, X. (2022). A global synthesis on the effects of thinning on hydrological processes: Implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management, 519, 120324.

This study is a global synthesis that examines the effects of thinning on The ratio of the components of precipitation in forests in
hydrological processes in forest ecosystems. ​ It reviews and synthesizes general can vary depending on factors such as forest type,
findings from various studies and identifies the main hydrological geographical location, and climate conditions. However,
processes affected by thinning. ​ The study highlights the increase in net in general, the components can be categorized into
precipitation, soil moisture, and tree-level water use, while decreasing three main parts: throughfall, stemflow, and canopy
stemflow and transpiration. ​ It also identifies a threshold of interception. Throughfall is typically the largest
approximately 50% tree removal as the intensity at which thinning component, followed by canopy interception, and then
significantly affects hydrological processes. ​ The duration of thinning stemflow. The specific ratios can vary widely depending
effects varies depending on the specific process. ​ The study emphasizes on the forest ecosystem, tree species composition, and
the importance of considering local biophysical conditions and thinning environmental conditions. ​
treatments in assessing the effects of thinning on hydrological processes.
​ Overall, the study provides valuable insights for forest management
decisions and contributes to the understanding of the impacts of
thinning on the hydrological cycle in the context of climate change. ​
del Campo, A. D., Otsuki, K., Serengil, Y., Blanco, J. A., Yousefpour, R., & Wei, X. (2022). A global synthesis on the effects of thinning on hydrological processes: Implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management, 519, 120324.

The study mentions that while many studies have shown that ET often decreases in thinned stands compared to un-thinned ones, there are
also studies that have reported no significant difference in ET between thinned and control stands. ​
Some factors that can influence the variation in ET response to thinning include: ​
1. Site conditions: The response of ET to thinning can depend on the specific forest type and climate conditions of the study area. ​
Different forest ecosystems may have different water use strategies, and the response to thinning can vary accordingly. ​
2. Drought conditions: During periods of drought, thinned stands may exhibit higher transpiration rates compared to un-thinned stands. ​
This can be attributed to enhanced transpiration of individual trees in the thinned stand, which may overcompensate for the loss of leaf
area index (LAI). ​
3. Wind speed and solar radiation: Thinning can increase wind speed and solar radiation reaching the forest floor, which can affect
evaporation rates. ​Some studies have measured higher evaporation in thinned stands due to these increased environmental factors. ​
4. Forest management objectives: The objectives of thinning can vary, and different thinning intensities and techniques can have
varying effects on ET. ​Thinning practices aimed at enhancing streamflow and water yield may have different impacts on ET compared
to those focused on other objectives such as biodiversity provision or carbon sequestration. ​

• The contrasting results of thinning in different spatial and temporal scales indicates that forest management decisions on thinning
requires more comprehensive assessment and tradeoff analysis among various ecological services.

• Tradeoffs should be investigated between thinning effects on hydrological responses and other ecosystem services.
del Campo, A. D., Otsuki, K., Serengil, Y., Blanco, J. A., Yousefpour, R., & Wei, X. (2022). A global synthesis on the effects of thinning on hydrological processes: Implications for forest management. Forest Ecology and Management, 519, 120324.

 According to the paper, the meta-analysis results showed a

significant increase in net precipitation, soil moisture, and tree-
level water use after thinning except for total evapotranspiration. ​
The effect sizes (Ratio of means –control & treatment) for these
components were reported as 1.19, 1.14, and 1.56, respectively.
This suggests that thinning has a positive and substantial effect on
increasing these hydrological variables. ​
 On the other hand, the meta-analysis results indicated decreases in
stemflow and transpiration following thinning. ​ The effect sizes
for stemflow and transpiration were reported as 0.42 and 0.6,
respectively. ​This implies that thinning leads to a reduction in these
specific hydrological processes. ​
 The significance of these meta-data model results lies in their
ability to provide a quantitative synthesis of the effects of thinning
on key hydrological components. ​ By analyzing a wide range of
studies across different biophysical conditions and time scales, the
The estimated ln (RoM) of the mean effect size of forest thinning on studied hydrological
review paper establishes average effect sizes that can serve as
processes (Stemflow, Throughfall and Net Precipitation, Soil Moisture, Total ET, Stand
benchmarks for assessment and comparisons. However, it is transpiration and Tree-level water use). The metric ln (RoM) represents the natural logarithm
important to note that the effects of thinning can still vary of the ratio Control_mean/ Thinned_mean, with a positive number meaning larger value for
the numerator (control) and a negative number meaning larger value for the denominator
depending on local conditions and thinning treatments, as
(thinning). Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Figures on the lower part of the
mentioned in the paper. plot are the value of exponentiating ln (RoM) (i.e., the ratio Control/Thinned). ***
Significant at p-value < 0.001.
Creed, I. F., Spargo, A. T., Jones, J. A., Buttle, J. M., Adams, M. B., Beall, F. D., ... & Yao, H. (2014). Changing forest
water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long ‐term experimental watershed sites across North
America. Global change biology, 20(10), 3191-3208

