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Describe a recent happy event that make you happy

You should say:

what it was
when and where it happened
who is involved
And explain why it was happy.
Skill development

Describe a recent happy event that make you happy

You should say:
what it was
when and where it happened
who is involved
And explain why it was happy.
Skill development

Describe a recent happy event that make you happy
what it was
weddin - happ_
• brother’s w_dding happies
_st event
g t
when and where it happened
• summer of 2017
• Fancy restaurant
who it involved
• groom’s
groom’s s_de - bride’s house
Skill development


Describe a recent happy event that make you happy

And explain why it was happy.
• once-in-a-li_ _time experience
• see and feel the pass_ _natelove
passionate love
Skill development

Describe a recent happy event that make you happy

I w_ like to
_ld lik_ to t_lk
talk ab_
_t a special wedding that I
attended which was my brother’s wedding,
recently att_nded,
which is possibly one of the happ_ _st events in my
ent_re lif_. It was only 2 months ago and I still remember
that day rather clearly.

Introduction/ what it was

Skill development

Describe a recent happy event that make you happy

siblin decided to get married in
My brother, who is my only s_bli_g,
the summer of 2017. And since my brother’s f_ancé_ is a
C_thol_c, the wedding was a combination of both catholic and
traditional Vietnamese style. Because we were on thegr_
_m’s side,
my family and I had to wake up early to follow my brother to his
bride’s house. There my brother would ask for permission from his
future p_rents-in-l_w to allow him to take their daughter to her
new family.

When it happened/ Who it involved

Skill development

Describe a recent happy event that make you happy

After getting the acceptance, both the bride and groom and all
the guests headed to a fancy restaurant, where the wedding
ceremony was celebrated.
c_lebr_ted. I remembered how well the entire room
was decorated. sparkling light
dec_rated with sp_rkling lightbulbs.
b_lbs and purple ribbons,
which was the bride’s favorite color. During the whole ceremony,
witnessedthe bride and groom
myself and other guests w_tnessed
exch_nging v_ws with each other and this was indeed an
where it happened
Skill development

Describe a recent happy event that make you happy

Also, this marriage was special for me in another sense,
being that it was the first wedding I had had the chance to be a
part of, which really made the whole event a _nce-in-a-lif_time
experience. It was really great to be able to see and feel the
passionate love the couple had for each other, through the way
they looked at each other and the through the way they expressed
their vows.

explain why it was happy

Skill development

English Vietnamese
Sibling Anh chị em ruột
Fiancée Vị hôn thê
Catholic Người theo đạo Thiên chúa
Parents-in-law Bố mẹ vợ/ chồng
Skill development

English Vietnamese
once-in-a-lifetime Một lần trong đời
groom’s side
Nhà rể
exchanging vows Trao nhẫn/ đọc lười thề
Skill development

When asked to describe events or Experiences, you could:

Say what the event/experience was.

Describe the situation/context.

Tell the story about the event or experience.

Practice 1

Describe a public event you attended.

What was the public event and when was it?
With whom did you go to the event?
What it happened
Why was this public event so important?
Practice 1

Describe a public event you attended.
What was the public event and when was it?
• social
s_cialissue feticid - prevalent
iss_e of female fet_cide
communit center
• society’s c_mm_nity
• last month

With whom did you go to the event?

• family
Practice 1


Describe a public event you attended.

What it happened
introductory sp_eches
• introd_ctory
• p_rformanc_s
• ended by a slogan “Save the girl child”
Practice 1


Describe a public event you attended.

Why was this public event so important?
necessit of girl’s educatio
• nec_ssit_ ed_cation
y n
• eq_al r_ghts
equal rights
• important message
Practice 1

Describe a public event you attended.

What was the public event and when was it?

attended in
I would like to talk about an event which I att_nded
my society’s community center last month. This event was
about a play based on the social issue of f_male
which is hugely prevalent in our society. The play was
organize by the school going children living in the society
and all the families living in the area were invited.
Practice 1

Describe a public event you attended.

With whom did you go to the event?

I went to the event with my family as all of us look

forwar engagin events with a strong message
f_rward to such eng_gi_g
d g
for the public.
Practice 1

Describe a public event you attended.

What it happened

introductory spe
After a few intr_duct_ry speeches
_ches the children
announced the start of the play and came up to the stage
went on for half an
for their performances. The play w_nt
hour and was ended by the children with a slogan of “Save
the girl child” and the c_rtains weredr_wn.
Practice 1

Describe a public event you attended.

