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Syifa 2024
Job Application Letter
A job application letter : COVER
 should be sent or uploaded with your

resume when applying for jobs.

 Resume (CV) : offers a history of your

work experience and an outline of

your skills and accomplishments
 The job application letter you send to
an employer: explains why you are
qualified for the position and should
be selected for an interview.
 A well-written application letter can

inspire hiring managers to call you for

an interview, propelling you forward in
the application process.
 When you’re applying for a job, a
cover letter lets you show a personal
side and demonstrate why hiring you
is a smart decision.
 Cover letters should be around three

paragraphs long and include specific

examples from your past experience
that make you qualified for the
A cover letter should include the
following parts:



Body paragraph

Closing paragraph

Letter ending and signature

 Length: should be no more than one page
long. Three to four paragraphs is typical.
 Format and Page Margins: should be

single-spaced with a space between each

paragraph. Use about 1" margins and
align your text to the left, which is the
standard alignment for most documents.
 Font: Use a traditional font such as Times

New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size

should be between 10 and 12 points.
Medical Assistant
Surgical Technician
A letter of application should begin
with both your and the employer's
contact information (name, address,
phone number, email) followed by the
 If this is an email rather than an actual

letter, include your contact

information at the end of the letter,
after your signature.

 This is your polite greeting.

 The most common salutation is "Dear
Mr./Ms." followed by the person's last name
Body of the letter: Think of this section as
being three distinct parts.

In the first paragraph,

• Mention the job you are applying for and where you saw the job

The next paragraph(s) : the most important part

• Remember how you gathered all that information about what employers were seeking, and
how you could meet their needs? This is where you'll share those relevant details on your
experience and accomplishments.
The third and last part of the body
of the letter

• will be your thank you to the employer; you

can also offer follow-up information.
Complimentary Close
 Signoff your email with a polite close,
such as "Best" or "Sincerely," followed
by your name.
 When you're sending or uploading a
printed letter, end with your signature,
handwritten, followed by your typed
 If this is an email, simply include your

typed name, followed by your contact

How To Get Started
 Before you begin writing your job application
letter, do some groundwork.
 Consider what information you want to

include (keeping in mind that space is

 Remember, this letter is making a case for

your candidacy for the position.

 Highlight your most relevant skills,

experiences, and abilities.

Tips for Writing an Effective Letter
 Always write one. : If they do ask you to send a
letter, make sure to follow the directions exactly.
 Use business letter format.: Include your contact
information at the top, the date, and the
employer’s contact information. Be sure to
provide a salutation at the beginning, and your
signature at the end.
 Sell yourself.: focus on how you would benefit the
company. Provide specific examples of times
when you demonstrated skills or abilities that
would be useful for the job, especially those
listed in the job posting or description.
 Use keywords. : circling any keywords (skills
or abilities that are emphasized in the listing)
 will help the employer see that you are a
strong fit for the job.
 Keep it brief. : no more than about four

paragraphs  more likely to read a concise

 Proofread and edit.: ask a friend or career

counselor to review the letter. Proofread for

any grammar or spelling errors
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
 For career beginners, writing a CV for
the first time can feel daunting, but
it’s a necessary step to one day
landing your dream job.
 A curriculum vitae (otherwise known

as a CV or resume) is essentially a
marketing tool that showcases your
skills, experience, and education to
potential employers.
 Applying for a job, a great CV is
essential  the best chance of getting
an interview.
 Looking for work  need an attractive,

clear and memorable CV (curriculum

vitae) that shows your potential
employer all the skills and experience
you have for the job.
 Your CV should include your name
and contact information, an overview
of your education, your academic and
related employment (especially
teaching,editorial, or administrative
experience), your research projects
(including conference papers and
publications), and your departmental
and community service.
What to Include in a CV
Contact Information.

Resume Summary or Resume Objective.

Work Experience.


you can also include some of the
optional sections such as:

 Hobbies & Interests  Awards

 Languages  Volunteering
 Certifications Experience
 Publications (If  Projects
you’re a writer or  Extracurricular
academic) Activities
 Training
How to write a CV: A beginner's
guide for career starters
1. Include internships and volunteer roles.
2. Lead with your education.
3. Keep it concise.
4. Customize your CV for each job
5. Use bullet points and clean design
6. Action verbs to demonstrate results.
7. Talk about your results.
8. Proofread, proofread, proofread.
Eight useful tips
1. Keep it short … but not too short!: one to
two sides of A4 paper. Too much information
 summarise and select the most relevant
points. Shorter than a page  consider
including more information about your skills
and the responsibilities you had in your
previous roles.
2. Use active verbs.: describe what you have
achieved in previous jobs  use active verbs
for a strong positive effect on the reader.
3. Fill in the gaps. : Avoid leaving gaps
in your employment history. If you
were travelling the world, on
maternity leave or looking after small
children, include that in your CV.
4. Make sure it's up to date.: Always
ensure your CV is up to date. Include
your most recent experience at the
top of each section.
5. Don't exaggerate or lie.: check
information about where you have studied
and worked  Don't be tempted to lie or
exaggerate about your expertise, sooner or
later this will be discovered  losing the
6. Spend time on the layout.: Make sure your
CV is clear and easy to read. Use bullet
points and appropriate spacing, keep your
sentences short, line up your lists
neatly and use a professional-looking font
(e.g. Arial font size 12).
7. Check for mistakes.: Mistakes on a
CV create a bad impression. Use spell
check, reread your CV and ask
someone else to check it for you too
before you send it.
8. Include a cover letter.: When you
send your CV to apply for a job, you
should send it with a cover letter or
email to introduce your application.
 Buat lah sebuah surat lamaran pekerjaan
beserta curriculum vitae
 Dikumpul paling lambat tgl 15 Juli 2024

 Ke email:

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