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Neeraj Singh Rathore
What are sales?
This is a crucial question to be answered. When we hear the word “salesman” an instant image of some sleazy
used car salesman pops to mind, doesn’t it?

More of a modern image we get in our heads is that thought of one of the times a very new sales rep has
popped into our messenger with a, “hey, how are you? I sell XYZ and I think you’d love it! Buy here <insert
link>” which just feels so yucky to receive.

“Sales” and “selling” have become dirty little words.

In reality we all have had incredible sales experiences in our lives. Someone who has helped us.

• can you get behind the idea of helping solve problems?

• Does helping people sound good to you?
• This perspective shift is everything.
“You can have everything you
want in life if you just help
enough other people get what
Zig want.”
Secrets of Closing the Sale,

And that is what sales is all about. Helping someone solve a

“You can have everything you want in life if you just help
enough other people get what they want.” These are words
to live by.
What it should feel like.
Selling to someone feels icky for you and them. You’ll feel like you’re being pushy, they’ll feel obligated and
uncomfortable, you’ll both want it to just be over with. More often than not this will end in failure, or if the
customer buys, it’ll be a return.

So, Lesson 1: Don’t try to sell

Helping someone solve a problem with your product or service feels good for you and them. When you set
out with the intention to help someone with their problem, the energy is completely different.

You will feel it and they will feel it too.

To shift from trying to sell and into creating relationships:
 Start Asking Questions
 Speak to your Customers about Pain Points and their Desires
 Only bring up your product or service as a solution to their problem
 Go into conversations not expecting to make a sale; enter
conversations with the intention to get to know the person and to see
how you can help them (even if that’s referring them to someone else)
the stress will lift, and you’ll have more fun.
 Your job is never to convince anyone, but simply to offer what you
have; the choice to buy or not is theirs, taking the pressure off of you.
Sales musts

 Drop the idea of sales quotas; it will stress you out

 Follow-up; the sale is in the follow-up
 Believe in what you’re selling (if not sell something else)
 Understand that sales = solving problems for people at a profit
Getting Past Feeling ICKY about Money and
Discussing Money with Your Potential Customer
Getting past feeling icky about money has become the villain; horrible, corrupting, the root of all evil.

We are brought up in a society that thinks money is a terrible thing, and that you should never have too much
of it or you are ‘greedy.’ This is complete and utter bull-poo.

Money is energy. Plain and simple. It’s a medium of exchange.

Instead of “hey, can you build me a fence? I can give you 2 goats for it,” we smart humans said, “hey, I don’t
always want to have to trade for goats, let’s create an I.O.U. System with paper and coins that are easy to
carry and can be used for anything’.

Boom money was born.

 Any negative emotion or connotation  Money is what allows you to do, be, and
related to money that you have is simply have more. It allows you to live you
a reflection of the beliefs you’ve picked biggest, fullest, freest life.
up about money, not it’s truth.
 Money is an amplifier. If you are
 We pick these up while we grow up, inherently a good person, money will
from family, mentors, the news, peers, enable you to do more good.
society, etc. You weren’t born with a fear
of money; those beliefs were picked up.  If you are inherently a jerk, money will
allow you to be jerkier.
 That means you can release them and
implant new supportive beliefs.
Discussing Money with your Potential Customer

Everyone who is new to sales, and even some who have been at it for a while, can feel incredibly nervous
discussing the price.

 First of all, there are customers for every price range. If price is always an issue with the people you’re
talking to, you just need to reconsider your niche.

 Second, you have to believe the price of your product or service is a GREAT value. If you don’t believe
it, neither will they. Confidence in your price is crucial.

