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Introduction to Digital Marketing
Digital marketing, also called online marketing, is the
promotion of brands to connect with potential customers
using the internet and other forms of digital
communication. This includes not only email, social
media, and web-based advertising, but also text and
multimedia messages as a marketing channel
Digital marketing and inbound marketing are easily
confused, and for good reason. Digital marketing uses
many of the same tools as inbound marketing—email and
online content, to name a few. Both exist to capture the
attention of prospects through the buyer’s journey and turn
them into customers. But the 2 approaches take different
views of the relationship between the tool and the goal.
The term Digital Marketing was first invented and
used in the year 1990. At that time Web 1.0 platform
was developed which helped users to find out their
necessary information. But, it did not allow them to
share this information over the web. This time the
marketers and the experts are unaware the uses of
digital marketing. They were not sure whether their
strategies would work or not because at that time the
internet had not yet seen widespread deployment.
• Then, in 1993, the first clickable web-ad banner went
live. At that time, Hot Wired purchased a few banner
ads for their promotion and advertising. This marked
the beginning of the digital marketing era.
• In 1994, some new technologies (First e-commerce
transaction was done over the internet) were invented
and entered the market with a new mission. Yahoo
was also launched in this year. Within one year of its
launching, it received 1 million hits. Yahoo has
changed the definition of digital marketing, and the
companies have tried to optimize their websites so
that they can get a better rank in search engine.
Traditional V/S Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategy
1. Social Media Marketing Platforms: Today’s
consumers are highly reliant on social media
platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and
Snapchat. This is why it is essential that brands are
active across accounts. Consider these stats:
• On average users have about 8 social media accounts.
• An average of 2 hours and 22 minutes are spent on
social per person per day.
• Out of the 5.11 billion people who have a phone, 3.26
billion access social media using it.
• People spend about 1/7th of their waking time on
social platforms.
Social media platforms allow marketers to reach their
prospects in a myriad of ways. First, marketing
teams can use these channels to distribute paid ads
and sponsored content. Each platform has a way for
marketing teams to create paid ad campaigns and
segment users so these ads appear on the feeds
of target audience members. While each platform is
different, most have capabilities that allow
marketing teams to place ads based on location, job
title, interests, age, etc.
2. Influencer Marketing: Another effective way to
harness digital channels to reach target audiences is
with influencer marketing. Brands can partner with
celebrities, sites, or others that are considered
experts in their field, that share similar values.
Brand can then reach these influencers’ followers
with branded content and offers. Many marketers
have found success with influencer marketing,
with 9 out 10 noting that it was the same or better
than other channels they use. Additionally, 1 out of
2 women based a purchase decision on a
recommendation from an influencer.
3. Email Marketing: Email marketing campaigns
allow organizations to stay connected with prospects
and customers, sending them customized
newsletters or offers based on past shopping history
or brand engagements. If an individual has
interacted with a few of your branded touch points –
like an email offer for 10 percent off the items they
have been considering, or free shipping - that may
be what ultimately brings about a
conversion. Nearly 60% of consumers say that
email plays a role in their purchase decisions.