Why was this public event so important?

moving /ækt/
It was a /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ act and t_uched
touched the
the hearts
of everyone in the audience with an apt explanation for
the necessity of girl’s education and their eq_al rights
endedonona agood
The event _nded good/nəʊt/
note and everyone took

home a very important message and unforgettable

Practice 1

English Vietnamese
female feticide
Nạn phá thai
look forward to Mong chờ
moving act Hành động cảm động
Practice 1

English Vietnamese
equal rights
Quyền bình đẳng
ended on a good note
Kết thúc tốt đẹp

The curtains were drawn Kết thúc

Practice 2

Describe a national festival in your country

You should say:
when it takes place
why it takes place
what the people do during this festival
and explain why this festival is important to you
Practice 1

Describe a national festival in your country

when it takes place

• the Lunar New Year Festival
• late January or early February
why it takes place
• celebrates the beginning of a new year
Practice 1

Describe a national festival in your country
what the people do during this festival
• Before the New Year's Eve
Clean and decorate their house
Shop for clothes, food
• On New Year
Prepare big meal -the first moment of New Year
Visit their relatives and teachers.
Practice 1

Describe a national festival in your country
explain why this festival is important to you
• family gatherings
• relax, forget the troubles
• people’ belief
Practice 2

Describe a national festival in your country

when it takes place/ why it takes place
One of (important)……………………..festivals in my
country as well as other Asian countries is Tet, the Lunar
celebrates the
New Year Festival. This festival cel_br_tes
beginning of a new year according to lunar calendar,
which is around late January or early February
Practice 2
Describe a national festival in your country
what the people do during this festival
Before the New Year's Eve, family members clean and
decorate their house with kumquat and peach trees. They also shop
for new clothes to wear on the occasion as well as a lot of food for
family g_ther_ngs. On New Year's Eve, a big meal is prepared to
welcome the very first moments of another year with family and
cheerfully until the morning. It
friends. People eat, drink and sing che_rf_lly
is our tradition that on the first three days, people visit their
relatives and teachers.
Practice 2

Describe a national festival in your country

and explain why this festival is important to you

This is my favorite festival because it is the only occasion

when all of my family members g_ther gathe after a busy year.
completel relax and forget
Besides, during Tet, I can (complete)…………….………
all about the troubles of the previous year. Lunar New Year has
significancin my country because we believe that,
such s_gnific_nce
whatever happens during the first days will be repeated
throughout the year. So, in order to have a new year full of good
lucks, we have to prepare carefully for the most enjoyable festival.
Practice 2

English Vietnamese
family gatherings
Họp mặt gia đình
celebrates Kỉ niệm
cheerfully Vui vẻ
throughout Xuyên xuốt, khắp
Practice 3

Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching.

You should say:
what the event was
where you watch it
who watched this event with you
and explain why you enjoyed watching this event
Practice 1

Describe a public event you attended.
what the event was
• a track
tr_ck and
and field
fi_ld race
where you watch it
• high school
who watched this event with you
• dad and sports co_ch
Practice 1


Describe a public event you attended.

explain why you enjoyed watching this event
runne in my state
• best r_nners
insp_red me – wor
• inspire w_rk harder
d k
Practice 3

Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching.

what the event was
state /træk/
So I’d like to talk about the /steɪt/ track and f_eld
field championships
ch_mpi_nships that I went to when I was a high school
student. It was a track and field race and competition where
they had….runners doing 100 meters, 200 meters…anything,
any kind of track and field race and then they also had the
long jump, high jump, /poʊl/ /vɔːlt/ and allpole vault
these different
Practice 3

Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching.

Where/ when you watch it- who watched this event with you
juniorin high school
I think I went when I was a j_nior
and I went with my dad and my sports coach, my coach for
track and field, and I think a few of my friends also went to
interestedin the mile race
this event. I was particularly _nter_sted
because that’s what I used to run when I was a high school
student, um, I ran 1600 meters.
Practice 3

Describe a sporting event that you enjoyed watching.

and explain why you enjoyed watching this event

Seeing the best runners in my state, my top level or

competition was really something
the highest level of c_mpet_tion
inspired me to really get to work and
special for me and it i_sp_red
to work harder, the next year. So it’s something I think I’ll
never forget.
Practice 3

English Vietnamese
state track field
Điền kinh trong sân vận động

pole vault
Môn nhảy cao

inspired Truyền cảm hứng

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