So, when someone asks about the price… tell them! Confidently! Do not apologize for the price, if you
believe in the price you will know it’s worth every penny and give a very brief overview of what they get.
I am confident in my product because

My product is worth every penny and then some because


When I give the price, this is what I will say

If you’re working as a distributor, sales rep, affiliate marketer, or simply don’t have full control over setting
the price of the goods or services you sell, then your #1 job is to find the value.
 Take your time and think about the product or service and the transformation it provides the customer.
Think about how valuable it is.
 Find confidence in the price, so much so that you simply can’t believe it’s ONLY that price!
 Sorry! But there is no cheat sheet; a method, or any logical way to set a price.
 You could compare to other people in the same field but you’d be disappointed. This will make you feel
even more confused and overwhelmed, and this goes for both products and services.
 For examples:
Life coach’s fees (services)
price of shoes (product)

 Your Pricing must Be in Energetic Alignment; you have to stand behind your price.
 Believe in the price because your potential buyers will feel that energy and be put off.
 The transformation your product or service provides should always exceed the dollar value. This will
always leave you and your customers feeling very happy.
The questions we need to answer are:

What price feels so low that I’d feel like it wasn’t worth my time ____________________________

What price feels so high that it feels like too much to ask? _________________________________

Now, Take a decision

My price will be: ________________________________________________________________________
One of the best things you can do, for any product or service you sell, is to sit down for 10-20
minutes and really investigate the value. Once you do this, you won’t believe what a deal your
customers are getting! It will give you so much price confidence you’ll never hesitate to mention
the price ever again.

The value behind my product/service is_______________________________________________.

Knowing its value makes me feel_____________________________________________________.

The belief you have in your product or service is going to effect how you feel about it and that will affect how
you talk about it.

If you don’t believe, what you are selling will help someone else, why would anyone else?
You should always believe in what you are selling – if you don’t, find something else to sell.

Ask these questions to yourself to build a belief in yourself:

The great aspects of my product and service are ________________________________________.

The benefits my customers will receive are ______________________________________________.

The transformation my clients will get from using my product/ service is ___________________.
Like one of the most overlooked elements in sales, and business in general, is the ‘vibe’ or ‘energetic’ element.
We live in an energetic universe. Everything at it’s base is energy, and we know the like attracts like.

With this knowledge we change the way we think about sales and business overall. Your energy is your most
important aspect. No matter your words or your skills, more than any of that your prospects will pick up on the
energy behind your message.

 Build relationships with people.

 Genuinely learn to care about people.
 You will find more joy in your work and a whole new
appreciation for what you do and for your customers.
 It will change the entire way you do business.
Words Speaking
 Speak authentically. Be you, no holds  Your voice conveys the meaning behind
barred. your words.

 The more honest you are, the more you  Your inflection, the melodic quality of
stand in your power, the more your tribe your voice, the volume, whether you
will find you. speak from your head, chest, or pelvic
floor, it effects the way your words are
Did you know that your words only account for about 5-8% of your believability? Roughly 38%of
believability comes from the tone of your voice, and 55% comes from your body language. All of these are
influenced by your energy, and your energy is created from your beliefs.

Body language
 Your stance, gestures, and the truthfulness in your eyes speak
volumes to your prospect.

 One of the best ways to foster trust is by mirroring the body

language of the person you are talking to.

 This fosters trust subconsciously; they will feel understood

because you behave as they do.`
Pay Attention to the Words Your Prospect Says
As human being we have three main ways we perceive our world; sight, sound, and feel. We call these three
modalities Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.

While we all experience all three ways of perceiving, each of us leans more towards one of these 3. once you
understand how a person perceives and dominantly interacts in the world, you can speak in their language.

For example: if you are speaking to a visual person you would do well to incorporate words such as: see,
look, observe, view.

Visual people make up the majority, with roughly 60-70% of people.

They perceive mostly through sight.

Visuals always say things like, “I see what you mean,” or “That looks right to me.” Pictures, charts, graphs,
and watching help visuals understand.


Auditory people are the second largest group making up approximately 30% of people. They understand
best through what they hear.

Often you will hear them repeat instructions to themselves to solidify what they are learning.

They will say things like, “ I hear you,” or, “That sounds right.” Listening to lectures, audio recordings and
speaking helps them learn best.