Furthermore, transactional emails are more likely to
4. Content Marketing: Content marketing allows
marketing teams to be proactive in answering their
users’ questions. Marketing teams create content,
videos, and other assets to answer questions or
provide context to consumers throughout the three
stages of the buyer’s journey:
• The awareness stage: Buyer realizes they have a
• The consideration stage: Buyer determines a
course of action to meet this need
• The decision stage: Buyer decides on a product /
service to purchase to meet the need
5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing:
Search engine optimization often goes hand in hand
with content marketing. When the customer from
the above example is conducting research for which
gym shoes to buy, they will probably click on one of
the first three results that appear on Google. With
this in mind, the athletic shoes’ marketing team
wants to ensure their article appears in those top
results. This is done by optimizing content for user
experience and ensuring the technical elements are
in place to enable search engine crawlers to easily
find and index this content.
6. Pay-per-click (PPC): Pay-per-click is a form of paid
advertising that allows marketing teams to
essentially purchase traffic to their website.
Marketers place ads on websites or search engines
such as Google and Microsoft Bing, and pay a fee
each time the ad is clicked on. These ads often
appear at the top of the search results page, andare
typically determined by bids on specific keywords,
while banner ads on websites usually have set
7. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is similar to
referral programs, it involves working with outside
individuals or companies under the agreement that
they promote your product in exchange for a
commission from each sale that can be attributed to
their efforts. This is a way to cut down on costs and
outsource some of the heavy lifting of promotion,
however, you’re putting your brand's reputation in
someone else’s hands, so this type of marketing
often requires more extensive monitoring and
8. Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing initiatives can
include many of the digital marketing strategies
mentioned above, and typically leverages a
combination of text messages, social media, email,
push notifications, and mobile applications. The
importance of mobile marketing is rising, as it is
expected that by 2024, the number of mobile
shoppers will rise to approximately 187.5 million
users. With the clear move to mobile, marketers
need to think about how they can optimize their
current marketing efforts for mobile to be able to
deliver a seamless and user-friendly experience.
P-O-E-M Framework
The P.O.E.M Framework is a common methodology
used by digital marketing experts to formulate the
social media marketing strategy. It stands for Paid-
Owned- Earned Media.
• Paid Media is the sponsored (i.e. paid) advertisements that
the company has run on various platforms. Examples
include LinkedIn promoted posts, Sponsored Posts on
Instagram , Google Ad Words.
• Owned Media would include essentially the content that
company has created. Website, blog pages, facebook page
itself are examples of it.
• Earned Media is the rawest form of media for a company.
Likes, Comments, Shares etc are examples of Earned
Media. It can be thought of as the most organic since it is
mostly in control of the audience with the least involvement
of the company.
It may seem like we can buy our way to campaign
success using Paid Media. Others might believe that
Earned Media is the best to achieve. It is widely
accepted that the right balance between the three
must be kept while formulating the marketing
campaign. Also, the company’s objectives, current
market status etc are other parameters that must be
taken care of.
Segmenting and Customizing Messages
• The digital world now offers an abundance of user
information. It also offers the ability to target users
based on their information, of course, the availability of
technology for creating and managing large databases.

