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Easter in Georgia celebrates the resurrection

of Christ, Where they grow a type of grass,
dye eggs red, and bake "Paska".
According to the tradition, after the
ascension of Christ (to heaven), Mary
Magdalene, a follower, went to Rome to
preach the gospel and approached the
Emperor Tiberius.
She could not approach without a gift,
wealthy citizens had to bring expensive
gifts, and poor people---whatever they could
afford. Mary Magdalene, with nothing but
faith in Christ, gave Tiberius a chicken egg
and rejoiced: "Christ has risen!"
When hearing this, the emperor laughed and said that resurrection from
the dead is as impossible as turning the egg red, before he finished
speaking, the egg turned pink, then quickly red. Mary told the emperor
that the egg is a symbol of life, and the red egg is the resurrection of the
savior. This became the reason and basis for Christians, including
Georgian Christians.
The green "Jejili" is a symbol of the new life that Christ gave us
through his resurrection.
Georgian Christians bake "Paska" as
a sign of faith in the resurrection of
Christ. Symbolically it refers to
golgotha, the mountain where he was
tortured, and crucified.
On the Easter holiday in
Georgia, a large number of
believers meet in the church
and attend the solemn liturgy.
From Easter to a week, when
meeting, people congratulate
each other, and they greet each
other by saying "Christ has
risen" and the other says
"Truly". This is how Easter is
celebrated in Georgia.
Easter is celebrated as a significant religious holiday in both Greece and Georgia with unique
traditions. In Greece, these include dyeing red eggs symbolizing Christ's blood, breaking eggs
competitively, attending church services, and participating in parades. In Georgia, traditions involve
baking traditional sweet bread "Paska," decorating eggs with intricate patterns, attending church
services, and festive gatherings with family and friends. Both countries have similar customs but also
feature distinct traditions that set their Easter celebrations apart.
Easter celebrations in America and Georgia differ in terms of religious practices, cultural
traditions, food customs, festivities, and the date of celebration. In Georgia, Orthodox
Easter is observed according to the Julian calendar. Meanwhile, American Easter happens
according to the General Roman calendar, includes secular traditions like egg hunts and the
Easter Bunny, with meals typically consisting of ham and spring desserts.
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