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Method Statements for

January 2024


1. Overview
2. Bio-Engineering Introduction
3. References and Standards
4. Construction Methodology
5. Nursery Establishment and Management
6. Monitoring and Maintenance
7. Manpower Plan
8. Construction Schedule
1. Overview of the Project
General Overview of the Project

Project Name| Kathmandu-Terai/Madhesh Fast Track (Expressway) Road Project –CP6

Contract No.| KTFT/ICB/WORKS/R&B/078/079/6

General Information Payment Status

 Finance : Nepal Government

 Bidding : International Bidding  Contract Amount: NRs 18.08 billion

 Contractor : China First Highway Engineering CO. LTD.  Advance Payment Received : 10%

 Commencement Date : 11 Feb 2023  Advance Payment Remaining :10%

 Completion Date : 11 Feb 2025

 Contractual Time : 730(180 design+550 construction) days
 Project Starting Coordinates: X=617836.2720; Y=3030744.8830
 Project Ending Coordinates: X=615950.3866; Y=3025110.9520
2. Bio-Engineering Introduction
Bio-Engineering Introduction
Importance of Bio-Engineering
Bio-engineering integrates living organisms with structural solutions for slope protection, blending
biology and engineering principles.
Aims to create resilient slope
Combines biology and engineering protection systems for long-term
principles for holistic solutions effectiveness

Innovative approach to slope Emphasizes slope stabilization while Transformation of road slopes into
protection promoting ecological balance and resilient landscapes, ensuring
biodiversity stability and ecological well-being

Bio-Engineering Introduction
Objectives of Bio-Engineering

Sustainable Living Resilient

Harmonizing Solutions for Organisms and Landscapes and Minimizing
Infrastructure Environmental Engineering Biodiversity Environmental
and Nature: Challenges: Integration: Promotion: Impact:

Main objective is to Implementation of Bioengineering Aims to create Focus on minimizing

balance human sustainable and approach integrates resilient landscapes, environmental impact
infrastructure needs ecologically sound living organisms, ensuring stability for and fostering
with the preservation measures to address particularly slopes while actively sustainable land use
of the natural soil erosion, slope vegetation, with promoting practices through
environment. instability, and related engineering biodiversity. innovative
challenges. principles. bioengineering.

Bio-Engineering Introduction
Selection of Species

Altitude of Site Nature of Slopes

Availability of species Promote local Species

Bio-Engineering Introduction
Selection of Species Broom grass (Thysanolaena Different types of
1 1 6
maxima) bamboo

Napier grass (Pennisetum Giant cane (Arundo

2 7 donax)

Major Species listed for

3 vetiver grass (Vetiver 8 Malabar nut
Bio-Engineering zinzaniodes) (Adhatodavasica)

4 Turf grass (such as, Festuca 9 Male fern (Dryopteris filixmas)

arundinacea, Poa pratensis) etc.

5 Kans grass (Saccharum

Bio-Engineering Introduction

Principle of Bio-Engineering

Interdisciplinary Approach:
Integration of knowledge from biology,
01 chemistry, physics, and engineering for
innovative solutions.
Ethical Considerations:
Prioritizing safety, efficacy, and societal 05
implications in bio-engineering
System Thinking:
Emphasis on understanding the complex
Principle 02 interplay between biological systems
and the environment.

Quantitative Analysis:
Employing mathematical models and
computational tools for analyzing biological 04 03 Utilizing biological systems as templates for
designing new materials, devices, and
systems. 10
Bio-Engineering Introduction

Purpose of Bio-Engineering Methodology:

Clear Objectives:
Establishing precise goals and defining project
01 scope for successful outcomes.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Systematically assessing project progress 05
and outcomes for continuous improvement.
Implementing a standardized approach
Purpose 02 for design, implementation, and

Enhanced Collaboration:
Risk Reduction:
Fostering collaboration and communication
among team members and stakeholders. 04 03 Proactively identifying and mitigating
potential project risks.