• In today’s world, the digital part often plays the role of a

bridge for customers between different marketing media.
This allows the customers to respond to a broadcast
message on TV by bringing it up through a social media
property. By doing this, the customers can obtain a
deeper, richer and more interactive brand experience.
Digital Landscape
• A digital landscape is a collective name for websites,
email, social networks, mobile devices (tablets,
iphones, smart phones), videos (YouTube), etc. These
tools help businesses sell their products or services.
• In the world of business there is a smarter and more
nimble competitor just around the corner with a
better use and understanding of technology about to
steal the market.
• We are living in a digital era, almost everything can
be done online (from shopping to banking, to work
and socializing). More and more of our lives depend
on digital services.
Digital Advertising Market in India
India’s Entertainment & Media industry is expected to
reach INR 412656 Cr by 2025 at 10.75% CAGR. These
figures come from PwC's Global Entertainment &
Media Outlook 2021-2025, the 22nd annual analysis
and forecast of E&M spending by consumers and
advertisers across 53 territories.

Rajib Basu, Partner & Leader – Entertainment &

Media, PwC India said, "Despite the pandemic, the
Indian entertainment and media sector has shown
remarkable resilience. As we predicted last year, India is
forecasted to be the fastest growing entertainment and
media market globally in terms of consumer and
Key findings for India in this year’s Outlook include:
1.TV advertising: TV advertising has continued to expand in
2020, despite COVID, reaching INR 35015 Cr. India is the
fourth-largest market globally after the US, China and
Japan. Further expansion at a 7.6% CAGR will take TV ad
revenues to the level of INR 50586 Cr in 2025.
Multichannel advertising will account for nearly 92% of the
total TV advertising market in 2025. Online TV advertising
will make modest inroads in the forecast period, with
broadband penetration remaining extremely low at 7.3% of
2.Internet advertising: India is the fastest-growing Internet
Advertising market in the world at a CAGR of 18.8%
during 2020-2025. Growth in mobile ad revenue overtook
wired revenue in 2019 and is expected to be 74.4% of the
total internet advertising revenue of INR 30471 Cr by 2025.
In 2020 revenue from mobile internet advertising in India
was INR 7331 Cr and will rise to INR 22350 Cr in 2025 –
increasing at a 25.4% CAGR. This makes India the fastest-
growing mobile ad market in the world, reflecting the
potential for growth, with over half the population yet to
take up a mobile Internet subscription in 2020.
3.Newspapers & consumer magazines: In 2020 the
Indian newspaper & consumer magazines market was
worth INR 26299 Cr and is likely to have a CAGR of
1.82% upto 2025. In 2020, print advertising revenue fell
by 12.0% and print circulation revenue was down by
4.0%, mainly due to the pandemic. Digital magazine
circulation and advertising revenue is set to increase
between 2020 and 2025 from just INR 231 Cr to INR
358 Cr at a CAGR of 9.5%.
4.Cinema: Box-office revenues plunged by 75% year-on-year
in a COVID-hit 2020 to INR 2652 Cr. Local producers
turned to digital streaming to make up the shortfall. Box-
office revenue is expected to recover and grow at a CAGR
of 39.3% grossing up INR 13857 Cr by the end of 2025.
The overall segment comprising box-office and cinema
advertising is predicted to grow back to pre-covid level by
mid of 2023.

5.Music, Radio & Podcast: India’s total music, radio and

podcasts market revenues dropped in 2020 to INR 4626 Cr,
as the pandemic stripped almost INR 522 Cr from the
country’s live music sector. Digital channels account for
almost 90% of the recorded music market. And, like
elsewhere, streaming is the most-popular category.
Skills Required in Digital Marketing
1. Data Analysis : Data analytics refers to the use of
functional techniques and modern software to collect
and process extensive collections of data from various
online interactions of your target market. These
interactions come in different forms such as online
transactions, content consumed, search queries, and
other online footprints relevant to your business.
2. Writing and Editing Skills: At the heart of digital
marketing is content. Writing and editing are more than
just producing articles for blog posts and landing
pages. It’s about connecting with your target audience
using relevant messages and convincing them to take
your desired action.
3. SEO and SEM Skills: A well-written blog post or
newsletter is useless if the right people don’t find it.
Remember, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search
Engine Marketing (SEM) are the strategies responsible for
driving traffic to your website. A deeper understanding of
it translates to better execution of the marketing strategies.
Google’s algorithm is constantly upgrading, and the
importance of using relevant and specific keywords have
reached a new high.
4. Listening Skills: One common error brands tend to make
is focusing too much on creating and promoting content.
As a result, they fail to establish a good relationship with
their customers, who are supposed to be the evangelists or
promoters of their business.
5. Email Marketing Skills: Even if email marketing is
considered as an old practice, it’s still one of the most
effective ways to nurture a good relationship between you
and your customers. So, think outside the box and provide
the best email marketing service.
To be able to create a dynamic email marketing campaign,
you must know and understand the right tools, metrics,
and strategies.
6. CRM Skills: Customer Relationship Management
involves strategies you can use to monitor and maximize
customer experience. By understanding customer
interactions and experience, you can connect with them
on a personal and emotional level toward improving your
Digital Marketing Plan
• Understanding of the target audience. A well thought
out marketing plan begins with research to define
the target audience. With a specified target audience, it
will understand the behavior of the customers and
adjust the sales model to help them purchase; speak one
language with a customer and provide real help during
the buyer journey; better understand the needs of the
audience and prepare relevant product launches.
• Efficient use of resources. Having a plan prevents
from spending money on things that are unnecessary
for business and were not mentioned before. it can also
manage the time properly by having clearly defined
deadlines in the marketing plan as well.
3.The same direction for all company departments.
Since all members of the company can access the
plan as a coordination tool, it allows your
company’s team to communicate and accordingly
move in the same direction.

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