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5 general components of writing
1. Content (substance of the writing, the idea
2. Form (the organization of the content)
3. Grammar (the employment of grammatical
4. Style (the choice of structure to give a tone to
the writing)
5. Mechanics (punctuation and capitalization)
Two forms of writing test

•Objective test
• Subjective test (composition/essay)
The advantages of composition
1. Require Ss to organize their own
answer, express in their own words
2. Motivate Ss to improve their writing
3. Much easier and quicker to prepare than
objective test
Disadvantages of composition
1. Unreliable, because Ss perform differently
on different topics and different occasions.
2. Subjective scoring
3. Ss can cover their weaknesses by avoiding
problems (e.g.: the use of certain
grammatical patterns they find difficult)
4. Require more scoring time
Objective VS Subjective writing test
1. Objective test can be used alone as fairly
good predictors for general writing skill
2. High reliability of composition can be
obtained by taking several samples of writing
from each Ss and having each sample read
by several trained readers.
3. The ideal practice is to have objective and
subjective writing test, in order to have the
valid result.
1. Testing formal grammar and style
• Subject verb agreement
• Structural parallelism
• Case of pronouns
• Comparison of adjectives
• Formation of adverbs
• formation of irregular verbs
Specific item types for grammar and style

a. Error recognition (indicate

unacceptable formal written
b. Sentence completion (select the best
c. Sentence correction (select the best
revision of an underlined portion of
a sentence)
2. Testing the ability to organize materials
The examinee is required to reorder several
“scrambled “ sentences into a coherent
paragraph, and to indicate the correct order of
the sentence.
• Relatively narrow and superficial
• Difficult to find an acceptable paragraphs to
be reorder in one acceptable way
• Less effective to predict general writing skill
3. Testing mechanics of writing
(punctuation and capitalization)
Things to consider:
• In punctuation, there only a very limited
number of points on which there is universal
• Be aware of acceptable variations, so only one
alternative could be an acceptable answer
• Omitting spelling problems from objective
tests of writing skill. (page 77)
Preparation of writing test
1. Two or more short compositions will prove
to be more reliable than a long one.
2. Set writing task that are within the reach of
3. Make the writing task clear and specific
(pg. 78)
4. Allow no alternatives
5. Pretest the writing assignments
Scoring the writing test
1. Decide in advance on the precise basis for
2. If possible, treat the paper anonymously during
3. Scan a sample of papers to decide upon standards
4. Have at least two independent readers
5. Agreement on writing test scoring
6. The score is gained from the average score given
by two or more readers
Scoring Guide
(Testing for language teachers)

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