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Present 8y : Nor HafIza Yahya
P8y TImothy Dlugbenga AjadI, brahIm,
Dlatunde Salawu, E FemI, AdetunjI frok
Adeoye School of EducatIon, NatIonal Dpen
UnIversIty of NIgerIa
PPublIshed by The TurkIsh DnlIne Journal of
EducatIonal Technology (TDJET) Dctober
2008 SSN: 1J0J6521 volume 7 ssue 4 ArtIcle
Pto revIew the relevance of elearnIng In the
posItIon of dIstance educatIon In NIgerIa
PdIscusses the hIstorIcal background of
dIstance educatIon In NIgerIa as well as the
operatIons of NatIonal Dpen UnIversIty of
NIgerIa (NDUN) as the fIrst federal UnIversIty
In NIgerIa dedIcated to the provIsIon of
educatIon through dIstance mode
PCase based approach - took place at
NatIonal Dpen UnIversIty of NIgerIa
PThe current enrolment of NDUN Is Forty
three thousand, two hundred and fIfty four
(4J,254). Ten Thousand and twentysIx
students enrolled for the 200J/2004
academIc sessIon In varIous schools as shown
below whIle SIxteen Thousand, NIne
Hundred and EIghtSeven (16,987) enrolled
for 2005/2006 academIc sessIons, whIle
SIxteen thousand, Two Hundred and Forty
Dne (16,241), has enrolled for 2007/2008
academIcs sessIon as at 9
of June, 2008.
Challenges of elearnIng In NDUN
PnequalIty of access to the technology Itself
by all the NDUN students the so called dIgItal
PTechnophobIa: |ost of the student admItted
by NDUN have no computer educatIon
PConnectIvIty: The cost of accessIng Internet
Is stIll very hIgh In West AfrIca
PSchool CurrIculum: |ost of the students
admItted by NDUN have no InformatIon
technology/computer educatIon knowledge
Challenges of elearnIng In NDUN
PAttItude of NDUN Students: CT refutes
Independent learnIng and most of NDUN
students are reluctant to take responsIbIlIty
for theIr own learnIng. 8ut they preferred to
be spoonfed at all tImes.
PSoftware and LIcense cost: t Is very
expensIve to get some of the soft wares
because they are
Pnot developed locally
PDverall In thIs study, the survIval of tertIary
educatIon InstItutIons In the 21st century wIll
IncreasIngly rely on varIous forms of
electronIc delIvery and communIcatIon InsIde
a market place that requIres educatIon to be
PHowever, before goIng to Introduce an
advanced CT In NDUN, It Is suggested that
enough research be conducted on learner's
access, cost and other related parameters
essentIal for It.

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