Kinesthetic people are the rarest type, making up only about 5-7% of all people.
They perceive things through feeling and understand their world through doing and engaging.

Their decisions depend on how they feel about you more than what you say, so your energy will impact
them the most.

They usually say “That feels right”, or, “I sense that”. Action and engagement in doing something or trying
something helps kinesthetic people the best.
Some ways to vibe in a way that will be attractive to
potential clients:
 Be grateful; write out a gratitude list every day.

 Set the intention to help people.

 Spend 5 minutes visualizing your day in the morning and

give thanks for everything you plan to do going well.

 Give thanks to new customers before you get them.

 To give thanks for sales before they happen.

 Remind yourself daily the value of what you offer.

 If you have customers whose lives have been changed by

your product or service, remind yourself of their stories.
 Stand in superman pose before you begin working; this will make you feel
confident. (feet-width, hands in fists resting on your waist, chest out, chin up)

 Keep learning and reading about sales and marketing; the more confident you
are the easier it will be to talk about it.

 Know you are only going out to offer what you have, not to convince anyone
to get it.

 Have fun; play some light music while you reach out or before or after your
sales calls/meetings.

 Commit to a daily routine that incorporates mindset practices.

The importance of selling to the right people

You can have the best product ever…but for who?

All too often entrepreneurs try to sell to everyone. When you try to talk to everyone you end up talking
to no one.

Trying to bring on customers who have conflicting world views is going to cause you anguish in the
long run. Speak your truth find your tribe and you’ll be much happier.

How do we define a niche?

There is no ‘one right way’ to do this so, go with what feels right.
 We sell things that we use and believe in
ourselves. In this case you are your own
client avatar. Who were you before you found
this product or service?

 Think of your product and the person you

envision using it. This might take need some
brainstorming. Who would most be drawn to

 Find statistics online. Google is our best

friend; a lot of data is available for free online
showing buyer insights. You could also invest
in purchasing analytics.
Brain storming
 What are all of the things that come to mind when I think about my niche?_______________________

 Who are you serving? Lets get clear on this:

My Niche Market Is…
My Ideal Client Demographics Is: _______________________________________________________.

My Ideal Client Enjoys These Hobbies In Their Spare Time:_________________________________.

My Client Struggles With:_______________________________________________________________.

My Client Wants:_______________________________________________________________________.

My Ideal Clients Gets Excited About:____________________________________________________.

My Clients Goals Are:___________________________________________________________________.

My Ideal Clients Responds Best To:_______________________________________________________.

Questions you can ask about your Ideal clients to get a deeper insight of the
person you are talking to.

• • Are they parents, want to be parents, or don’t want

How old are they?
• Are they single or married?
• What do they like to spend their time doing?
• Where do they live?
• What are their aspirations?
• Do they rent or own their home?
• Do they have a sense of humor?
• What’s most important to them?
• Are they a perfectionist ?
• What fears do they have?
• Have they started working on their dream yet?
• Are they an introvert or extrovert?

• Do they have a job? • Are they more visual, audio or kinesthetic?

Finding customers

Where to find customers?

Well, social media has made it incredibly easy. Knowing your niche makes it easier to find the right people. Here
are some suggestions for getting in front of your market:

 Start a Facebook page: Business pages can be easily found. Once you have your excellent organic reach
you can consider doing paid advertising to help get your unique brand in front in front of new prospects and
 Join groups: Your work on determining your niche gave you some valuable insights: their interests. So, use the search
bar and find various groups around those interests. Engage and friend people you like.

 Ask for referrals: While having conversations with different people, be sure you let them know what you do and to ask
them for referrals. You might not get an instant response but often you hear back from them with suggestions.

 Don’t hide your business: Whatever social media platform you use, it shouldn’t take more than 3 scrolls to see who
you are and what you do.

 Op-in: Create a freebie for an email opt in to bring in new prospects. E-mail lists are not dead!

