Mechanical Engineering

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Mechanical Engineering

By: Anthony Ramirez

Principles of Engineering
Table Of Contents
2.Description of the field
• In this presentation I'll be going over
aspects of the mechanical engineering
field such as the demand of jobs for
the career and education needed to
work as one and so on and then a
personal reflection at the end.
Description of the
• Mechanical engineers apply chemistry
alongside an advanced levels of
physics and mathematics to create a
solution to a problem involving
mechanical aspects such as electricity
generation refrigeration and transport
of people ect.
• The demand of mechanical engineers
will always be on the incline according
to the US Berau of labor statistics the
job opportunities for mechanicals
engineers will go up approximately
10% from 2022 to 2032 along with the
unemployment rate going down by
0.8% and with the influx of more
expansion in urban areas and needs
for innovation I'm sure there will be
always be a market for more
mechanical engineers in the system.
• The expected starting salary of an
entry level engineering job is about 75
thousand dollars and in just a short
nine years you can go up an estimated
fifty percent. The job availability is very
frugal because there is always need for
more innovations due to the drastic
expansions of the modern age.
• To become a mechanical engineer,
you'll need a bachelor's degree along
with an education background of
chemistry and advanced level of
physics and mathematics to create
solutions and build on ideas. But you
can further your studies for more
opportunities and pay from more
prestigious companies and firms.
• The colleges that excel in
the practice of this field are UC
Berkeley, MIT and Georgia Tech.
I made my presentation on this field because it is the field I
personally want to pursue in the future.

I'd say the best aspects of the job is the pay and overwhelming
availability for job opportunities but the workload of mechanical
engineers is nothing to joke about there are story of them
working 80-hour weeks because there behind on their deadline.

Reflection The most difficult class you must take to become a mechanical
engineer is thermodynamics the class has an insane curriculum
and amount of homework and level of understanding you must
maintain during the whole class.

I just really want to create and help people and I believe that the
want to do something enough is all the motivation you need to
continue working for a career.
• The united states bureau of labor statistics
• United states best jobs

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