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Describe someone you admire who is much older

than you
You should say:
who this person is
how long you have known him/ her
what qualities he/ she has
And say why you admire him/ her.
Speaking part 2 Overview
B_sic task

Describe someone you admire who is much older than you

You should say:
who this person is
how long you have known him/ her Description

what qualities he/ she has

And say why you admire him/ her.

Skill development

Describe someone you admire who is much older

than you
You should say:
who this person is
how long you have known him/ her
what qualities he/ she has
And say why you admire him/ her.
Skill development

Describe someone you admire who is much older than you

came to
Well, the first person who c_me to my
my m_nd
mind is my
grandmother. She is almost in her 80’s and she has always
influenc on me.
been a major infl_ence

Who this person is- Introduction

Skill development

Describe someone you admire who is much older than you

gues I could sa
I gu_ss s_y that I’ve known my grandmother my
s y
whole life because she was actually there the day I was
born, and after the death of my grandfather she started to
gro up and
live in our house, so I was lucky enough to gr_w
p_ss my adolescen
ad_lescent years with her love and affection.
s t

How long you have known him/ her

Skill development

Describe someone you admire who is much older than you

successfu mother of four children, one of
She’s also a succ_ssful
whom is my father. She has devoted her entire life for the
bettermen of her kids educating and guiding them to
become good people. She possesses a very ch_rming
personality and always pleases everyone around her. Even
a stranger can feel the warmth of her heart within only a
short time.
what qualities he/ she has
Skill development

Describe someone you admire who is much older than you

I could really talk about her all day long because I love and
admire her for many reasons. But I must say, the most
unconditional l_ve for me. She is a
important reason is her unc_nditional
mento who always shows me the positive side of
great m_ntor
things and guides me through my h_rdest

And say why you admire him/ her.

Skill development

Describe someone you admire who is much older than you

Talking to her is a soothing experience and the stories she
informativ and full of important less_ns
tells are always inf_rmative lesson
e s
and m_rals. influenc
morals I think she has had a great infl_ _nce on my
. e
attitude in life and on my personality, and for all these
reasons there’s a strong bond between us, and I adm_re
her very much.

Skill development

Describe someone you admire who is much older than you

Common Speaking

Introduction Description Conclusion

Skill development

When asked to describe people, you could:

Appearance- Describe what they look like-

Describe their personality

Tell a story about the person (if any)

base on real-life experience but don’t need to

tell the truth
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

You should say
Who the writer is
What you know about this writer already
What you would like to find out about him/her
And explain why you would like to meet this
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.


Who the writer is: J.K. Rowling- Harry Potter

What you know about this writer already:

• Idea of Harry Porter – on delayed train
• Rejected manuscript many time
• Mother- her inspiration
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

What you would like to find out about him/her
• source of inspiration
• what kept her motivated after rejections
• magic school
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

And explain why you would like to meet this writer.

• guidelines to improve writing

• Review my
Practice 1

Vocab builder
English Answer Definition

1. Enchanting a. find somebody/something by

1- b
2. Role model 2- c b. attractive and pleasing

3. come across c. a person who someone admires

a and whose behavior they try to copy
Practice 1

Vocab builder
English Answer Definition
1. publishing a. a company which publishes books.
houses 1- a

2. press interview b. taking part in an activity for

2- c
pleasure, not as a job.
3. amateur c. a conversation in which a journalist
3- puts questions to someone such as a
famous person or politician.
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

Who the writer is
If given a chance to meet my favorite writer, I’d like
to meet J.K. Rowling, the author of the famous 7 book
series, Harry Potter. My childhood has been full of
enchantin magica stories, thanks to this worthy
ench_nting and mag_cal
g l
author. She’s been a role mod_l mode
since my childhood.
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

What you know about this writer already
I’ve learnt a lot about J.K. Rowling. She first c_me across

the idea of Harry Potter on a delayed train from Manchester to

manuscrip rejected at almost 12
London. She got her m_nuscr_pt
p_blishing ho_ses before getting it finally published with
Bloomsbury. Her first work was titled “Rabbit”. She has stated in
press int_rvi_ws that the source of inspiration for her
several pr_ss
writing was her mother.
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

What you would like to find out about him/her
sourc of insp_ration
I’d like to know her s_urce inspiratio for the
e n
idea and th_me of the story and characters portrayed in
makin and
Harry Potter. I’d like to ask her several of her m_king
breakin moments and what actually kept her motivate
bre_king m_tivated
g d
even after so many rejections. I’ll ask her whether magic
schools really exist and whether she has ever planned to
attend one.
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

And explain why you would like to meet this writer.

I have a list of reasons to meet her. Being an

amateu writer myself I look f_rwa_d
am_teur forwar to asking her lot
r d
hack to improve my writing. I will
of guidelines and h_cks
also want if she can review some of my own written work
and give me her valuable suggestions. Lastly, I’ll make
sure that I tell her that I’m one of her biggest fans al_ve.
Practice 2

Describe your childhood friend. You should

when you met
where you met
how you felt about this friend
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

When you met
Where you met
• 5th grade- sat next to me the whole year
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

• tall with a muscular build
• brown hair and blue eyes

• confident, outgoing, and very adventurous.
Practice 1

Describe a writer you would like to meet.

How you felt about this friend
• Excellent- the owner of an IT firm
• confident person, gregarious
• never be arrogant
Practice 1

Vocab builder
English Answer Definition

1. considerate a. a man who shows a marked

(adj.) 1- fondness for the company of women
or is especially attentive to women
2. lady’s man b. exercise that builds muscles
a through tension
3. muscular build c. caring about and respectful of
Practice 1

Vocab builder
English Answer Definition

1. Gregarious (adj.) a. maintain contact with another

1- b
2. Arrogant (adj.) 2- b. liking to be with other people
3. Keep in touch c. unpleasantly proud and behaving
with someone (p.v) 3- as if you are more important than, or
a know more than, other people:
Practice 2

Describe your childhood friend.

when you met/ where you met

I’m blessed to have an extensive network of friends

unbelievably supp_rtive, considerate, and
who are _nbelievably
take my
adventurous. And I more than anyone, never /teɪk/
granted . This is why I always make a
friends for /ˈɡræn.t̬ɪd/
special effort to keep in touch with my childhood friends,
especially one in particular, my friend Hoang.
Practice 2

Describe your childhood friend. You should say:

Hoang and I first met in 5th grade. He sat next to me the whole
year, and I knew right away we would be best of friends. Hoang
outgoing , and very _dvent_rous.
was confident, /ˈaʊtɡoʊɪŋ/ adventurous. Whenever

the teacher asked for a volunteer, he was the first to raise his hand.
Later on, in high school and college, Hoang became quite the lady’s
man. I’m sure this had something to do with the fact that he was quite
tall with a musc_lar build. He also had str_ight
brown hair and

blue eyes. He was a handsome young man.

Practice 2

Describe your childhood friend. You should say:

Appearance and personality

Today, Hoang is the owner of an IT firm with over a dozen

employees. He and I worked together on a few projects when he hired
me to build his website for him. He’s still a very confident person, but I
also found him to be very gregarious.
gragerious. He always tries to encourage
arrogant which is one of the
people to do their best instead of being arogant,
things I admire about him. Even though we don’t see each other as
trul wonderful
much as we used to, I really appreciate our truley

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