 Get exposure: Connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs and collaborate with them. Get yourself onto podcasts and
blogs as a guest to reach a whole new audience.

 Show up daily: Being present and consistent is one of the most important things you can do.
Starting the sales conversation
Just can’t click the block button fast enough on people who send random messages on skin care solutions,
financial advise, weight issues and what not! And while blocking the thought that comes to mind is that –
how they criticize someone without any knowledge and then ask someone for sale. That cannot be a business

Build relationships

Real sales are not about building relationships. There is no instance in which you should be trying to sell
someone in the very first message you send them in a private message after the have shown interest on one of
your posts.
Overcoming objections
“I don’t have time” and “I can’t afford it” are the two most common objections we hear. These little phrases most
sales people see as stop signs. But these aren’t stop signs, these are green lights.

An objection means, “I’m interested but I don’t have enough information to make a decision,” or “I’m interested
but I’m not sure how to make this work. I have a problem; can you help me with it?”

Answer objections before they have them

• What objections are you hearing repeatedly? Start addressing them in your sales copy.

• People share the same obstacles often; time and money are ones you’ll get from everyone.

• Start providing them with the solution to help them address the obstacle they think they have.
Feel Felt Found

Even when we address issues in our sales copy we can still have objections in one to one conversations. This
method is the best way for you to help your prospect. This is a better way to relate to their pain point by sharing
your experience and presenting them with a solution.

• “I understand how you feel. I felt the same way. What I found was ___________________”
Rejection Remember
Rejection. It is going to happen. It doesn’t matter who Your job is NOT to convince anyone. Its simply to let them
you are, we all face it. know the offer.

For that fact alone… Celebrate! It has nothing to do Sales is a numbers game. The more people you talk to the
with you! more ‘yeses’ you’ll get.

You are simply fantastic. The client isn’t your ideal Work on your message, narrow your niche, and speak with
client when they say no. authenticity, vulnerability, and authority, you will attract
right people with more ‘yeses’.
No is liberation to move onto the someone else. No is
the path to yes.

I am amazing, and I do not need approval from others. What makes me amazing is,________________
Follow ups-

The Sale is in the follow up

 Write that on a sticky note and stick it to your computer monitor. One of the biggest mistakes is not following
up. Statistically most people buy on 5 th-7th follow up.

 People are Busy! Your business and sales may be your biggest priority, but for them its just a small part of
their day.

 How you follow up depends on where your conversation left off.

 Sometimes just checking in to say “hello” works- you’d be surprised how often they will bring it up!

So be a friend, build those relationships, check in on people, and don’t be afraid to remind them.
Asking for the sale AKA offering

You’ve have talked, they’re excited, you’re excited… and… you don’t
know what to say.
Sweat pools, pulse picks up, panic sets in.
Now what? How do I do this?
Everything has been smooth until here, what if I mess this up?
And….. You are now the deer in the headlights.
 Having a plan in place for getting your customer to take action on the offer will help to confidently present
They are interested, you can solve their problem, so tell them how!

 Assume the sale. And talk to your prospect as if they are going to say yes.

Practice asking for the sale for your product/service: _____________________________

Closing the sale
Closing the sale is really just guiding the customer on how to take action on what they are already interested

Again, remind yourself that it’s not your job to convince, just to offer. So, offer them the way to buy from
you! They need help to take the next step

Practice asking for the sale for your product/service: _____________________________

Think Big – Sell in bulk
Leveraging your product or service is one of the best ways to help more people and exponentially increase
your profits.

Challenge yourself to find new creative ways to sell your product or service to a larger crowd.

If you have a product, look for ways to distribute. Store chains, monthly shipment boxes, online distributors,
people with large e-mail lists, etc.

If you have a service, how can you make it benefit more people?
Automate sales
Once you have a solid marketing plan that targets
your niche, and you are having excellent organic
engagement, automating your business is the next

A sales funnel allows you to reach more

customers, Build an e-mail list, and help your
market go from prospect to customer and auto

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