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Smoked Tilapia

(Tinapa na Tilapia)
Presented by: Hannah Jane Reyes
What is Smoked Fish?
• Smoking is the process of flavoring, browning, cooking,
or preserving food by exposing it to smoke from burning or smoldering
material, most often wood.
• Smoking can be done in four ways: cold smoking, warm smoking, hot
smoking, and through the employment of "liquid smoke“. However, these
methods of imparting smoke only affect the food surface, and are unable
to preserve food, thus, smoking is paired with other microbial hurdles (,
such as chilling and packaging, to extend food shelf-life
Cold smoking
• Cold smoking differs from hot smoking in that the food remains raw,
rather than cooked, throughout the smoking process
• Smokehouse temperatures for cold smoking are typically done between 20
to 30 °C (68 to 86 °F). In this temperature range, foods take on a smoked
flavor, but remain relatively moist
• Cold smoking does not cook foods, and as such, meats should be fully
cured before cold smoking.
Warm smoking
• Warm smoking exposes foods to temperatures of 25–40 °C (77–104 °F)

Liquid smoke
• A product derived from smoke compounds in water, is applied to foods
through spraying or dipping
Hot smoking
• Hot smoking requires the use of a smoker which generates heat either
from a charcoal base, heated element within the smoker or from a stove-
top or oven; food is hot smoked by cooking and flavoured with wood
smoke simultaneously
• Like cold smoking, the item may be hung first to develop a pellicle; it is
then smoked from 1 hour to as long as 24 hours
• Hot smoking usually occurs within the range of 52 to 80 °C (126 to
176 °F)
How to make Smoked Tilapia?
• 15 – 16 whole tilapia
• 100g salt
• 1L water
• Hickory wood chunks for smoking (Soak wood chunks in water two days
before using them)
For the Brine:

1. In a large bowl or small bucket add warm water and dissolve the salt.
2. Clean the fish and add the brine onto the fish.
3. I just use our kitchen sink for this (make sure your sink is clean and rinsed
4. Let it brine for 1 hour while stirring the brine every ten minutes.
5. The rule of thumb: brine the fish for ½ an hour for every half inch (thickness)
of fish.
6. After an hour remove the fish from the brine, rinse it well, and set aside.
The Smoker:

1. Depending on your smoker, the best way to do this is to keep the fish
away from the heat source as much as possible.
2. Place your fish on the rack and add your wood chunks to the heat source.
3. Cover the smoker and let it smoke for 1 ½ hour.
4. You will need to add wood chunks every 20 minutes to keep the smoke
5. Set aside and pack with appropriate packaging
Suggested packaging:
Laminated Nylon/PE 85µ-115µ
• High puncture resistance
• Thermal stability
• Flexible
• Good product display and appearance

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