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Submission of PPT [05/07/2024-15/07-2024]

Round-2.Presentation of track [Share Soon]
Round-3.Implementation and Demonstration of Project and submission [Share Soon]
[For Developing of project you will get a month of time]
AI Speech Coding Competition: Project Details
· UI Development and PDF Upload:
 Create a user-friendly interface that allows users to upload a PDF file.
 Ensure the UI is visually appealing and intuitive.
· Person Identification and Emotion Detection Model:
 Develop a model to identify and extract references to persons (he/she) and place names within the uploaded PDF.
 Detect emotional words within the text and list them on the UI.
· Emotion-Based PDF Reading:
 Implement a model that reads the PDF content with a base voice.
 Ensure the voice modulation reflects the detected emotions appropriately throughout the reading.

Please understand carefully all the above points to develop model

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official@aitchnu.com We wish all participants the best of luck!

AI Speech Coding Competition: PPT Submission Rules
General Guidelines:
1.Slide Limit: Each PPT submission must not exceed 15 slides.
2.File Format: The PPT must be in a readable format such as .ppt or .pptx.
3.Submission Method: Submit your PPT via a Unstop.

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official@aitchnu.com We wish all participants the best of luck!


College Name:
Team Name:
Student Name:
1. Name 1 (Team Lead)
2. Name 2
3. Name 3
4. Name 4



Project Title : Explorative Data Analysis for E-Commerce Business [Yours


Introduction | Project Overview | Methodology | Data Processing | Model Development |

Implementation | Future Scope | Team Intro

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that is transforming industries and shaping the future. From machine
learning algorithms to natural language processing, AI technology is unlocking new possibilities and driving innovation across
various domains.

Project Overview and Objectives

1 Define Scope
Clearly outline the project goals, target applications, and key deliverables.

2 Data Gathering
Collect and curate the necessary data to train and validate AI models.

3 Model Development
Design and implement advanced AI algorithms to solve the identified problem.

Technical Approach and Methodology

Data-driven Approach Iterative Development Interdisciplinary

Utilize a combination of Adopt an agile methodology,
machine learning, deep learning, with frequent testing and Bring together experts from
and other AI techniques to refinement of the AI models. various fields, such as computer
extract insights from data. science, domain-specific
knowledge, and business, to
ensure a holistic solution.

Data Acquisition and Processing

1 Data Sources 2 Data Cleaning
Identify and gather relevant data from Preprocess the data to handle missing
diverse sources, including structured values, remove noise, and ensure data
and unstructured formats. quality.

3 Feature Engineering
Extract and transform the most informative features from the data to enhance model

Model Development and Training

Algorithm Selection Hyperparameter Tuning
Evaluate and choose the most appropriate AI Optimize the model hyperparameters to improve
algorithms based on the project requirements and performance and generalization capabilities.
data characteristics.

Transfer Learning Cross-validation

Leverage pre-trained models and transfer their Implement robust evaluation techniques to ensure
knowledge to accelerate the learning process. the model's reliability and avoid overfitting.

Future Directions and Applications

Healthcare Autonomous Sustainability Personalization

Enhance disease
Vehicles Leverage AI to optimize Deliver customized
diagnosis, drug Develop advanced AI- energy usage, predict experiences and
discovery, and powered systems for climate change, and recommendations based
personalized treatment safer and more efficient support sustainable on individual
plans. transportation. practices. preferences and

This Slide should contain Team Members Name, Email, Phone No., Images(Optional)

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