Bio-Engineering Introduction

Construction Method for Bio-Engineering:

Site Assessment:
Thorough analysis of soil, slope, drainage, and
01 vegetation to inform bio-engineering design

Feedback and Adaptation:

Communicating feedback for adaptations to 05
enhance the effectiveness of the bio-
Planning and Design:
engineering project.
Formulating an adaptable plan based on
Method 02 site conditions and climate for effective

Maintenance, Monitoring and Evaluation::

Regular monitoring and maintenance activities
to ensure sustained plant health and growth & 04 03 Implementation of planting techniques based
on site conditions and selected plant
Vigilant assessment of plant growth to align
species. 12
with project objectives.
3. References and Standards
References and Standards

Nepal Standard Specifications for Road and Bridges Works-2073

Roadside Bio-engineering Reference Manual & Specifications of

Contract Document

Nepal KTFT-6 Project Construction Drawings

The actual situation on site and previous construction experience

4. Construction Methodology
Construction Methodology

Mainly five types of Bio-Engineering in this project:

Grass Planting System

Vegetation Structures (Brush layering)

Roadside tree plantation

Ornamental hedge planting

Flowering plantation

Construction Methodology

Grass Planting System:

 Areas susceptible to erosion, particularly on slopes and stream banks intentional placement of live plant
materials, such as grass slips, strategically within the terrain.
 Promote robust root systems that contribute significantly to soil stabilization providing a sustainable and
natural solution to safeguard against the detrimental effects of environmental degradation in these
specific landscapes.
 Configuration: Horizontal/Contour, Vertical/Downslope & Diagonal

Construction Methodology

Grass Planting System:

Construction Methodology

Grass Planting System:

Configuration of Grass Lines Normal Spacing Main Advantages Main Limitations

Plants at 100mm centers within rows.

Row spacings; Traps material moving downslope. Can increase the infiltration rate to the
Horizontal Slope < 30º: 1000mm, Retards runoff on highly impermeable point of liquefaction on porous

Slope 30-45º: 500mm, materials materials.

Slope > 45º: 250mm.

On very impermeable materials, runoff
Plants at 100mm centers within rows. Maximizes protection against erosion.
Vertical can become damaging.
Rows spaced at 500mm centers. Minimizes infiltration.
Grass plants can suffer from drought.
Where the specific advantages of
Combines the best features of both
Plants at 100mm centers within rows. horizontal and vertical planting
Diagonal horizontal and vertical planting in the
Rows spaced at 500mm centers. patterns are critical, diagonal planting
majority of sites.
should not be used.

Construction Methodology

Grass Planting System:

Recommended Species:

Local Name Botanical Name Altitude Range Remarks

Amliso Thysanolaena maxima Terai – 2000m

Kans Cybopogonmicrotheca Terai – 2000m

Khus Vetiver zizanoides Terai – 1500m

Construction Methodology

Vegetation Structures:
 Four techniques: Brush Layering, Palisades, Live Check Dams, and Fascines Construction

Vegetation Structures (Brush layering):

 Creating horizontal layers using live branches and soil, reinforced bench within a slope, providing stability and
preventing soil erosion, natural barrier, catching debris and reinforcing the bank, while the root systems further
bind the soil, strengthening the structure
Recommended Species for Brush Layering:

Local Name Botanical Name Altitude Range Remarks

Simali Vitex negundo Terai – 1750m

Assuro Adhatoda vasica Terai – 1000m

Bainsh Salix tetrasperma Terai – 2700m

Construction Methodology

Vegetation Structures (Brush layering):

 Suitable for sites up to about 45º

Construction Methodology

Roadside tree plantation:

 Trees are planted mostly 10 m apart from edge either side of the road in plain areas
 Providing shade, reducing the urban heat island effect, improving air quality by absorbing pollutants,
preventing soil erosion, and creating habitats for wildlife

Recommended Species:

Local Name Botanical Name Altitude Range Remarks

Kalki Phul Callistemon citrinus Terai – 1800 m

Gulmohar Delonix Regia Terai – 1000 m

Swami Ficus Benjamina Terai – 1300 m

Birendra Phul Jacaranda Terai – 1300 m

Kapur Cinnanomum camphora Terai – 2000 m

Construction Methodology

Ornamental hedge planting:

 Adding an ornamental hedge to your landscape can introduce both an aesthetically pleasing and
functional element.

