Presentation On Surah Naba Day 5

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Tafsir Surah

“An Naba”
Ayat 12

And We made above you seven strong ones ,

And we have built above you Seven strong
• Probably it means with the layers of atmosphere around the earth sphere besides being
thin outwardly it is so strong that it protects the earth from continuous attacks of
heavenly stones.
• As soon as any of the heavenly stone gets absorb in the earth’s sphere, by colliding
with the layers of the atmosphere, it becomes so much hot that it gets burnt and
gradually its ashes rests on the earth.
• If the layers of the atmosphere were not been present around the earth, the cities and
the villages, the days and nights would have been in the exposure of the hurling of
these atmospheric stones.
• Some of the scientists calculated that the thickness of the atmospheric layers is more
than one hundred kilometers and a roof is similar to the iron in its thickness. It defines
Sab’an Shidada
Ayat 13

And We made a shining lamp,

How the SUN benefits us?
• The word Wahaj is taken from the mother word wahj which means light and heat that transmits from the fire. This heavenly
luster of light pointing on the two blessings resembles like yeast that prepares the dough for the bread.
• The light of the sun not only brightens the scene of the life and the solar system, but it has deep effects in the nurturing of the
living beings.
• Its temperature besides giving life directly to human beings, animals and vegetations, it is the real source for the clouds, the
blowing of the winds, pouring of the rains and gives water to dry lands.
• The suns for its ultraviolet rays have great effects in killing the microbes. If it would not had been present the sphere of earth, the
world would have been transformed into a gigantic hospital and may be within a short period of time it would had faced the
danger of erasing the generations of the living beings.
• The sun provides us safe light free of cost, with proper constant distance, not very hot nor burning and not very cold nor
• For instance, if we want to grow an apple from the artificial light and energy then the cost of each apple will become
breathtaking, a creation in the universe, blessed us complimentary and generously the entire favors of life.
• The body of sun is almost one million and 300,000 times larger than the earth and its distance is150 million kilo meters. The
• outward temperature is 6000 degrees centigrade, and its inward temperature is estimated about 20 million degrees. It is
calculated in such a way that, in the case if it gets little more or less in temperature the life of the earth’s inhabitants would have
become barren and hard to continue, almost impossible to live on the earth.
Ayat 14

And We send down from the clouds water pouring forth abundantly,
What the RAIN does?
1. Musirat is the plural Musar its mother word is Asr which means pressure which is pointing
towards the clouds carrying the rains. It is expressing that by squeezing itself with pressure the
clouds pour the rains out. (A point to be noted Musirat is a noun which is mentioning the one
who acts).
2. Certain people interpret that it is not mentioning the quality of the clouds but the air pressurizes
on the clouds to prepare them for the down pour.
3. Sajaj is taken from the word saj means the consecutive and abundant down pour of the water. The
descending of water from sky is the cause of the favors and the effect of prosperity. It purifies the
air and washes away the pollution and takes away impurities and dirt along with itself. It calms
down the hot weather and even modifies the cold weather. Decreases the factors of the diseases
4. provides the joy and delight for the human beings.
5. Referring to all that blessings, the next ayaat identifies the three advantages of the rain and such
mentioned: the purpose of the rains down pour is that the food grains and the vegetation come out
of the earth by means of it.
Group Work
Relay race:
Group 1
Identification: Find 1 verse in Quran that
explains: Skies, Sun, Rain
Group 2
Explanation of the verse and theme
Group 3

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