 To understand how forest type and age affect water yield resilience
during the warmer climatic conditions, researchers of the study
benefits from theoretical framework of the Budyko curve. ​
 Budyko space is a conceptual space that represents the
relationship between water and energy availability in a given
ecosystem. It is a graphical representation of the relationship
between evapotranspiration (E) and precipitation (P) in a region. In
Budyko space, the ratio of actual evapotranspiration to precipitation
(E/P) is plotted against the ratio of potential evapotranspiration to
precipitation (Ep/P).
 It allows for the analysis of the hydroclimatic behavior of a basin or
ecosystem and helps identify the dominant drivers of
evapotranspiration changes, such as changes in the aridity index,
forest biomass, forest cover, and species composition. Budyko
space is useful for understanding the water balance and hydrological
A Budyko diagram (evaporative vs. dryness index). The solid lines
represent energy and water limits to the evaporative index, and the processes in a region and can provide insights into the impacts of
dashed line represents the original theoretical Budyko curve (after climate change, land use change, and other drivers on the water
Budyko, 1974). balance of a region.
Creed, I. F., Spargo, A. T., Jones, J. A., Buttle, J. M., Adams, M. B., Beall, F. D., ... & Yao, H. (2014). Changing forest
water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long ‐term experimental watershed sites across North
America. Global change biology, 20(10), 3191-3208

 The study examines the impact of climate warming on forested headwater catchments and their water
yields. ​
 The concept of hydrological resilience is used to assess the ability of catchments to maintain or regain
hydrological function in the face of changing environmental conditions. ​
 Long-term monitoring data from 21 (at 12 sites) catchments across North America is analyzed. ​
 The Budyko Curve approach is applied to explore annual water partitioning between
evapotranspiration and runoff. ​
 Resilient catchments shift along the Budyko curve, while nonresilient catchments deviate from the curve,
resulting in decreased water yields. ​
 Coniferous forests and deciduous forests are found to be more susceptible to climate warming compared to
mixed forests. ​
 Factors such as forest type, age, hydrological factors (precipitation, evapotranspiration), and ecological
factors influence the elasticity and water yield responses. ​
 The findings highlight the importance of considering forest type and age when assessing the impacts of
climate change on ecosystems and water resources. ​
Creed, I. F., Spargo, A. T., Jones, J. A., Buttle, J. M., Adams, M. B., Beall, F. D., ... & Yao, H. (2014). Changing forest
water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long ‐term experimental watershed sites across North
America. Global change biology, 20(10), 3191-3208

 Some metrics (static and dynamic deviation, elasticity and resilience) were generated by the researchers using
Theoretical Budyko Curve approach to explore the concept of Hydrological Resilience:
 Hydrological Resilience is defined as the ability of a catchment to absorb change and maintain or quickly
return to the former equilibrium state.
 Developed metrics by the study:
1. Static Deviation (s): İt results from inherent catchment characteristics that are assumed to be constant with
time. Static deviation for each catchment was based on the cool-period observations; i.e., s = EI M,cool - EIB,cool
2. Dynamic Deviation (d): İt is a measure of change in a catchment’s Evaporative İndex (EI = Ea/P) relative to
the Budyko curve as climate changes, put differently, it is a measure of the extent to which the allocation of
precipitation to ET vs. runoff matches theoretical expectations. Dynamic deviation was considered to be that
portion of warm-period deviation, corrected for the static component; i.e., d = EI M,warm - EIB,warm - s
3. Elasticity (e): İt is a measure of a catchment’s ability to maintain water partitioning consistent with he Budyko
curve as climate varies (i.e., the ratio of a catchment’s range in water-year DI to its range in water-year EI
residuals whic is the difference between measured EI and Budyko EI as a function of water-year DI). A
catchment has high elasticity if its DI changes with climate warming, but EI changes only slightly. In contrast,
a catchment has low elasticity if EI responds substantially to changes in DI. Values of e greater than 1 indicates
elastic catchments while lower values than 1 represents less elastic catchments.
Creed, I. F., Spargo, A. T., Jones, J. A., Buttle, J. M., Adams, M. B., Beall, F. D., ... & Yao, H. (2014). Changing forest
water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long ‐term experimental watershed sites across North
America. Global change biology, 20(10), 3191-3208