Site Selection:
 The ideal location for planting an ornamental hedge is within the road median.

Recommended Species:

Local Name Botanical Name Altitude Range Remarks

Nil Kada Thunbergia erecta Terai – 2000 m

Croton Codiaeum variegatum Terai – 1200 m

Construction Methodology

Flowering plantation:

Environmental Traffic Calming


Aesthetics Biodiversity

Construction Methodology

Flowering plantation:

Recommended Species:

Local Name Botanical Name Altitude Range Remarks

Hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Terai – 12000 m V aried

Single Angelia Terai – 1200 m Varied and dry

Indarakamal Gardenia jasminoides Terai – 1200 m

Chinese rose Terai -2000 m V aried

5. Nursery Establishment and
Nursery Establishment and Management

Role of a Nursery in Bio-Engineering:

 Nursery success relies on these steps, fostering an ideal environment for seed germination and seedling
development in bio-engineering programs.

Site Selection Soil Preparation and Watering Tillage and Weeding

-Optimal terrain with Fertilization -Timely irrigation for -Regular tillage (4-6
good sunlight, a slight -Deep tillage (20-40cm) seed germination and times) to loosen soil and
slope, and open land. to enhance soil quality growth, adjusting reduce evaporation.
-Groundwater table less and fertility frequency based on -Weeding (7-8 times) for
than 1-1.5m, ensuring -Incorporation of organic conditions. competition-free growth
minimal annual water fertilizer for improved -Attention to drainage and prevention of
level fluctuations seedling growth. and waterlogging diseases and pests.
-Adequate drainage in -Surface preparation with prevention, especially -Careful weed removal to
case of high groundwater fine, clod-free soil, during the rainy season.. avoid damage to
levels. especially for smaller seedlings
-Use of Matsushita solid
for convenient seedling
Nursery Establishment and Management
Plant Transport Preparation

Trimming Roots Planting

and Leaves Within 2-
Digging and Separation 3 Days


Soil Removal
Bundling and Storage

Nursery Establishment and Management
Species grown in Nursery

Propagation time in
Species Ready for Plantation Remarks

Kalki Phul (Callistemon citrinus) March-April Minimum 6 Month

Gulmohar (Delonix Regia) March-April Minimum 6 Month

Swami (Ficus Benjamina) March-April Minimum 6 Month

Nill Kada (Thunbergia erecta) April-May Minimum 6 Month

Croton (Codiaeum variegatum April-May Minimum 6 Month

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis June-July Minimum 6 Month

Single Angelia June-July Minimum 6 Month

Indrakamal (Graden jasminoides) June-July Minimum 6 Month

Chinese rose June-July Minimum 6 Month

6. Monitoring and Maintenance
Monitoring and Maintenance
Key maintenance activities

1 2 3

Regular Inspection Pruning and Weeding Replanting

6 5 4

Monitoring Erosion Control Repair and


7. Manpower Plan
Manpower Plan

S.N. Designation Name No Contact Number

1 Contractor's Representative Tang Guo Liang 1 9828915913

2 Deputy Project Manager Xu Xiang Bin 1 9745324819

3 Site Manager/Highway Engineer Lyv Zhi Min 1 9745323650

4 Quality Control Engineer Hu Feng Zhen 1 9829161502

5 Lab Technician 1

6 Surveyor 1

7 Drivers and Operators 5

8 Skilled and Unskilled Labour

8.1 Skilled Labour 2

8.2 Unskilled Labour 8

8. Construction Schedule
Construction Schedule

S.N. Chainage Start Date End Date Remarks

1 CH 0+000 - CH 0+731.419 - - Service Road I

2 CH 0+000 – CH 1+717.242 - - Service Road II

3 CH 42+940 – CH 43+ 090 - - Employers Design Section

4 CH 43+540 – CH 43+900 - - Employers Design Section

Note: The start and end date has not been included as there are issues related to tree cutting and land
acquisition on the site which has not been solved



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