Graphical representation of Budyko resilience metrics. Each dot shows a catchment’s paired dryness index (DI) and evaporative index
(EI) values: blue for the cool period and red for the later warm period. The dashed line represents the theoretical Budyko curve. (a) Static
deviation (s) was calculated as the difference between measurement-based and theoretical evaporative indices during the catchment’s cool
period: s = EIM,cool EIB,cool. Dynamic deviation (d) was calculated as the analogous warm period quantity, corrected for the previously
determined s: d = EIM,warm - EIB,warm - s. Points that fall above the theoretical curve indicate smaller-than-predicted water yields; points
that fall below the curve indicate larger-than-predicted yields. Elasticity (e) was calculated as the ratio of a catchment’s range in DI to its
range in EI during the two contrasting climate periods: e = (Dimax - DImin)/(EIR,max - EIR,min). (b) This example catchment exhibited a
high degree of elasticity (e > 1) (i.e., approximating theoretical behavior). (c) This example catchment exhibited low elasticity (e < 1) (i.e.,
deviating from theoretical behavior).
Creed, I. F., Spargo, A. T., Jones, J. A., Buttle, J. M., Adams, M. B., Beall, F. D., ... & Yao, H. (2014). Changing forest
water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long ‐term experimental watershed sites across North
America. Global change biology, 20(10), 3191-3208
Creed, I. F., Spargo, A. T., Jones, J. A., Buttle, J. M., Adams, M. B., Beall, F. D., ... & Yao, H. (2014). Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long ‐term experimental watershed sites
across North America. Global change biology, 20(10), 3191-3208

 11 of 21 catchments had negative dynamic deviations indicating

that they had water yields more than expected based on Budyco
 3 catchment have d values equal to 0. These catchments response
to warmer period was as expected.
 7 catchments having positive d had less water yield than expected.
 Elasticity (e) ranged from 0.23 to 2.91.
 7 catchments showing broad range in EI (vertical variation
dominated) but relatively short range in DI yielded low elasticity (e
< 1).
 14 catchments having broad range in DI while small range in EI
exhibited high elasticity (e > 1)
 When catchments were divided into two warming category using
1,5 C as threshold significant but contrasting relationship between
dynamic deviation and elasticity was found.
 When catchments experienced relatively low rates of warming (ΔT
< 1,5), significant proportional relationship (r2 = 0.91, P < 0.001)
was observed.
 İn contrast, in catchments experiencing relatively higher rates of
warming (ΔT > 1,5), an exponential increase in dynamic deviation
while elasticity declines was observed (r2 = 0.81, P < 0.001).
 In general, water yield tended to increase with warming at conifer
catchments while a water yield reduction pattern was observed in
deciduous catchments. Alpine catchments showed the greatest
sensitivity to climate warming with any warming leading to
increased water yields. Mixed forest catchments were found to be
more resilient.
Creed, I. F., Spargo, A. T., Jones, J. A., Buttle, J. M., Adams, M. B., Beall, F. D., ... & Yao, H. (2014). Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long ‐term experimental watershed sites
across North America. Global change biology, 20(10), 3191-3208

My comments on this study:

 According to the study higher elasticity (e>1) means higher resilience. However, in the case of coniferous catchments
depending on the lower elasticity values, higher negative dynamic deviations from the Budyko curve leads to relatively low
evaporative index which is paired with higher range of dryness index resulted in less water consumption of coniferous
trees. At first look it can be seemed as coniferous trees didn’t respond to the climatic changes as they should. Simply put,
while they must consume more water when evaporative demand increased, they consumed less than expected. Perhaps, this
consequence is a better situation for the overall health of the watershed ecosystem. Because by this way more water
available for the downstream and other water dependent ecosystem components. Therefore, we can say that possibly
coniferous trees adapt better than deciduous trees consuming less water which means that higher elasticity doesn’t
necessarily mean better resilience.

 İf as in the case of deciduous trees which consume more water as expected by the Budyko framework, the water stored in
the soil can be depleted and cannot alleviate the impacts of long hydrological droughts. Shortly, we can assume that
coniferous trees can deliberately adapt their water use capacities to survive possible future droughts. Therefore, more long-
term research is required to decide which pattern is better for forest management in the context of climate change. On the
other hand, the water use efficiency of trees can be linearly related to elasticity values. Less water use may be resulted in
less carbon sequestration.

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